List of changes
Current Version
+ added new system for fonts
* has been hidden sql query step in data source editing if data source is not compatible with sql
Version 2025.1.9
* localized report script exception messages
Version 2025.1.7
+ added report parameters to temporary files
Version 2025.1.6
- hotfix for broken spinner in static preview
Version 2025.1.5
+ added programmer, support and user english docs for corporate server
+ added parameters input to static preview
+ added english documentation for corporate installation
+ added changes list to the product page
* added more options for tasks search
+ added Google Fonts caching
+ added error for data sources that are not supporting parameters
Version 2025.1.4
+ added TasksClient to CSharp SDK
Version 2025.1.3
+ added task id and task message id to export and report
* updated docs for VM types in tasks
+ added link to online designer documentation in corporate server documentation
* now you can't click on "create task" that isn't in your subscription's plan
Version 2025.1.2
* removed docs from script upload corporate
+ added links on reports store
- fixed double request for folder creating
- fixed an error about empty name parameter in notifications
- moving a file (or a folder) to the same folder it's already in will now return quickly and not do anything
Version 2025.1.1
+ added saving sorting in local storage
- added margin in sidebar, added titles to RunTask buttons, changed permissionsItems to a column format
* changed task page, fixed task controller
- fixed context menu on document pages
- fixed get permissions as subscription owner
* now datasources' select commands' names are unique
Version 2024.2.31
- fixed a bug that caused datasources that do not support procedures to not work
Version 2024.2.30
+ added add and delete parameters buttons on Data page
- fixed notification for run task with not specified folders
- fixed set permissions on groups page
- fixed a bug when pages were not updated after deleting in admin panel
Version 2024.2.29
- fixed delayed tasks starting in scheduler
* now tasks' names are unique
- fixed wrong datasources' creation time
- fixed a bug related with editing compressed reports in Online Designer
- fixed notifications for downloading files without permissions
- fixed search field and outputFile Name field
- fixed "select all" button on api keys page
+ added localization for audit notifications
- fixed a bug with wrong default workspace on user update in admin panel
Version 2024.2.26
* now name in installer's docker-compose is always the same
* addded template's parameters parsing from metadata
- fixed a bug when admin can catch 403 error on fetch
* all sorting are now case-insensititve
- fixed payment required error on outdated subscription's detail page
Version 2024.2.25
- added default avatar to all user icons
* displayed date and time converted into local time zones
* new .fpx icon
* test Connection on Data Sources page is optional now
- fixed localization for run task
+ added Refresh button to context menu on documents' pages
+ added Name to installler's docker-compose file
+ added get mypermissons for groups, tasks, datasources
- now anon will not recieve unexpected errors in some controllers
Version 2024.2.24
+ added errors text in admin panel notifications
* all online libraries have become local
Version 2024.2.23
- fixed workspaces localization in admin panel
- fixed owner id validation in admin panel
+ added localization for export parameters in admin panel
Version 2024.2.19
+ added docs for export parameters
Version 2024.2.18
+ added current product version display
Version 2024.2.17
* fastReport .NET packages has been updated to 2024.2.20
Version 2024.2.16
* the plus button on the documents page will no longer appear if the current user has no permissions to create things in the folder
- fixed white strip after clicking on checkbox and disappearing title on hover
* improved localization in admin panel
+ added a method returns permissions for current user
Version 2024.2.14
* changed maximum users count without license key in Corporate Server (5)
+ added a check for subscriptions user limit
- fixed create datasourses error from online designer
- fixed Delete btn showing on UserCard in Admin Panel in Corporate Server Mode
Version 2024.2.13
- fixed a bug with returning a wrong id when creates a nested task
* now data sources' names are unique
- fixed a bug that caused UsersPerWorkspace config parameter to not do anything if a license key had no restrictions about a users count
+ added corporate server installer
- fixed documentation
* deleted mutations from Online Designer injection
+ added localization to admin panel
Version 2024.2.12
- fixed tasks running with files in content body
+ added a new parameter to the license key
- fixed permissions check for move to bin
+ added angular demo
+ added docs for custom queries in data sources
+ added custom sql queries creating ui
Version 2024.2.10
+ added active users and subscriptions chart to admin panel
Version 2024.2.9
+ added templating to file names
+ enabled Stored Procedures in data sources structure
* changed sorting in backend
* changed notifications for deleting apikeys
Version 2024.2.8
+ added a custom tables for data sources
Version 2024.2.7
- fixed jti claim duplication on JWT token
* changed input users and subs on audit page
+ added notifications for failed folder exports
* changed sorting for admin panel
Version 2024.2.6
+ added validation for yaml
+ added files and folders download to admin panel
+ added log for invalid lisence key
+ added tests for upload size limit
- fixed export and download buttons
- fixed history on export and report info pages
+ added planning parameters to admin panel
* links in admin navbar were made smaller to remove scrollbar
Version 2024.2.3
- fixed uploading files with identical names
- small fix path destination folder
- fixed report parameters
* task scheduler has been enhanced
+ added article about webhook
+ added kotlin console and android demos
Version 2024.2.0
- fixed getting 403 for update permissions
- fixed set nested parameters
Version 2024.1.45
+ added OnInitialized method
- fixed transport tasks
+ added article for report parameters
- fixed localization error for move to bin
Version 2024.1.44
* changed limits max request body size
* moved common code into separate component
* changed OutputFileCard
* changed new name for webhook
- fixed moving content on task page
+ added articles to programmer`s docs
+ added docs for ftp upload task
* updated docs for tasks UI
Version 2024.1.42
* changed new task name
+ added webhook task for user panel
+ added whitespace validation
- fixed broken transport card on too long or too short text
+ added more validations on folder export
Version 2024.1.41
+ added ftp component for user panel
Version 2024.1.40
+ added EmptyContent and Placeholder for SelectFolderDialog
+ added Placeholder and EmptyContent in SelectFileDialog
Version 2024.1.39
+ added problem check and solve for files with deleted parents
* optimized GetStats method by building pipeline before the cycle
+ added creation of PrepareTemplate task
+ added creation of ExportReport task
* updated tasks page for admin panel
Version 2024.1.37
- fixed 400 error on moving folders
+ added a new Recycle Bin page
Version 2024.1.33
+ added ability to share access to files
- export tasks for templates from recycle bin will now properly result with 404 error
* stylized ExportTemplateEditor
- fixed error messages when testing a connection string before creating it
- fixed a bug that broke datasources page ater refreshing
Version 2024.1.32
- fixed copy above limit
- fixed a bug that caused CSV connection to ignore parameter names
+ added tags to subscriptions
Version 2024.1.30
+ added ability to preview Richtext and Chart in Online Designer
* normilized MySQL connetction string due to standarts
Version 2024.1.29
+ added animation to file upload
- fixed break changing test on QA pipeline
Version 2024.1.25
* added SDK for Kotlin (Android)
+ added skeletal placeholders for datasources while loading
- fixed a bug that caused online designer to parse files twice sometimes
Version 2024.1.24
- fixed a bug with using compressed templates in Online Designer
+ added a button to change user's gravatar and fallback image in case it can't be loaded
- fixed wrong file kind on changing export's output file
Version 2024.1.23
* error messages for 500 status code were changed to be more informative to a user
- viewmodels in the SDK have been renamed to short
Version 2024.1.22
* by default, the corporate server now runs in demo mode; a license key for demo modes is no longer required
* updated comments for all controllers, fixed producing status codes
& updated the version of SDK generator
& optimized memory consumption
Version 2024.1.12
+ added an alternative upload method for reports
* added sorting to files pages in admin panel
Version 2024.1.10
+ added mass copy and moving
* added redirect to owner from workspace's page and card
Version 2024.1.8
- fixed archives' names duplication on export
Version 2024.1.7
+ added users and subscription exclude to audits
+ added documents' type selection to select dialogs
Version 2024.1.6
+ added validation to creation and editing of "send by email" task
Version 2024.1.4
- fixed empty task name after BadRequest error
Version 2024.1.3
+ added entity name to worker audits
Version 2024.1.1
- fixed infinite folders creation
+ added cache for charts in admin panel
+ added the placeholder items for files while loading
Version 2024.1.0
+ added files count on folders export
Version 2023.1.77
- fixed an empty page after refresh in Documents pages
Version 2023.1.76
+ added mass moving and restoring from bin
- fixed a bug, that caused FileExecute.Preview to be insufficient to preview a file
Version 2023.1.75
- fixed saving to root folder as default for exports
+ added scrollbars to select dialogs
+ added redirect from files to workspace in admin panel
+ added virtualization to select dialogs
+ added email component to task page
- fixed wrong types in folders' audit
- fixed a bug, that prevented executing export tasks with no output file provided (for using transports while not storing the result)
Version 2023.1.74
+ added plan's name to workspace info page
Version 2023.1.72
* changed breadcrumbs in the file or folder pages to a more compact variant
+ added an ability to use apikey in staticpreview
+ added loading indicators to admin pages
+ added sorting to datasources page in admin panel
Version 2023.1.71
- fixed a bug when long text break select dialogs' header
Version 2023.1.65
+ added check and solve for problem when files have no gridFS chunks
- fixed dashboard's charts (doudle charts, no colours left, broken url parameter)
+ added searchbar to datasources page in admin panel
Version 2023.1.64
- fixed control panel position in preview
Version 2023.1.59
* changed add parameter button in tasks
Version 2023.1.55
* new task page design
* fixed a bug when delete dialog displays without selected files
Version 2023.1.51
- fixed a bug with enter and space in online designer
+ added a new icons to the Online Designer
- fixed zipping image when trying to export report in image format without enabling "separate file for each page" setting
Version 2023.1.50
+ added folders download
Version 2023.1.48
+ added ability to move to a chosen workspace from user card
Version 2023.1.45
- fixed a bug, when the value from url was not included in the search bar on workspaces admin panel page
- fixed checkboxes on admin panel's page update plan
+ added API to calculate, how much space the folder content is taking
- fixed missing linked audits
- fixed excess paginator pages when you using search on workspaces admin panel page
+ added link to updating workspace
Version 2023.1.43
+ new switch for deleted files in admin panel
+ added a way to receive notifications from audit
+ mass file deleting
- fixed changing default subscription on moving from one workspace to another
Version 2023.1.39
* changed delete action on file page to soft deletion
+ added a page for folder properties
* gET request of one folder will now also return calculated size of it's contents
Version 2023.1.38
- fixed crooked view on files and datasources pages
Version 2023.1.37
- various fixes for a frontend of the ClickHouse connection
Version 2023.1.36
+ added a connection to a ClickHouse database
Version 2023.1.34
+ added static preview js
+ added error messages for data sources
* added red coloration to expiration date, when apikey is already expired
- fixed an error with Report dialogs while report building
Version 2023.1.33
- fixed permission-related bugs in Data Sources and Tasks
- fixed new dotnet version bug, fixed export DownloadScreen layout
Version 2023.1.31
- fixed a bug that caused report parameters to break exports
- fixed export name's duplication
- fixed win1251 exnoding issue with FireBird connection
* added missing "Forbidden" logs for tasks
- fixed UpdateTaskTest
- fixed missing transports in transform tasks
- fixed audits and tasks serialization
+ added redirect to id server sign out page after app sign out
+ added .fp3 files storage
- fixed a bug that caused online designer to not load sometimes
Version 2023.1.29
+ added documentation how to update transports in transform tasks and email adresses in email tasks
* new searchbar on files pages in admin panel
+ added script checker localization
* renamed TaskUpdateType to EnumerablePatchType
+ added parser for VCL templates' ReportOption
+ added FTP component to send files in tasks
* now in admin panel file pages pressed ToBin button will change to Restore and vice versa
- fixed a bug with templateId viewing on export pages
Version 2023.1.26
+ added documentation generating in pdf format
Version 2023.1.25
& fastReport .NET version updated to 2023.2
Version 2023.1.20
* now update task logic is happening in VMs and doesn't go to models
+ added Deleted field to files' pages in admin panel
- now middle mouse button click on admin side panel open new tabs
Version 2023.1.18
+ added beta microservice for viewing reports in a browser based on WASM technology
Version 2023.1.17
* update open api tool version
Version 2023.1.16
- fixed naming error for sdk generation
Version 2023.1.15
+ added VCL templates storage
+ added openapi break change scanner on API build stage
+ added preview cache
+ added TemplateId field to export page in admin panel
Version 2023.1.13
* improved transfer tasks' transports update
- it was impossible to move or copy file to another subscription through frontend
+ added workspace id to files info pages in admin panel
- fixed a bug when search in audits caused a 404 error
+ added localization for select file and folder dialogs' headers
- fixed 404 error on switching workspace in admin panel files pages
- fixed select dialog windows' headers
- aligned export type select dialog in tasks
Version 2023.1.11
* more information about limits, more accurate rounding of numbers on workspace information page
- made some improvements with redirect to special page, when subscription is outdated
+ added a message, indicating that folder(s) were exported
+ added Old and New Value fields to Audit Details page
- fixed Old and New Value fields in file's actions audits
Version 2023.1.9
+ added sort to users page
+ added creation time to users page
* localized errors from FastReport.Net
* updated FastReport package to a version with SkiaSharp
- fixed a bug that caused creation of new .preview folder for every preview
+ added api that will create a folder with certain name if it doesn't exist
Version 2023.1.8
- fixed a bug when incorrect data value in subscription creation/renewing result in 500 error
Version 2023.1.5
* adjusted alignment on some pages
- fixed a bug with excess audit at export
Version 2023.1.4
+ added icons for data sources
* localized "just now" and other text in popups
- fixed an error when created multiple data source while checking it status
- fixed a redirect after logging in
- fixed skewed subscription cards in admin panel
* removed history from file properties page, when there is none or not ebough permissions to view it
+ added a preview button to file properties page
+ added mixins support for online designer
* added error message when datasource update failed
- fixed an error, when editing group permissions
* files copies will no longer have same permissions as an original
- fixed connection check when creating or editing datasource
+ added tahoma font to worker
Version 2023.1.1
- fixed designer error message return
Version 2023.1.0
- fixed a bug when you can not delete a file if there is another file without rights for deleting
- many fixes for audit logs creation
Version 2022.3.16
- fixed a bug when the admin panel side menu did not redirect to the correct page
- it was possible to create multiple modal windows on top of each other and it caused visual glithes
Version 2022.3.14
* performance improvements in files sorting
- workspace info page weren't updating when switching active workspace
Version 2022.3.12
+ added russian translation to file statuses and sizes
* sorting buttons are now fixed on the screen
+ added messageId field and related audits to tasks' Details Audit page
+ added messageId field to all tasks' audits
Version 2022.3.11
* changed export failed message to more informative one
+ added search to Workspaces page in admin panel
+ added recycle bin actions to documents' permissions
- fixed incorrect file's thumbnail width in File Information window
- fixed a bug when user can create outdated subscription
- creating copy of a folder weren't copying it's content
- fixed a bug, that caused all entities, created by anon users fully available to all users
* preview folder will now automatically clean up when necessary
+ added a new type of entity - contacts
- user creation and update pages now show errors alert
* now some fields cant be null on user creation and update
* disabled user and workspace deleting in non-corporate server mode
Version 2022.3.10
- fixed workspace plan card available space values
- fixed overflowed Owner field in File Information
- replaced "Export Folder" to "Report" on report's permisssions editing page
* replaced ids with names in admin panel's breadcrumbs
+ added folder export
- now creating and moving files to bin have an error notifications
Version 2022.3.9
- fixed checkboxes on admin panel Edit Plan page
- fixed export from file properties page for anonymous user
Version 2022.3.8
+ added bold logo
- fixed anon-related bugs - permissions error on file selection
- fixed anon-related bugs - get root folder without subscription id in export
+ added dialog with license agreement
Version 2022.3.2
- now subscription's storage capacity on "Workspace Info" page updates after switching tabs
- fixed redirection to outdated page on surpassing groups limit
+ added missing fields on Audit Details page
* search bar has been attached to the top of the screen on files pages
Version 2022.3.1
+ added Name field on data source creation
+ added Release notes 2022.3
+ added AdminAction field to all audit types
Version 2022.3.0
+ added connection string editors for all datasources types
+ added window in export dialog for 403 exception
* more informative admin panel errors
- fixed pagination and double get query on admin panel file pages
+ added all search params in admin panel to url
- fixed create folder dialog's header
- fixed pagination in admin panel, added pagination variables to URL params, created 404 page
+ added ProblemDetails info to exceptions from backend
- fixed breadcrumps on the plan editing page
* corrected permissions checking for tasks
- fixed an error, when audit returns 500 on drawing charts
+ added test results of Russian Linux vendors
+ entity type for audits
+ added user panel documentation
Version 2022.2.32
* added a new icon
- fixed move dialog
Version 2022.2.31
* updated designer to a version 2022.1.5
+ added Rename button to workspace info page
* added searching by workspaces for files in admin panel
- fixed a bug, that prevented permission update for custom groups
Version 2022.2.30
+ added an action on changing workspace in recycle bin
+ added deleted parameter to url
- fixed bug with ShowDeleted checkbox, when it's not working on first click
+ added page with information about workspace
+ added scrollbars to admin panel
+ added opportunity to choose workspace in file view inside admin panel
* removed duplicated fields on update plan page
* delete button on documents page are moving them to bin, in bin it's deleting them
- fixed NullRef exception and few defects on Outdated page
* more informative errors on admin panel pages
+ added About and Delete buttons on group's users page
* file download dialog will now close automatically
- fixed empty context menu in reports and exports bins
+ added a new kind of transport task - upload to an ftp/sftp server
* added opportunity in FoldersController.GetFolders to filter files
+ added more clarity in error messages from sript checker
- fixed an issue when task format resets after other parameter has been changed
- returned missed letter to ru loc. for CL_SubscriptionsCountExceeded
+ added publishing c# sdk to
Version 2022.2.28
+ added "Back" button in export dialog
+ added open folder button in export result dialog
+ added dialog window for choosing export folder
- fixed width and height for preview in designer
+ added tooltips for buttons, that are not described explicitly
- removed empty context menu in bin
- fixed a bug when you can create files and folders with same names using recycle bin
+ added license related exception messages
+ added dialogue window for files recovery from bin
+ added a new python sdk generator config fixing generation errors
- corrected the encoding in the documentation
+ added documentation for installation via docker compose
* added ability to print out a report in preview window
- updated devops documentation
Version 2022.2.27
- now files and folders recover to parent folder by default
* added audit logs for action in admin folder and file controllers
- fixed bug when you cant rename file in admin panel
- fixed a bug that caused "create new datasource" button to lead to wrong adress
Version 2022.2.24
+ added Tasks page
* remove recursive parametr from actions with folders, now all of them are always recursive
* removed opportunity to delete RootFolder in admin panel
+ added audit messages for soft deletion actions
* now files in bin display correctly and cant get lost
Version 2022.2.23
+ added updating template's content in TemplatesController
* fixed a bug, when folder creation with null parent has returned 500 status code
* added a file names in admin panel audit
* added a recycle bin for user's files to frontend
* added recycle bin to backend
* added a little padding to group users list
+ now users can view file changes history through properties page
Version 2022.2.21
- fixed a bug, that caused API keys to not work in Corporate Server
* now when previewing report staticpreview will load resources from previous preview, which is a lot faster
* fixed all C# demos
+ added white label restriction to the license key
* added a Preview button for templates context menu
Version 2022.2.19
+ added report parameters to static preview
+ added logo link and footer text (for copyright purposes) to server config
- fixed a bug, that caused default subscription to not update
Version 2022.2.17
+ added user settings page
- fixed a bug, that caused file properties page to break
+ showHiddenFilesAndFolders in user settings is now implemented on the backend
* fastReport version updated from 2022.2.5 to 2022.2.12
Version 2022.2.15
+ added a license restriction for setting invariant locale in config
+ added a restriction in a linense on using Designer for anonyms
+ added workspaces count restriction in a license
+ added admins count restriction in a license
+ added a page with a detailed description of the file, where you can perform any action with this file
+ added default user profile icon
Version 2022.2.10
+ added invariant locale, which can be set in config file
Version 2022.2.4
+ added hotkey system, now you can copy (Ctrl + C), cut (Ctrl + X), paste (Ctrl + V), delete (Del), rename (F2), select all (Ctrl + A) and deselect (Ctrl +D)
- when rerunning a thumbnail creation (by clicking on thumbnail) it weren't updating automatically
- fixed a bug, that caused EmbedPictures property to not apply in HTML export
* changed logic of properties nullifing in TasksController Update method (if RecurrentRunTime < DateTime.UtcNow => time in db is null)
* file content checks during uploads is way more strict now
Version 2022.2.0
- fixed display of file owner, now there are correctly showed, who the owner is
Version 2022.1.43
- now during preview you can see more readable error messages, if there are any
Version 2022.1.37
+ added ability to run Recurrent Tasks using CRON expressions
—— removed Default service
Version 2022.1.33
- fixed a bug, due to which, all datasources always showed their type as JSON
+ added MongoDB connection
Version 2022.1.29
+ added scheduler with ability to run delayed tasks
Version 2022.1.27
+ added license check for corporate server
Version 2022.1.26
+ added a button to test connection string before creating a data source
+ added a form for a JSON connection
Version 2022.1.22
* added logic for preventing files and folders with the same name creation (on upload, copy, move, export, prepare, rename)
Version 2022.1.21
- fixed a bug, which created additional folders, when creating one
+ added firebird connection UI
Version 2022.1.18
+ added backend support to firebird connections (for them to work WireCrypt property in firebird.conf need to be Enabled)
* now, when searching for files and folders, you can use regular expressions, for this you need to set useRegex parameter to true
+ added kick user dialog. To remove user from workspace click on them in the "other" users list in the "Groups" tab
Version 2022.1.17
+ now you can add sorting to files list request by api
* now when clicking outside the list of elements, the selection will be reset
- fixed folder dialog creating 2 folders
Version 2022.1.16
+ added base article about tasks using with REST API
* red favicons has been replaced by blue
+ added tutorial video on a app start, about page
+ when clicking on the bell in the absence of notifications, the corresponding message will now be displayed
+ now during folder creation you can instantly set name for it
* added users list description on groups page
* right-clicking empty space on page will now show context menu with creation options
+ added ability to add headers to webhooktask
+ added ability to update Tasks from api
Version 2022.1.15
- has been fixed sequence of same tasks run by id
Version 2022.1.14
+ added get permissions and update permissions methods to TasksController
- fixed a bug due to which, when requesting model rights, the rights combined with the default rights were returned
- fixed a bug due to which errors during download always returned the status code 406
* the selected files counting is now much faster, if "Select all" button was not used
* deletion of multiple files will no longer stop if there are any not found files
+ added task permissions to Groups page
Version 2022.1.13
+ added ability to edit default permissions
- afixed a bug due to which sometimes MyPermissions returns 500 error instead of user permissions
+ added permissions to TaskModel
Version 2022.1.11
- fixed a bug due to which the thumbnail was not requested for the report
Version 2022.1.10
+ added fonts microservice, returning css style by font family
- fixed a bug due to which incorrect thumbnails were built for frx files
+ added php sdk and demo
Version 2022.1.4
—— removed HasSpaceOverdraft field from subscription plans and subscriptions
Version 2022.1.3
- fixed rare error, due to which workers stopped working
- fixed bug due to which newly created files had "Success" status
- fixed an error when trying to make thumbnail by anonymous user
+ added redirect to ApiKeys from /app/signin page if user is authenticated
- fixed a null reference bug on Groups page
+ added right click context menu on empty space
* edited folder id mentions in documentation for exports and preparing
Version 2022.1.1
- fixed a bug with no subscription id when run thumbnail task
Version 2022.1.0
* temporarily disabled menu items of settings and scheduler
Version 2021.3.4
* isDisabled flag added to a config VM
* now the application displays a message when the service is disabled and does not give access to itself
Version 2021.3.2
* added catch for thumbnails fetching
- fixed a bug with preparing a report without parent folder
Version 2021.3.1
- fixed a bug, due to which reports were not preparing
* made nested Task name is not required
* createFetchTaskVM no longer has Connection string and Connection type properties
+ task system now has ability to update reports and templates thumbnails
* now there is a projection for groups list request
+ added Tasks api for admins
* partially optimized service for working with files
+ added passwords encryption for EmailTask
* optimized the root folder processing
- reports and exports thumbnail generation fixed
+ added analytics for files size in workspace
* edited link on "No Workspace" button
- fixed multy-level tasks(NodesCount)
- wildcards (? and * characters) are no longer allowed in file and folder names
* added context items enum, fixed flyout menu collisions
+ added a new file info panel
- on the invite acceptance current subscription will be automatically switched to a new one
* disabled services stub page moved to /app/disabled
- now when you click on the "select all" button when the folder is searched, only the elements that match the filter will be selected
* fixed a link to the Product
- edited login page path for a button in the header
- updating sort settings will no longer reset search pattern
* now when you double click on the pdf file, the preview will open
* now when you double click on the report, the preview will open
* now when you double click on the template, the designer will open
+ added Tasks admin panel ui
+ added SignIn integration with admin panel
* moved Sign In logic to App.
Version 2021.2.37
+ added cookie Consent dialog
- fixed a bug with anonymous access to the cloud
* changed icons for checkboxes
* removed right bracket from report preview
- fixed bug with memory leak when connecting to message broker
* added simple table view for Admin Audit
Version 2021.2.35
+ added audit for tasks system
Version 2021.2.27
* online designer version were updated from 2021.3.6 to 2021.4.1
* pages routing were updated, workplace changed into workspace
* subscriptions were renamed into workspaces
* pages title now taken from server config
* blazorise version updated from 0.9.2 to
* now, when the subscription is expired and blocked, a page will open that says about it
* now there are no action buttons in the UI when the subscription is in read-only mode
* + button on the data sources page now opens creation dialog directly
+ added a user search form to the administration panel
- fixed a bug where the online designer sometimes gave empty messages
- removed visible & nbsp; on the profile login button
+ added "edit" data source connection string
* you can't edit owner permissions on frontend anymore (foolproof reasons)
- fixed visible <br /> tag in message about export taking too long
+ added button for a connection to Oracle DB
- fixed error of sorting pages in preview
- fixed garbage collection in Fetch task
+ added Tasks restrictions to SubscriptionPlan
+ added user documentation chapter about Tasks
+ added WebhookTask
- fixed a bug due to which the Save buttons in the admin panel did not work
* viewmodel ExportTemplateTaskVM now is ExportTemplateVM, PrepareTemplateTaskVM is PrepareTemplateVM, ExportReportTaskVM is ExportReportVM, old endpoints Export and Prepare are obsolete.
+ added Task processing system.
- fixed a bug due to which editedTime and editorUserId didn't change when updating the template in the online designer
* now the localization of the report affects the language of the engine system variables
* report preparation is divided into 2 phases to avoid dialogues during preparation
+ added connection to Oracle DB
- fixed a bug when, instead of 503, the gateway returned 500 if the service was temporarily unavailable
+ added request tracing for Online Designer
Version 2021.2.25
& the api part for sdk has been changed: models now have inheritance, all Enums are unified and renamed, the api part that is required, now has no nullable label
* the whole solution has been updated to .net 5
+ added the ability to search for users for administrators
+ added data structure preview for datasources page
+ added a new datasource status (updating)
- fixed the problem with displaying pictures on the documentation page
* fixed layout in export dialog
Version 2021.2.22
+ added display of sortable columns on the data sources page
Version 2021.2.20
+ documents can now be sorted by name, size and creation or update date
* fixed a bug due to which when updating the template through the online designer the occupied space was not updated
Version 2021.2.19
+ added static preview for the designer
Version 2021.2.18
+ added English and Russian localization
& the type of the request queue has been changed, now only one queue for all services, and not an individual for each
Version 2021.2.17
- fixed a bug with authorization by api key
- fixed a bug due to which on the page with groups permissions might not be displayed if user groups were not specified
Version 2021.2.14
- fixed flyout menu position
+ added state Indicator component to Reports and Exports pages
Version 2021.2.13
- fixed a bug with persistent wrong default subscription instead of specified for DataSources and root
* the subscription owner can no longer leave the subscription
* updated some icons
+ added ability to remove user from subscriptions / leave subscriptions
Version 2021.2.12
& the internal message protocol is no longer available in the SDK.
+ added Accept Invite page
- fixed a bug due to which it was possible to accept the same invitation multiple times
* anonymous user id is now equal to 000000000000000000000000
- fixed a bug where Count in response to a GetSubscriptions (skip, take) request showed the number of returned models instead of their total number
* now, when updating default permissions, you need to specify the Administrate flag for each type of permissions that needs to be updated
- fixed a bug where a user registered via openId could not get their data using GetMyProfile
- fixed a bug where a user without admin permissions could not get another user's profile in the prescribed way
- fixed a bug where claims were assigned twice when logging in through the browser
- fixed a bug due to which local users could not see their details when requesting their profile
- fixed a bug where fields in response to ListFolderAndFiles displayed incorrect values
* optimized user panel with view virtualization
+ added a new Users page without rx
+ added welcome page
- fixed a bug when a link to a file always led to the root directory
+ added transition to the start page if you click on the application logo
+ added "Make invite link" button
+ added writing to console for notifications
* updated version of the demo application for Java
Version 2021.2.9
+ added prometheus metrics for load balancing
Version 2021.2.8
- fixed bug, due to which it was impossible to download any file
Version 2021.2.7
+ added library for exporting metrics
Version 2021.2.6
+ added ability to set user settings in the admin portal
- fixed IsReadonly property in user profile viewmodel, it now represents if reader can edit profile
* fixed nullable enum definition in swagger
* added new load balancer
- fixed config mistake when one of the services might not start
Version 2021.2.2
* enhanced User Settings, added ability to save default subscription
- fixed a bug when reportInfo was not set when uploading prepared reports
& optimized way to check reportInfo at file upload
- fixed a bug when the traceid was set too late and it was impossible to trace the request in the logs
Version 2021.2.1
& fixed the bug of loop reloading of report builders if the report caused an error in unmanaged memory
- fixed a bug due to which the reports were not built, if there were arrays declared in their code
- fixed a bug when the request to update the permission returned 400 if the request was composed correctly
Version 2021.2.0
* folders downloading is disabled
+ added fields for subscription plans readonly period editing in admin UI
* anonymous user is now returned as readonly
Version 2021.1.39
+ added a demo app for c++
+ added new users page
* now authorization is not required to access the cloud application
* groups will now be removed from the lists of user groups after the group is deleted
* fastReport.Core version on WorkerCore have been updated from 2021.2.0 to 2021.3.1
+ added entity name validation for create and update
Version 2021.1.38
- fixed bug, when Cyrillic file names were damaging zip archives
+ added custom settings to customize what personal data will be visible to others
* properties in some VM's replaced with their nullable variants to simplify the use of SDK
Version 2021.1.36
* upload template endpoint will now generate empty template if no content provided
+ added readonly limit to create and update VMs for subscriptions plans (admin)
* now api requests will not be processed by the site
* changed VM models for files, now they store actual data in byte[], not base64 string
+ added action attribute, which will always return 401 if user is anonymous
- fixed an error while downloading files in js SDK
Version 2021.1.35
+ added Golang demo
+ added demo projects for JS, Python
- fixed links in the footer of the site
* get subscription groups will return 200 and empty list if there are no groups
+ added api, that allows to get subscription user's groups
Version 2021.1.34
- исправлена ошибка, при которой reportInfo хранил дату в неправильном формате
- fixed error when usages count were decreasing on the wrong invite
* the subscription model will store invites as array of accesstokens (this does not affect usage in any way)
Version 2021.1.33
- fixed error when deserializing messages in worker
Version 2021.1.32
& now, when creating a resource, permissions are not automatically assigned
* permissions checks now respect the default permissions if given
* every methods for adding and removing permissions have been replaced with update
* added the ability to filter groups by subscription for administration
* added new permissions for administration
- fixed api for recalculating subscription size
* updated documentation section "Guides / C# SDK / Manage access permissions for a template"
- baseurl property for FastReport Cloud SDK has been removed
* updated documentation section "Guides / REST API / Manage access permissions for a template"
+ now nuget package FastReport.Cloud.SDK supports optional parameters.
* admin panel now allows edit all subscription permissions
* redesigned administration pages for subscriptions and data sources
& the frontend SDK has been updated to the latest version
Version 2021.1.23
+ added demo app and SDK for JAVA
* the C# SDKs have been merged into one package
* added fetch method for admins datasources controller
* unified some enum in C# SDK
* fixed displayed subscription name on a header
+ added create a new template and edit command
+ added method to get user's groups
+ added groups to SubscriptionUserVM
+ added data connections
Version 2021.1.13
+ added API for accessing default permissions, they are not displayed in subscription VM for users
+ added API for accessing invites, now all interaction with them takes place through a separate controller (routing has not changed)
—— removed invites from the subscription VM, now they can be obtained separately by sending a corresponding request
+ added editing of group permissions in the admin panel
Version 2021.1.12
+ added connection status for data sources
- fixed page for displaying access keys
+ added creating and deleting of the api keys
- partially fixed pages for editing, creating and viewing subscriptions in the admin panel
Version 2021.1.11
* renamed administrate permissions (removed "permission" word)
* updated admin page for subscription plans
+ added ApiKeys page
* updated user registration page in admin panel
Version 2021.1.8
+ added a downloading user's profiles
Version 2021.1.7
+ added user management for groups
- fixed a user id length requirement
+ added migrations that populate the database on first launch
& fixed a bug due to which sometimes the signature of the JWT token was not verified
Version 2021.1.6
& migrations are now applied before the server starts
+ added an entry point for receiving personal user data (Name, email)
* files and folders now require valid names
+ added ability to leave a group
+ added Users page
+ added groups page
& optimized local sign in provider
+ added local sign in provider
& now jwt tokens have signature
Version 2021.1.5
+ added guide about datasource creation
* now data structure in datasource models will automatically fill itself, when creating datasource or updating connection string
+ added a new api for manage local user profile
- added service injection for IAdminSubscriptionPeriodClient
- fixed api parameter duplication for UpdatePermissions method
- fixed Homer due to a new sdk
+ added groups view
Version 2021.1.3
+ added migration system for database
& updated FastReport.Core package version to 2021.2.0
Version 2021.1.2
+ added ability to update connection string in existing datasource
+ added support of all planned connection types
- create datasource method now requires connectionType
* changed method Get of datasources for procced parameters, now it's more comfortable to use
+ added ability to rename Data Sources
Version 2021.1.1
* added administration to documentation
+ added docs for invite feature
* optimized documentation
* changed the data source connection string field
* added a new service FastReport.Cloud.Data
* fetchData endpoint in datasource controller is now returns 422 status code if fetch is failed
- fixed a bug, that were making users unable to delete invites to a subscription
- fixed ownerId for export and build reports process
- fixed a bug, when copying files to the same subscription, the used space was not recalculated
- fixed error when trying to get calculated size of subscription's files in admin controller
& optimized the configuration for installation a self hosted system
+ added salvation for improperly deleted files to analytics and problem solver
- fixed a problem with getFunctions method
- fixed a bug when exported templates have no permissions by default
- fixed lack of file size update, when editing template in online designer
- fixed editedTime of files copies (always was 01/01/0001)
Version 2021.1.0
+ we are arriving!
> this is the first public change in this changelog