21. März 2006

FastReport Studio 3.21 released

+ added new VB6 demos: Pictures,UserDataset and Dynamic report.
+ added IPersistPropertyBag interface to TfrxPreviewX ActiveX object
+ added Delphi for .NET example - keep reports in database
+ added IfrxRichView interface
+ added new Delphi for .NET demos (DataSetDemo and StreamExample)
+ added unicode support in HTML, "Rich Text" (RTF) and XML exports
+ added clipping in the preview
+ added printer fonts to fontname combobox
+ added transparency/backcolor to rich object
* initial support of VB6 events 
* modified C# Pictures example: Now it shows pictures from a demo table.
* modified C# StreamExample: Now it demonstrates how to keep reports on database server.
* added streaming methods to IfrxPictureView interface
* changes in the databand editor
* "Pictures" checkbox changed to combobox (none/jpeg/bmp/gif) in HTML export dialog 
* "Styles" checkbox changed to "Continuous" in XLS and XML export dialog
* update Danish resources
* update Dutch resources 
* update Brazilian resources
- fixed C++ ActiveX demo
- fixed method SelectDataset of IfrxReport.
- fixed 'Size' property of the .NET Stream warapper
- fixed IfrxReport::SelectDataset method. Corrected behaviour for deselection (Selected = false).
- fixed IfrxComponent::FindObject method. It does not throw exception anymore in .NET environment
- fixed ADO DataBase property of ADO Query and ADO Table. Now it can be set to zero.
- fixed bug with incorrect codepage detection for page navigator in HTML export
- fixed bug with incorrect export of EAN barcodes (digits beyond of border were croped)
- fixed incorrect page breaks in RTF export
- fixed shift problem
- fixed monochrome bitmaps stretching
- fixed copying grouped objects
- fixed vband&overlay error
- fixed setting of printer parameters
- fixed KeepFooter + aggregate functions
- fixed ado query parameters
- fixes in database/table/query wizard
- fixed bug with font charset in RTF export
- fixed preview painting bug
- fixed bug with rich when no printers installed
- fixed copies in dmp export
- fixed rtf expression parser
- fixed bug with RTL reading brackets in PDF export
- fixed input chinese chars in dialog controls
- fixed shift behavior
- fixed bug with right align and non-zero charspacing in PDF export
- fixed bug with underline in HTML export
- fixed overlay+keeptogether bug
- fixed large font issues
- fixed html tags

6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
27. Mai 2024

Aktualisierung der Cloud-Dienste auf 2024.2 Version

In der neuen Version 2024.2 für FastReport Cloud und FastReport Corporate Server haben wir Fehler behoben und neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.
21. Mai 2024

Neue Version von FastReport Online Designer 2024.2

Neue Funktionen in Version 2024.2: Spark-Grafikobjekt, Erstellung benutzerdefinierter SQL-Abfragen, Intellisense beim Bearbeiten von Code.
Fast Reports
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  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • info@fast-report.com
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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