21. September 2007

FastReport 4.4 released!

What is new in the version 4.4
+ added support for CodeGear RAD Studio 2007
+ improved speed of PDF, HTML, RTF, XML, ODS, ODT exports
+ added TfrxReportPage.BackPictureVisible, BackPicturePrintable properties
+ added rtti for the TfrxCrossView.CellFunctions property
+ added properties TfrxPDFExport.Keywords, TfrxPDFExport.Producer, TfrxPDFExport.HideToolbar,
TfrxPDFExport.HideMenubar, TfrxPDFExport.HideWindowUI, TfrxPDFExport.FitWindow,
TfrxPDFExport.CenterWindow, TfrxPDFExport.PrintScaling
+ added ability recompile frxFIB packages in "recompile wizard"
+ added ability to set color property for all teechart series which support it
+ added, setting frame style for each frame line in style editor
+ added TfrxPreview.Locked property and TfrxPreview.DblClick event
+ added 'invalid password' exception when load report without crypt
+ added new parameter to InheritFromTemplate (by default = imDefault) imDefault - show Error dialog, imDelete - delete duplicates, imRename - rename duplicates
+ added property TfrxRTFExport.AutoSize (default is "False") for set vertical autosize in table cells
* redesigned dialog window of PDF export
* improved WYSIWYG in PDF export
- fixed bug, the PageFooter band overlap the ReportSummary band when use EndlessHeight
- fixed bug with lage paper height in preview
- fixed bug with outline and encryption in PDF export
- fixed bug with solid arrows in PDF export
- fixed bug when print TfrxHeader on a new page if ReprintOnNewPage = true and KeepFooter = True
- fixed bug when used AllowSplit and TfrxGroupHeader.KeepTogether
- fixed page numbers when print dotMatrix report without dialog
- fixed bug with EndlessHeight in multi-columns report
- fixed font dialog in rich editor
- [fs] fixed bug when create TWideStrings in script code
- fixed bug with dialog form when set TfrxButtonControl.Default property to True
- fixed twice duplicate name error in PreviewPages designer when copy - past object
- fixed bug with Preview.Clear and ZmWholePage mode
- fixed bug with using "outline" together "embedded fonts" options in PDF export
- fixed multi-thread bug in PDF export
- fixed bug with solid fill of transparent rectangle shape in PDF export
- fixed bug with export OEM_CODEPAGE in RTF, Excel exports
- fixed bug with vertical size of single page in RTF export
- fixed bug with vertical arrows in PDF export
- fixed memory leak with inherited reports

6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
27. Mai 2024

Aktualisierung der Cloud-Dienste auf 2024.2 Version

In der neuen Version 2024.2 für FastReport Cloud und FastReport Corporate Server haben wir Fehler behoben und neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.
21. Mai 2024

Neue Version von FastReport Online Designer 2024.2

Neue Funktionen in Version 2024.2: Spark-Grafikobjekt, Erstellung benutzerdefinierter SQL-Abfragen, Intellisense beim Bearbeiten von Code.
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (Englisch, die USA)
  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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