
1. Juli 2020

How to create an invoice from a Delphi application

The article describes how to creae an invoce in a Dephi application by FastReport VCL.
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18. Juni 2020

How to hide a report page if you don't have data on it

The article describes how to hide report page without data.
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3. Juni 2020

How to hide unnecessary items from the Web Report toolbar

The article describes how to hide any toolbar items for FastReport .Net WebReport
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31. Mai 2020

How to create business cards from ASP .NET Core application

The article describes how to create business cards from ASP .NET Core application.
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31. Mai 2020

Wie man eine benutzerdefinierte Symbolleiste für Web FastReport.NET Bericht erstellt

Der Artikel beschreibt, wie man eine benutzerdefinierte Symbolleiste für die Berichtsvorschau in einer ASP.NET MVC-Anwendung erstellt.
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31. Mai 2020

Anpassen des Reportdesigners

Der Artikel beschreibt, wie man einen benutzerdefinierten Reportdesigner für den FastReport.NET Reportgenerator erstellt
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30. Mai 2020

How to create a sales receipt from a WinForms application

The article describes how to create sales receipt from WinForms application.
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28. Mai 2020

How to create business cards from a WinForms application

The article describes how to create business cards from user WinForms application.
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