In der Veröffentlichung von FastReport Online Designer 2025.1 haben wir ein neues Komponentenmenü hinzugefügt, neue Funktionen in das Kontextmenü des Objekts „Tabelle“ eingeführt, die Wasserzeicheneinstellungen verbessert, die Erstellung von Hilfslinien auf der Seite hinzugefügt und vieles mehr.
+ added packages for Delphi2005+ Length function now supports arrays+ added TfsScript.ExtendedCharset property (use national chars in identifiers)- fixed error in SetLength function (for dynamic arrays)- fixed error with __StringHelper (access to string elements)
+ added TfrxMemoView.Clipped property+ added TfrxReport.OnAfterPrintReport event+ added baClient to Align property+ added Danish, Chinese resources+ now you can use national chars in the script identifier names+ added TfrxPDFExport.PrintOptimized property+ improved speed of the Excel export filter+ added log rotate function in Client/Server version- bug fixes
+ added Delphi2005 packages+ added TfrxReport.Modified property+ added TfrxReport.EngineOptions.DestroyForms property+ added Polish, Swedish, Romanian resources+ added expressions support to the Cross-tab object* changes in aggregate functions call: <> symbols aren't needed anymore* changes in IIF function: now it works like macro+ Forms support by TfrxReportClient+ Report cache on server side+ CGI wrapper for using with Apache/IIS (see cgi_readme.txt)- bug fixes
- standalone server application (without the need of IIS, Apache or other web-server technologies) has a big performance, low response time, low use of system resources, in compare with solutions based on CGI technology;- run any reports on the server side, on client request, without direct connection of the client to the database server;- use of HyperText transfer protocol (HTTP, RFC 2068 [2]) allows you to use many of existing applications such as web-browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera etc), proxy-servers, web-servers (Internet Information Server, Apache etc), together with FastReport 3 Enterprise without any additional requirements;- managing the connection logs, error logs, any additional system information, allows you to keep a statistics, quickly track down the bugs and unauthorized access attempts;- use of authentification and allow/deny IP lists allows you to restrict the access to the server;- you can use FastReport client components for interaction between your client application and the server. You can use any web-browser as well;- your reports may have a dialogue forms that will be used for entering some values before running a report;- supported formats of the prepared reports are: HTML, PDF, RTF, XML, XLS, JPEG, Text.