Installing into Visual Studio Toolbox
To install the FastReport Business Graphics
components into Visual Studio Toolbox manually, do the following:
- delete the
FastReport Business Graphics
category from the Toolbox if it is there; - create a new category (to do this, right-click the Toolbox and select "Add Tab" item) or select the existing category into which you would like to add the FastReport components;
- right-click on the selected category and select "Choose Items...";
- in the window that opens, click the "Browse..." button and select the FastReport.BG.dll file (located in the "C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport.BG" folder);
- close the window with the OK button.
After that, you will see the following visual FastReport Business Graphics
components in the category you had selected:
- Treemap;
- Bubble;
- Sunburst;
- Icicle;
- BreadCrumbs;
- GanttChart.