
15. November 2019

How to connect the IBM DB2 database in reports designer FastReport.Net

We connect the plugin, which is a connector to the report designer, in order to use the DB2 database. We collect it from the project. The resulting FastReport.DB2.dll library is a plugin.
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15. November 2019

How to connect to VistaDB

The Vista database is designed to be embedded in the client application as a file. Vista is used in only one application and is not intended to be shared.
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15. November 2019

How to connect to OracleDB from FastReport .NET

To create a data source and a connection string to it, use the connector from FastReport. This includes source codes with various demo projects and additions.
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15. November 2019

How to connect to Firebird from FastReport.Net

The FastReport.Net designer provides a plug-in connector, which must first be assembled in the project. Before creating a data source in a report, make sure that FireBird is configured correctly.
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11. November 2019

How to connect to SQLCe

To connect to the SQL Ce database, the FastReport.Net has a plug-in connector for the reporting designer.
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11. November 2019

Connection to NosDB (NoSQL)

NosDB is a prominent representative of the NoSQL databases. It is designed for use on the .Net platform and has open source. NosDb, like many other non-relational databases, has a high speed and good linear scalability. In this article, we'll look at the way to connect to the NosDb database inside the report with a plug-in for the designer. As you know, you can connect plug-ins to a report designer that expands the functionality of the program. One of the areas of expansion of functionality is connectors to different databases. Indeed, it takes a lot of time to find, install and set connectors for different databases. FastReport allows you to create plugins that make the process of connecting to data as much easier as possible.
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11. November 2019

How to connect to RavenDB

Recently, the NoSQL database is gaining more and more popularity. They differ favourably from conventional relational databases and provide the following: high resilience, incredibly large amounts of data, good scalability, clustering. One of the new NoSQL databases is RavenDB. This is a document-oriented database, like the popular MongoDB. But compared to the last, RavenDB is an open source database. This means you can use it in your apps for free and add functionality according to your wish.
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14. Oktober 2019

How to display report pages on separate sheets in Excel

Until recently, the export of multi-page reports in Excel format was done on one sheet.
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