3. Oktober 2018

Die neue Version von FastReport .VCL - 6.2



  • Die neuerlich veröffentlichte Version von FastReport VCL 6.2 hat eine Möglichkeit, Karten aus den dynamischen Anfragen zu visualisieren. Das „Map“ Objekt ladet direkt die Koordinaten aus der Datenbank mit der Unterstützung von den WKT und WKB Formaten.
  • Die Methode der Verschiebung der Objekte wurde optimiert und verbessert. Jetzt ist es möglich einen Report mit komplizierter Verschiebung der Objekte nach der Wahl der verfügbaren Optionen zu erstellen.
  • Das Speichern der Reporte im Browser wurde vereinfacht und braucht jetzt keine äußeren Komponenten.
  • Auch gibt es einen neuen Barcode im Einsatz: GS1-Code128 mit automatisierter Encoding gemäß des GS1 Standards.
  • Das Objekt "Guide Linie" im Report Designer sowie Export Filters in PDF, SVG und HTML5 wurden auch ausgiebig verarbeitet.

+ Added new map layer which allows to load geo-data from DB (supports WKT and WKB)
* Internet transports improved and removed dependencies from third-party components (removed Indy HTTPS dependency)

+ Added new CanShrink property for all stretchable objects
* Re-worked and optimized standard shift mechanism (ShiftEngine = seTree)
+ Added new linear shift mechanism (mechanism can be changed by ShiftEngine property of Band. ShiftEngine = seLinear)
- Fixed TfrxReport in the object inspector
- Fixed TfrxPreviewForm.FormClose

- Fixed loading of TfrxReport.PrintIfEmpty property
- Fixed XLSX export for MS Excel 2003 compatibility
- Fixed page number editor in the preview
- Fixed 2D barcodes scaling when AutoSize = False and FontScaled = False
- Fixed preview's restoring in the C++ Builder
+ Added CharCase property for dialog controls
- Fixed GS1 Code 128 encoding

- Fixed OnContentChanged event for some cases
- Fixed font's exporting in the TfrxDOCXExport
- Fixed TfrxMemoView with Clipped = False in the preview
- Fixed expressions processing for memos with DataField
+ Added possibility to set custom font color in the style editor
+ Added ParagraphGap in the DOCX export
- Fixed ParagraphGap in the HTML export

- Fixed ParagraphGap in the RTF export
- Fixed LineSpacing in the RTF export
+ Added TfrxPreview.PageSetupDialog for C++Builder compatibility

- Fixed expressions in the TfrxRichView for Windows 10
- Fixed font embedding in PDF export for some fonts
- Fixed height calculation of memo object for large font size
- Fixed issue when CheckBox.Checked state doesn't save properly
- Fixed PDF export bug when some text may appears as RTL

- Fixed error when TfrxDBDataset.UserName = report's object name
- Fixed TfrxDBDataset.Next for RangeEnd = reCurrent and RangeBegin = rbCurrent
* Cross Editor form is scaled now
- Fixed Indy 10 with Delphi 7
- Fixed editors' windows restoring (menu View-Options-Restore defaults)
* Changed function GetStreamHash to procedure for C++Builder compatibility

- Fixed frame width in the DOCX and XLSX exports
- Fixed bad export output of RTF tables with page breaks

- Fixed division by zero in the PDF export
- Fixed bug in Biff8 export when old Excel versions won't open document
- Fixed Self value when using in Table cells
+ Added new helpers for Guidelines
- Fixed bug with MouseEnter/Leave events under x64 environment

* Changed method name TfrxView.GetMetaFile to GetVectorGraphic for C++Builder compatibility
- Fixed export of Table object via EMF processor
- Added EMR_PIE processing via EMF
+ Added Lazarus package (first Alpha version of main package)

- Fixed export Hebrew font via EMF processor
- Fixed crash when using the report Designer on panel
- Fixed export of Table object in PDF
- Fixed issue when DialogForm appears twice for DetailPage report

* Improved PDF and SVG export for Rotated text
- Fixed RTF export when document with page breaks had wrong objects size
- Fixed events for objects inside table when AutoSize set to False
+ Added new events for TfrxUserDataset (OnGetBlobValue/OnIsBlobField) for blobs processing
- Fixed PDF structure which may cause incorrect output in some PDF Viewers
- Fixed searching of expressions inside RichText with linebreak under Windows8 and above
- Fixed interactive objects events in preview (which may causes map shaking)
+ Added RTTI for USPS Intelligent Mail and GS1 Code128 barcodes
- Fixed initial values for USPS Intelligent Mail and GS1 Code128 barcodes
+ Added RTTI for TfrxCellurarTextObject

+ Added new barcode auto-encode GS1-Code128 (use simple GS1 rules)
- Fixed Crosstab bug with OnCalcWidth event when returned Width = MaxWidth
- Fixed memory leak in the TfrxMailExport with Indy
- Fixed FIB packages
- Fixed export filter error when DefaultPath not empty and FileName with full path

+ Added handing of Crosstab.OnCalcWidth event when AutoSize set to false
- Fixed Docx export with east Asia fonts names
- Fixed error caused by OnReportClickObject event
- Fixed issue when frxDotMatrixExport shows save file dialog
- Fixed shift mechanism for Table object
- Fixed FlowTo mechanism for objects used inside Table object

+ Added TfrxReportPage.AlignChildren support in the script RTTI
- Fixed Unknown error(1110) in the TfrxMailExport
- Fixed issue when decreasing height of column in OnCalcHeight event cut off text in column header
- Fixed bug when changing export ShowDialog property in AfterPrint event doesn't work
- Fixed bug with TfrxDBDataSet.OnNext event

18. Dezember 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
12. Dezember 2024

FastReport .NET unterstützt jetzt .NET 9: Was ist neu?

Die rechtzeitige Anpassung von Tools an neue Plattformversionen ist für den Komfort der Entwickler von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit der Version 2025.1.8 unterstützt FastReport .NET jetzt .NET 9.
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