
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
21. Mai 2005

FastReport 3.13

+ added "ExportNotPrintable" property in all export filters+ added "Resolution", "SeparateFiles" properties in BMP, JPEG, TIFF export filters+ improved TfrxHTTPClient RFC 2068 compatibility (when working with non-FastReport servers)- fixed Outline bug in PDF export filter- fixed RTL (Hebrew, Arabic language) bug in PDF export filter- fixed resolution bug in TIFF export filter- bug fixes
16. Mai 2005

Join testing FastReport Studio!

Access to the following objects of the report generator - TfrxReport, TfrxUserDataSet, TfrxADODatabase, TfrxADOTable and TfrxADOQuery is given for programmer. The following components included into a demo package:1. Library frxCOM.dll, including COM a server and TypeLibrary.2. Demo database in format Microsoft Access3. Demo reports in format FastReport 34. Demo examples of use FastReport COM server for the following languages and environments:4.1 Visual C++ Demo4.2 Visual C#. NET Demo4.3 Visual Basic.NET Demo4.4 Visual FoxPRO Demo4.5 Microsoft Access Demo4.6 Microsoft Excel Demo5. Report designer. All demo programs delivered with sources.Changes in FastReport Studio Beta 2+ FastReport Studio based on FastReport 3.12+ Demo programs for Visual FoxPro, MicrosoftAccess and Microsoft Excel added+ Report designer+ COM objects for technology ADO added+ Resources for multilanguage support added- Interface IStrings excluded from TypeLibrary.+ The opportunity of access to internal objects FastReport for which are determined COM interfaces has appeared.+ New opportunities in Visaul C ++ Demo - ScriptText browser, ReportStructure browser are added.+ Correct display of the reports based on UserData in demo programs on Visual C # is made. NET and Visual Basic.NET+ The algorithm of registration of events in demo programs on Visual C # is changed. NET and Visual Basic.NET+ The interface for TfrxComponent is added.+ Methods for dynamic attachment of the objects based on class TfrxDataSet to object TfrxReport are added.- Set of fine bugfixes. Discussion - in Forum
14. Mai 2005

You can buy FastReport via PayPal

We are pleased to announce PayPal as a new customer payment method. PayPal payments can now be accepted through the RegNow shopping carts.It is enough to choose " Payment Method: PayPal " on the page of registration.Links for purchase via PayPal:FastReport 3: Basic Edition ($79)Standard Edition ($179)Professional Edition ($249)Enterprise Edition ($349)FastScript ($79)FastReport VCL ($99)FastReport CLX ($99)FastExperts ($24,99)
25. April 2005

FastReport 3.12

+ added TfrxReport.StoreInDFM property+ added TfrxShapeView.Curve property+ added TfrxReport.PreviewOptions.OutlineExpand property+ added compatibility code in XLS export - TfrxXLSExport.FastExport property, set FastExport := False if you have OLE error with Excel+ added TfrxXLSExport.PageBreaks property+ improved XLS, PDF, HTML exports - fixed URLs and anchors feature in HTML export- fixed bug with font widths in PDF export- fixed bug PrintOnParent in exports (Enterprise)+ added TfrxServerConfig.ReportsList property+ added 'getvariable' URL parameter for query of internal server variables+ added internal server variables SERVER_REPORTS_LIST, SERVER_REPORTS_HTML+ added function TfrxReportClient.GetServerVariable(const VariableName: String): String;+ improved TfrxReportServer performance+ added NT service demo (see project \Demos\ClientServer\Service)+ added online documentation in the Server demo- fully rewritten Advanced Client demo (see project \Demos\ClientServer\Client\Advanced)- changed reports in Server demo (see project \Demos\ClientServer\Server)- changed html files in Server demo (see project \Demos\ClientServer\Server)- bug fixes! Attention: reports with TfrxRichView (RTF) don't work in Server mode when server cache is on.
13. April 2005

Updating of the documentation

New documentation for FastReport 3!In HTML (On-line and archive), PDF, CHM, Help-file available:Programmer's manual, User manual, Developer's manual, Client-Server (Enterprise) programmer's manual. See now:
21. März 2005

FreeReport 2.33

- added Delphi 4-7, 2005, C++Builder 4-6 support- added FastReport 3 (*.fr3) format support in report designer- report preview improvements- bug fixes
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