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Sunburst chart

Sunburst Chart


This is a sun-like chart with branching rays. The circle in the center is the root node, and the rays that move outward are the child elements. Each value in the chart occupies an area with the boundaries defined by the starting angle and the scanning angle. The larger the value which should be displayed on the chart, the larger the scanning angle.


The chart is suitable for analyzing each level of the hierarchy.

Starting angle

The starting angle is the property determining from which angle the building of the Sunburst chart will start. The initial value is -90, i.e. the building starts from the top cental point. To change the angle, it is necessary to use the StartAngle` property.

sunburst.StartAngle = 35;

Text direction

In the Sunburst chart, the text direction can be changed. To do this, change the TextDirecion property of the Sunburst object. There are 2 types of text direction:

  1. Radial - in this mode, the text will be directed as rays from the center;
  2. Tangential - in this mode, the text will be displayed circle-wise inside the chart.
Sunburst sunburst = new Sunburst();
// Radial text display mode for the Sunburst chart
sunburst.TextDirection = TextDirection.Radial;
// Tangential text display mode for the Sunburst chart
sunburst.TextDirection = TextDirection.Tangetial;