FastReport Cloud

Cloud SaaS service for building reports and generating documents

v. 2025.1.8

FastReport Cloud — a set of cloud services for storing reports and templates. Set up automatic data export, connect your team for convenient collaboration from anywhere in the world, and forget about the need to develop your application.

Features and Benefits FastReport Cloud

Built-in report designer
Report templates can be created and edited on any platform, even from a mobile device.
All the benefits of cloud-based file creation and storage with reliable protection. We have collected all the mechanisms for safe operation: secure login, digital signature, access control, and personal data protection.
Cloud solution
The entire infrastructure is located in the cloud; you just need to connect to FastReport Cloud from your application or open it in a browser from any device. Anytime. Anywhere. And you will have access to all the power of creating reports and documents.
Manage templates and reports
FastReport Cloud allows you to store templates and reports in a virtual file system. All necessary operations with files are available: downloading, copying, renaming, deleting, and moving.
You can add multiple users to a workspace and everyone will be able to access the workspace: templates, reports, data sources, and other resources.
Permission system
A flexible permission system allows you to set different levels of access for team or group members. While one group of users can create new reports in the designer, another group can build and print PDF reports from templates.
Generating reports and documents

Generating reports and documents

The document layout is created in Online Designer. Change the appearance of your document in any browser without a constant Internet connection. Using our Cloud for your business, you can easily transform your data into clear and stylized charts, apply formatting to any text, add barcodes, and much more.

FastReport Cloud supports various ways to connect data from JSON, CSV, XML, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle.

User group

User group

You can combine service users into groups and give them different access rights to workspace resources. For example, create teams of administrators, managers, designers, and developers. However, by default, your workspace does not have groups.

Each workspace can have from 0 to N user groups: the total number is regulated by the subscription plan. To add a new user to a group, the user must be added to the workspace. This means that the group user is a user of the workspace and part of the subscription to which the group belongs. A user can also belong to several groups.

Try it for Free
Sign up for a free version of FastReport Cloud that will give you more benefits when working with cloud reports. No credit card information is required.
Automation of work

Automation of work

All transformations, be it creating a report from a template, exporting to various formats, or sending a file by email, are tasks.

Transformer tasks will help you convert a template into a report, export a template or report to a specified format.

Transport tasks will deliver ready-made data to the final recipient, be it a group of users, or a data warehouse. Set up the email-sending task once and receive ready-made business analytics every day, week, and month.

Tasks can be saved to cloud storage and run on demand or a schedule.

Exports to convenient formats

Exports to convenient formats

FastReport Cloud allows you to quickly convert reports with editable fields (such as text fields, combo boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and graphic fields) into PDF documents without connecting additional libraries.

Filters for exporting the finished report to many formats: PDF, RTF, XLSX, XML, DOCX, TXT, CSV, PowerPoint, HTML, MHT, XPS, JPEG, BMP, PNG, Open Document Format (ODT, ODS, ODP), XAML, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), DBF, PPML, etc.

Cloud support: OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox.

Try to deploy the demo version of FastReport Cloud directly in your project

Delivery options

from $300
from $100
from $50
Template storage capacity (MB)
Report storage capacity (MB)
Export file storage capacity (MB)
Maximum weight of the uploaded file (MB)
Limit of data sources
User Group limit
Pages limit
Online template editor

Resent articles

February 26, 2025

How to Work with Groups in FastReport Cloud

FastReport Cloud supports adding multiple users to a single workspace as well as to one license. It is necessary to delineate user permissions in some way. For example, one group could be allowed to add report templates, while another group could only prepare and export reports, without the ability to make any changes. In this article, you will learn the basics of creating and configuring groups for such purposes.     Navigate to the FastReport Cloud workspace and then click on the “Groups” section.     Group settings are configured in the “Groups” menu. By default, there are three groups set up: Owner: This group contains the owner of the workspace. The owner has all permissions, and these can only be disabled from the admin panel and through the API.   Other: Any user who joins the workspace will be assigned to this group. The permissions enabled for this group apply to all users. It is essential to set minimal permissions for this group so that new users do not have more permissions than necessary.   Anon (Anonymous Users): This group technically cannot contain users and serves as a way to configure anonymous access to certain elements in the workspace. Each group has a set of permissions that determine what actions a user in that group can perform. The designation of permissions is generally clear from their names, but if you have any questions, you can refer to the documentation.    In the screenshot above (with a partial list of permissions), you can see that all possible permissions are disabled for anonymous users by default. Let’s create a new group and configure its permissions from scratch. In the top left corner under the word “Groups,” there is an input field for adding a new group. Enter a new name and press Enter.     The context menu allows you to delete or rename the group.      The new group will be created without any permissions. In the “Permissions” tab, which opens by default, you can configure what users are allowed to do. The minimum set of permissions is “Get Info” about the workspace and documents. If you allow only this permission, the user will be able to see the list and general information about the uploaded documents. Conversely, if the added group has no permissions, but the “All Users” group does, the user will still be able to see the documents. Let’s set permissions as follows:     Then go to the “Users” tab. Here you can manage users and their access.     Users in the group will be shown in the upper panel, while the others will be in the lower panel. If the same permissions are disabled for the “All Users” group, only users in the added group will have the ability to see the documents. This is what the FastReport Cloud menu will look like if a user has no permissions, even basic ones:     If they are added to a group where only viewing information and previewing reports is allowed, this is what users will see when they right-click on a template:     The actions highlighted in gray are unavailable to the user because neither the “All Users” group nor the groups to which this user belongs have the permission to perform those actions.
February 17, 2025

Adding New Users to FastReport Cloud

In the Business edition of our cloud service for working with reports, FastReport Cloud, there is an option to add users to the same workspace. This means that multiple individuals can prepare reports from a single large list of previously added templates. Additionally, several people working on report templates can quickly and conveniently add them to a space where those reports can be prepared by another group of users who do not have editing permissions for the templates. To begin, let’s add a new user to the workspace. When a new user first opens FastReport Cloud, they will see the following screen:     Each user must have an account on our authentication service, FastReport ID. After successful registration and logging into FastReport Cloud, the user will see the following message:   At this stage, we go back to the account that purchased the license for FastReport Cloud. In the “Users” tab, you will see a list of users that have already been added, as well as a button that we will need right now—“Make Invite Link.”   If you click on this button, you will see a text field with an invitation link, as well as a button that allows you to copy this link.     By default, this link is reusable and is valid for one day. Currently, this can only be changed through the API. Share this link with the new user. When they click on this link, they will see a dialog prompting them to accept the invitation to FastReport Cloud.     After clicking “Accept,” two things will happen. First, the new user will be able to perform actions permitted for the “All Users” group. For example, if you have disabled access to document information by default, this is what they will see:   Secondly, you will be able to see the new user in the same “Users” menu from which the invitation link was copied.     If you want to remove a user from the subscription, you can right-click on that user and select the appropriate option.     By the way, if you go to the workspace information menu, you will be able to see the maximum number of added users.     Thus, the Business edition of FastReport Cloud allows for effective organization of collaborative work on reports. By adding users to a single workspace, simultaneous preparation of reports from a shared list of templates can be ensured, or tasks can be distributed among different groups of users. This streamlines the reporting process and makes it more convenient and efficient.
November 20, 2023

How to work with ClickHouse in FastReport Cloud

ClickHouse is a popular database that is convenient for data analysis. In this article, you will learn how to connect to this database from the FastReport Cloud service for report generation and storage. As an example, the article will use a database of tutorials on working with ClickHouse.   In our case, “default” is the name of the database, and “my first table” is the name of the table. To add our database as a data source, select “ClickHouse” when adding a source. You will see the dialog:   We don’t need the table name now, just the database name. So, let’s fill out the form:   As you can see from the dialog, the connection test was successful. Now just click “Connect,” and the connection will be saved among the existing ones.   You can then use this connection in your reports. Now let’s try to make a simple report based on this connection:   And, of course, take a look at the report preview:   If we compare the data from the original table with our report, it will be quite obvious that the connection is functioning properly.
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