
May 18, 2018

From FastCube VCL 2 to FastCube .Net

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May 18, 2018

Conditional data highlighting in FastCube .NET

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May 18, 2018

Convert RichObject to text when exporting

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May 18, 2018

Support for editable fields in WebReport

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April 04, 2018

Displaying images with transparency in Adobe Acrobat

In this article, we'll look at how to turn off the support for translucency when exporting the FastReport .NET report to PDF.
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April 04, 2018

How to create new cube in FastCube .NET

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April 04, 2018

FastCube.Net components. Part 1. Cube, CubeGrid, CubeGridToolbar, Slice, SliceGrid, SliceGridToolbar.

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April 03, 2018

How to make a simple FastCube .NET cube editor

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