
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
24. Oktober 2006

FastReport Studio 3.19

+ added new Delphi for .NET demo+ added new C# demo: Report client for FastReport Server+ added new C# demo: Picture - shows how to use IfrxPictureView interface+ added new interface IfrxPictureView+ improved interface (new buttons, splash and startup window)+ added scheduler service (you can schedule your report and receive it by e-mail)+ added configuration utility+ added context help in designer (F1 key)+ added method LoadPreparedReportFromStream(IStream *) to TfrxPreviewX+ added method SavePreparedReportToStream(IStream *) to TfrxReport+ added new interface:  IfrxDataBand* fixed C++ demos: variable demo, callback demo* updated C++ thread_test demo* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataSet class* updated C++ DynamicReport demo* updated: Method CreateReportObject() of IfrxReport interface has been changed in accordance to new requirements* updated Visual FoxPro demo* updated C# DataSetDemo: added FrxDataView class + sorting example
26. September 2006

FastReport 4 demo is available!

What's new in the FastReport 4?Report Designer: new XP-style icons the "Data" tab with all report datasets ability to draw diagrams in the "Data" tab code completion (Ctrl+Space) breakpoints watches report templates Report Preview: thumbnails Print: splitting a big page to several small pages printing several small pages on one big duplex handling from print dialogue Report Core: "endless page" mode images handling, increased speed the "Reset page numbers" mode for groups reports scripting (Rijndael algorithm) report inheritance drill-down groups frxGlobalVariables object "cross-tab" object enhancements line object can have arrows Download the compiled demo of FastReport 4 here: downloadWe appreciate your feedback! Tell us what you think on the newsgroups or on the forum
25. September 2006

FastReport VCL 3.24 released!

Changes:+ added TfrxMemoView.Wysiwyg property (note - block align will be disabled if you set this property to False!)+ added some dbxdatabase properties* update Portuguese resources- fixed bug with shiftmode- fixed bug in taborder editor- bug with splitted richedit- bug with multi-monitor configuration- fixed bug with anchor+keeptogether- fixed bug with printtoprevpage- fixed bug with styles and numbers format in the XML export- fixed bug with continuous mode in the XML export- fixed bug with character height in PDF export- fixed aggregare error (comma in the field name)- fixed compatibility with TLargeIntField- [server] fixed bug with threads in client- fixed bug with DefaultPath in XLS export
22. September 2006

New documentation of FastReport and FastReport Studio

We have release new version of documentation for FastReport for Delphi and FastReport Studio in PDF-format.Download here:
22. September 2006

Price of FastReport 4

FastReport 4 editions Basic   $79Standard   $179Professional  $249Enterprise   $349Upgrade from FR3 (purchase date after May 1st, 2006 is a FREE upgrade to the same FR4 edition)Upgrade Basic   $39Upgrade Standard   $99Upgrade Professional   $139Upgrade Enterprise   $199Basic to Standard   $99Basic to Professional   $169Basic to Enterprise   $269Standard to Professional   $69Standard to Enterprise   $169Professional to Enterprise   $99
20. September 2006

FastReport 3.18 released

* D2006 ready+ added strikeout text support in HTML export+ added char spacing support in PDF export+ added support of BALTIC_CHARSET (windows-1257) in PDF export+ added support TfrxShapeView diagonal lines in PDF export+ added FRF import unit. To use it, simply include frx2xto30.pas into your "uses" list.- fixed inplace editing of the Text object- fixed bug with export to the monochrome TIFF format (error with the MS Paint and Photo Editor) - fixed dbx components bug- fixed paper bins selection- fixed bugs in e-mail export (Lines and Signature properties, bad attachment, bad address syntax with some smtp servers)- fixes of the export filters interface- fixed GIF export filter- fixed bug with xp style (av when closing expr editor)- fixed av when selecting sysmemo and memo- fixed the default export file name in the "Save Dialog"- fixed TfrxServerConfig.LoadFromFile
Fast Reports
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  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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