12. Februar 2025
To celebrate the occasion, we invite you to get the FastReport VCL Ultimate edition with a notable discount of 30%. It's a great opportunity to get a great deal on the most extensive type of reporting tool with a source code, cross-platform tools, and OLAP features!
Don't miss your chance on February 13 and 14 to save from $390 and provide your application with:
- Source code
- Report designer with dialog forms
- Client-server components for VCL and Lazarus
- Report creation for VCL, FMX and Lazarus
- Converters from Quick Report, Report Builder, Rave Reports
- Support for exporting templates to other data formats
- Multidimensional analysis system FastCube for VCL, Lazarus and FMX
- Flexible and open architecture with support for custom report objects
- Storing finished documents in cloud storage Google Drive, Next Cloud, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Outlook, Gmail
- FastScript and FastQueryBuilder included