
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
20. September 2006

List of features of FastReport 4

Here is a list of features of new version of FastReport - FastReport 4 VCL.Report Designer:- new XP-style icons- the "Data" tab with all report datasets- code completion (Ctrl+Space)- breakpoints- watches- report templatesReport Preview:- thumbnailsPrint:- splitting a big page to several small pages- printing several small pages on one big- duplex handling from print dialogueReport Core:- "endless page" mode- images handling, increased speed- the "Reset page numbers" mode for groups- reports crypting (Rijndael algorithm)- report inheritance- drill-down groups  We expect beta at the end of September, release - at the end of October.Keep out our news!
18. September 2006

New face of Fast Reports.

Welcome to our new web-site with new style and new navigation.Now it is become more, but more useful and easy to use.Keep out our news! We can garantee many good news at the near time.
16. September 2006

FastQueryBuilder 1.03 released

Whats new:+ added d2006(DeXter) packages and compatibility+ Danish, Portuguese language added+ joins between fields of the compatible types+ Designer saves its own position and size- fixed for order by DESC of any field- fixed 'Control has no parent window.' error in Delphi 5
10. August 2006

We stop sales of FastReport 2 VCL

The overwhelming majority of our customers all over the world uses third version of FastReport for Delphi, and also new IDEs therefore FastReport 2 line is closed and will not be updated.Our customers, wishing to receive FastReport VCL 2.* (it is actual only for Delphi 2, 3 and C++ Builder 1 and 3), can receive this product as a bonus with the license on FastReport 3 Standard, Professional or Enterprise.Programs of OEM-licensing FastReport VCL 2 for our old partners also while remain in force.Also the company begins work above FastReport 4 for Delphi/C ++ Builder with set of innovations and improvements.Traditionally concessionary terms of updating for existing users FastReport 3 are guaranteed.Keep out our news!
1. August 2006

FastReport Studio 3.23 released!

Changes in FastReport Studio 3.23- fixed bug with styles and numbers format in the XML export- fixed bug with continuous mode in the XML export- fixed bug with character height in PDF export- fixed aggregare error (comma in the field name)* update Portuguese resources- fixed compatibility with TLargeIntField- fixed bug with DefaultPath in XLS export+ added Charset property to IfrxFont interface+ added OldStyleProgress property to IfrxReport interface+ added new VB6 example of using ActiveX previews* ActiveX implemetation fixes - fixed bug with RichText objects intersection in RTF export+ added IfrxCustomCrossView, IfrxCrossView, IfrxDBCrossView interfaces! renamed elements of frxSeriesSortOrder enumeration due to naming conflict: soNone -> so_None, soAscending -> so_Ascending, soDescending -> so_Descending
4. Juli 2006

FastReport 3.23 for Delphi released

+ added save to stream possibility in Jpeg, Gif, Tiff, Bmp exports+ added new control for page headers/footers mode selection in RTF export dialog+ added new property TfrxRTFExport.HeaderFooterMode (you can select between hfText, hfPrint, hfNone - default is hfText)+ [server] added property TfrxReportServer.WebServer+ added property TfrxHTMLExport.EmptyLines* e-mail export now inherits the attachment file name from exports file name* update French resources* update Danish resources* update German resources- fixed bug in TIFF export (monochrome)- fixed bug in PDF export when Outline is empty and checked- fixed large font issues- some fixes for bar codes in PDF export- add-in components fixes (AV when open some projects)- fixed bug with preview (position of the page when resizing the window)- fixed bug with RichText objects intersection in RTF export- fixed bug with format of the float numbers in XLS export- fixed bug with export of barcodes with zoom more than two- fixed error when page number does not exist in page range in exports dialog- [server] fixed bug with ampersand in query parameters- fixed bug with XML export (XML Parsing Error)- fixed bug with HideIfSingleDataRecord
Fast Reports
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  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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