Reporting must be fast FastReport VCL Enterprise
Version: 2025.1.8
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List of available reports at the server

1.Basic reports
01.Simple listDemonstrates how to create simple list report.
02.Simple groupDemonstrates how to create simple report with one group. Group breaked each time when first letter of company name changes.
03.Nested groupsThis report shows how to use multiple groups.
04.Master-Detail-SubdetailDemonstrates how to create Master/Detail/SubDetail report. This report contains three data-bands which are connected to datasets.
05.Master-Detail-DetailDemonstrates how to create Master/Detail/Detail reports. Just put on the page one MasterData band and two DetailData bands and connect each of them to the appropriate dataset. Of course, you can create Master/Master, Master/Detail/Detail/Detail and other reports with the same way.
06.Multi-column listDemonstrates how to create simple report with columns. Just set number of columns in page options.
07.Multi-column bandsThis example shows how to print multi-column bands. To make data-band multi-column, set its Columns property to 2 or more.
08.Memos and picturesDemonstrates how to create simple list report with images and memos from DB fields. DB field placed in the memo of objects.
09.Split bandsDemonstrates how to break long memos. Set "Stretched" and "AllowSplit" options of the MasterData band and "Stretched" option of the object with long memo.
10.SubreportsThis example shows how to create nested reports using subreport component.
11.Side-by-Side subreportsDemonstrates how to create side-by-side subreports. Each subreport can have different number of records.
12.Report with title pageThis report contains two pages (title and list). You can have several pages in your report. Each page can contains one report and can have own paper settings (size, margins, orientation and etc).
13.URLs, anchorsThis report demonstrates how to use URLs and anchors. To assign an URL to an object, just fill in its URL property. If first symbol of this property is '#', this is an anchor (it should be added in the script by Engine.AddAnchor method). First '@' symbol means a page number. Otherwise it is treated as an URL (for example,
14.Keep group togetherThis report shows how to keep all group records together on the page.
15.Totals in group headerThis report demonstrates how to show group total in the group header. The report is two-pass report. On first pass the group totals are accumulated in the variables, on final pass they are printed in the group header.
16.Detail Report PageDemonstrates how to create interactive report that will display the detailed report when you click an item in the preview window. To create such report: - setup the "Hyperlink" property of the clickable object: - set the "Kind" to "Report page"; - set the "Page Name" to the name of the report page that contains the detail report; - set "Report variable" to the variable's name of the that will be set to hyperlink's value - "SelectedCompany"; - set "Expression" to . Now you should filter out the detail page records. Use DataBand.Filter property: =
01.One rowDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project. To configure cross-tab, double-click it.
02.One columnDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
03.One row, one columnDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
04.Two rowsDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
05.Two rows, one columnDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
06.Two columns, one rowDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
07.Two cell valuesDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
08.HighlightDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
09.Two cross-tabsDemonstrates how to print cross-tab reports with TfrxCrossView object. To use this object, include TfrxCrossObject component from FR component palette into your project.
10.Cross from non-DB dataThis report uses non-DB data for a cross-tab. Data is filled in the OnBeforePrint script of the cross object.
11.Cross-bandsDemonstrates old-style cross-tabs.
Countries reportDemonstrates how to use charts.
Exchange ratesDemonstrates how to use charts (28 sql-queryes).
01.Rotation, fills and shapesNew rotation types, fill styles, shadow, shapes.
02.BarcodeThis report demonstrates different barcodes.
03.HTML and textThis reports shows new features of a text object, namely, HTML tags and flow text to another text object. To make a text object able to show simple HTML tags, set its AllowHTMLTags property to true. To make a text object able to carry out a long text to another text object, set its FlowMemo property to that object.
04.Preview outlineThis report shows how to put items in the preview outline control. Some bands (all data bands and group headers) have OutlineText property. You can put a value into this property and FR will automatically build a report outline. You can use it for navigation in the preview.
Unicode reportDemonstrates how to create simple unicode report.
5.Dialogs and script
01.Ask for parametersDemonstrates how to pass a parameter from dialog form to the report.
02.Client-server dialogsDemonstrates how to use interactive client-server reports.
03.Dialog queryDemonstrates how to create simple list report with an internal query.
04.Dialog and scriptThis report shows how to use dialog selection filter and scripts in client-server mode.

Parameters testing

1.Page navigator

01.Simple list on single page without page navigator
2.Pages view

01.Simple list on single page
02.Simple list on multi page
3.Page range

01.Nested groups pages 1-2 on single page without pagenavigator
4.Custom variables

01.Simple list with Param1='Test param1' and Param2='Test param2'
5.Export to any formats

01.Simple list in PDF
02.Nested groups in PDF
03.Two rows, one column in PDF
04.Outline in PDF
05.Countries in PDF
06.Simple list in RTF
07.Multi-column bands in XML
08.Multi-column bands in XLS
09.Simple group in TXT
10.Simple group in FP3
11.Simple group in JPG
12.Simple list in ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet)