
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
9. Februar 2006

Kylix FAQ on

FastReport CLX turns out to be the only really working report generator for Kylix. That is why we are often asked questions about Kylix as well. We have composed a list of frequently asked questions concerning Kylix and answers on them. The reason is that we did not find full answers on these questions on the Internet. We remind you that we perform technical support of only our products. Concerning questions about Kylix technical support address the company producing Kylix.See Kylix FAQ here...
21. Dezember 2005

FastReport Studio 3.20

+ added interface IfrxFont.+ added IfrxFrame interface+ added IfrxDisplayFormat interface+ added method ResetDataSet into IfrxDataBand interface+ added support of NET streams + fixed OnSaveReport event (added SaveAs argument)+ added IfrxShapeView interface+ added C# example of OnLoadreport and OnSaveReport events.+ added OnLoadreport and onSaveReport events to IfrxDesignerEvents interface+ added IfrxPage interface and GetPage enumerator for IfrxReport+ improved RTF export+ enhanced speed and reduced output file size of PDF export+ added ParagraphGap support in PDF export+ update German resources+ update Turkish resources* AVG function now counts only non-Null values* RichView object is now WYSIWYG* lot of fixes and small updates* fixed IfrxMemmoView interface (added lot of properties - align, color, and etc)* modified OnSaveReport event of TfrxDesigner* property EnableLoadSaveEvents of IfrxDesigner interface splitted to EnableLoadEvent and EnableSaveEvent* updated C++ demo Variable (added lot of comments and emo report changed)* updated C# DataSetDemo example- fixed bug in AddVariable method of TfrxReport interface- fixed bug in RTF export with font style attributes- fixed bug with frames in PDF export- fixed paper size bug- fixed ParagraphGap in PDF export- fixed stack overflow error with report summary band- fixed error with dialog form- fixed big with TProgressBar property out of range on exports of blank page in HTML- fixed bug in PDF export with zero width/height of bitmap- fixed bug with checkbox object- fixed bug with datatree window- fixed error with chart datetime- fixed bug with inspector window in debug mode- fixed undo of password protected report- fixed some dataset problems- fixed ask save changes in designer- fixed PDF export (font color clNone looks as clBlack) 
28. Oktober 2005

FastScript 1.9 released

+ full multi-thread support+ improved performance+ added packages for Delphi2006+ added separate Tee package- fixed c++ bool type- fixed case sensitivity for c++ (keywords only)- fixed jscript error (function that returns a string)
24. Oktober 2005

FastReport 3.19 released

+ added separate frxTee package for TeeChart+ added CJK Font support in PDF export+ added frxHiButtons.pas unit (hi-color button images). Just add to your uses list.+ added "Classes" tab to DataTree+ added TfrxBarcodeView.WideBarRatio property- multi-thread fixes- fixed bug with cross+subreport- fixed bug with CloseDatasource = True- fixed bug in old-style cross- fixed bug in XLS(OLE) export with extra long text line- fixed bug in PDF export with non-TrueType fonts- fixed memo.loadfromfile- fixed bug with installer- fixed print report title twice- fixed startnewpage+reprintonnewpage- fixed char spacing in PDF export- fixed baClient align- fixed dot-matrix (designer, engine)- fixed app icon bug- FS: multithread fix- preview fixes- frf importer fixes
24. Oktober 2005

FastReport Studio 3.19

+ added new Delphi for .NET demo+ added new C# demo: Report client for FastReport Server+ added new C# demo: Picture - shows how to use IfrxPictureView interface+ added new interface IfrxPictureView+ improved interface (new buttons, splash and startup window)+ added scheduler service (you can schedule your report and receive it by e-mail)+ added configuration utility+ added context help in designer (F1 key)+ added method LoadPreparedReportFromStream(IStream *) to TfrxPreviewX+ added method SavePreparedReportToStream(IStream *) to TfrxReport+ added new interface:  IfrxDataBand* fixed C++ demos: variable demo, callback demo* updated C++ thread_test demo* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataSet class* updated C++ DynamicReport demo* updated: Method CreateReportObject() of IfrxReport interface has been changed in accordance to new requirements* updated Visual FoxPro demo* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataView class + sorting example
20. September 2005

FastReport 3.18 released

* D2006 ready+ added strikeout text support in HTML export+ added char spacing support in PDF export+ added support of BALTIC_CHARSET (windows-1257) in PDF export+ added support TfrxShapeView diagonal lines in PDF export+ added FRF import unit. To use it, simply include frx2xto30.pas into your "uses" list.- fixed inplace editing of the Text object- fixed bug with export to the monochrome TIFF format (error with the MS Paint and Photo Editor) - fixed dbx components bug- fixed paper bins selection- fixed bugs in e-mail export (Lines and Signature properties, bad attachment, bad address syntax with some smtp servers)- fixes of the export filters interface- fixed GIF export filter- fixed bug with xp style (av when closing expr editor)- fixed av when selecting sysmemo and memo- fixed the default export file name in the "Save Dialog"- fixed TfrxServerConfig.LoadFromFile
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (Englisch, die USA)
  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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