
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
20. August 2007

FastCube released!

By high needs of the FastReport's customers our company releases set of OLAP-components for Delphi "FastCube". What the preferences of the FastCube?  high speed of the information processing by the our traditional code optimization and own data-keeping format high flexibility of data analisis in the power of full compatible and posibility of use script enjine FastScript - connect any complexity analisis! full integration with the FastReport. You can send results from the OLAP-cube to FastReport or, by other way,  call OLAP-cube from the FastReport. And - the main! Only for our customers - 30% discount to any edition of the FastCube!  
11. Juli 2007

FastReport Viewer released

Released free utility for viewing and printing fp3 files. Download here
10. Juli 2007

FastReport 4.3 released!

FastReport® VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Borland Delphi and Borland C++Builder environments.What is new in the version 4.3---------------+ added support for C++Builder 2007+ added encryption in PDF export+ added TeeChart Pro 8 support+ added support of OEM code page in PDF export+ added TfrxReport.CaseSensitiveExpressions property+ added "OverwritePrompt" property in all export components+ improved RTF export (WYSIWYG)+ added support of thai and vietnamese charsets in PDF export+ added support of arrows in PDF export* at inheritance of the report the script from the report of an ancestor is added to the current report (as comments)* some changes in PDF export core- fixed bug with number formats in Open Document Spreadsheet export- fixed bug when input text in number property(Object Inspector) and close Designer(without apply changes)- fixed bug in TfrxDBDataset with reCurrent- fixed bug with memory leak in export of empty outline in PDF format- line# fix (bug with subreports)- fixed bug with edit prepared report with rich object- fixed bug with shadows in PDF export- fixed bug with arrows in designer- fixed bug with margins in HTML, RTF, XLS, XML exports- fixed bug with arrows in exports- fixed bug with printers enumeration in designer (list index of bound)- fixed papersize bug in inherited reports
9. Juli 2007

New licenses to FastReport

By popular request of developer's commands and organizations now available Team license (for teams of developers to four people inclusive) and site-license (for an unlimited number of work places in the organization with the one geographical address) for all editions of 4 FastReport for Delphi/C++ Builder/BDS.
23. April 2007

Become our guest on Interop 2007 Moscow!

"Fast Reports" shall participate in Interop 2007 MoscowWe shall be glad to see you as our guests on the Stand №209/3.Only news from our company in the Interop'2007 Moscow:1. the 4th version of FastReport Studio for Windows Vista2. the 2nd version of the reporting server FastReport Server3. OLAP-components FastCube4. Fast Report's partner program See the Interop's planeSchedule a meeting.
3. April 2007

FastReport 4.2 VCL released

+ added support for CodeGear Delphi 2007+ added export of html tags in RTF format+ improved split of the rich object+ improved split of the memo object+ added TfrxReportPage.ResetPageNumbers property+ added support of underlines property in PDF export* export of the memos formatted as fkNumeric to float in ODS export- fixed bug keeptogether with aggregates- fixed bug with double-line draw in RTF export- fix multi-thread problem in PDF export- fixed bug with the shading of the paragraph in RTF export when external rich-text was inserted- fixed bug with unicode in xml/xls export- fixed bug in the crop of page in BMP, TIFF, Jpeg, Gif- "scale" printmode fixed- group & userdataset bugfix- fixed cross-tab pagination error- fixed bug with round brackets in PDF export- fixed bug with gray to black colors in RTF export- fixed outline with page.endlessheight- fixed SuppressRepeated & new page- fixed bug with long time export in text format- fixed bug with page range and outline in PDF export- fixed undo in code window- fixed error when call DesignReport twice- fixed unicode in the cross object- fixed designreportinpanel with dialog forms- fixed paste of DMPCommand object- fixed bug with the export of null images- fixed code completion bug- fixed column footer & report summary problem
Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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