Wayland is a protocol designed to manage a graphical server in Linux-based operating systems and other UNIX-like OS.
Avalonia UI is a framework based on .NET, actively used for developing cross-platform user interfaces. With a universal API for building applications, Avalonia supports all major platforms and runtime environments and has its unique interface. This way, your business solutions will look identical across every operating system.
FastReport .NET Avalonia includes a powerful data processing core, a familiar report designer, and a viewer for finished reports. The new product also offers all export formats for the generated report — PDF, Excel, MS Word, and many others.
In this article, we will discuss how to run FastReport .NET Avalonia on the "Fedora Workstation 39" operating system with Wayland protocol.
We need to update the indices, as well as install .NET 6.0 for further work. Open the console and enter the following commands:
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-6.0
After that, download the FastReport .NET Avalonia Trial library for Linux from the Fast Reports Inc. website.
Next, extract the FastReport.Avalonia.LinuxDemo.zip archive into a convenient directory.
Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where you extracted the FastReport .NET Avalonia Trial application, and then enter the linux-x64 folder.
To run the FastReport .NET Avalonia Trial, we need to enter the following command in the terminal:
dotnet AvaloniaDemo.dll
After that, you will be able to view the demonstration report of FastReport .NET Avalonia.
It's time to go to the report designer. To do this, click on the "Designer" button in the upper panel of the demo application.
Thus, we have managed to run FastReport .NET Avalonia on the "Fedora Workstation 39" operating system with the Wayland protocol. There is nothing complicated about launching and setting up the connection. It is enough to install the SDK packages and unpack the archive with the application, after which you can use the report designer. For any questions, please contact our technical support at support@fast-report.com. Enjoy using it!