Dot matrix printers are devices that are still utilized in various fields, such as printing receipts, labels, and other documents that require high reliability. In modern applications on the .NET platform, the FastReport library is often used for generating reports. This article will explore how to integrate a dot matrix printer into the process of creating and outputting reports using FastReport .NET.
In the Business edition of the FastReport Cloud service, you can add users to a single workspace. This allows multiple people to collaborate on reports or edit templates.
Choosing reporting tools is an important step in developing any business application. However, before purchasing the full version, many developers want to assess the product's potential and ensure it meets their needs. In this article, we will discuss how to try the FastReport WEB package, its limitations compared to the full version.
Localization and Language Switching in FastReport VCL
Starting from version 2023.2, the localization mechanism in FastReport VCL has been significantly improved — it is no longer necessary to recompile in order to translate FastReport into other languages.