Adding New Users to FastReport Cloud


In the Business edition of our cloud service for working with reports, FastReport Cloud, there is an option to add users to the same workspace.

This means that multiple individuals can prepare reports from a single large list of previously added templates. Additionally, several people working on report templates can quickly and conveniently add them to a space where those reports can be prepared by another group of users who do not have editing permissions for the templates.

To begin, let’s add a new user to the workspace. When a new user first opens FastReport Cloud, they will see the following screen:  

User Not Signed In to FastReport Cloud


Each user must have an account on our authentication service, FastReport ID. After successful registration and logging into FastReport Cloud, the user will see the following message:

User Does Not Have a Workspace


At this stage, we go back to the account that purchased the license for FastReport Cloud. In the “Users” tab, you will see a list of users that have already been added, as well as a button that we will need right now—“Make Invite Link.”

“Users” Tab in FastReport Cloud


If you click on this button, you will see a text field with an invitation link, as well as a button that allows you to copy this link.  

Message About the Successful Link Copying


By default, this link is reusable and is valid for one day. Currently, this can only be changed through the API.

Share this link with the new user. When they click on this link, they will see a dialog prompting them to accept the invitation to FastReport Cloud.  

Workspace Invitation Message


After clicking “Accept,” two things will happen. First, the new user will be able to perform actions permitted for the “All Users” group. For example, if you have disabled access to document information by default, this is what they will see:

Workspace Without Documents


Secondly, you will be able to see the new user in the same “Users” menu from which the invitation link was copied.  

The “Users” Menu Has Increased


If you want to remove a user from the subscription, you can right-click on that user and select the appropriate option.  

Remove User from Subscription


By the way, if you go to the workspace information menu, you will be able to see the maximum number of added users.  

Workspace Information


Thus, the Business edition of FastReport Cloud allows for effective organization of collaborative work on reports. By adding users to a single workspace, simultaneous preparation of reports from a shared list of templates can be ensured, or tasks can be distributed among different groups of users. This streamlines the reporting process and makes it more convenient and efficient.

FastReport Cloud
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