February 12, 2009

FastCube 1.5 released!

FastCube 1.5 released!

+ Changed: row height calculation algorithm of the X Axis
+ Added property: TfcGrid.MaxRowHeightInXAxis
+ Added properties in Measures[] ColOffsetValueWithDimValue[ADimValue: Variant] and ColOffsetValueWithDimValue[ADimValue: Variant]
+ Added support for the mouse wheel in the detail grid.
+ Added: Properties FieldsOrder and ShowSplitFieldsInFieldList are saved in Schema file
+ Added property TfcSlice.ShowSplitFieldsInFieldList
+ Added: Index of the field in DataSet is saved in Cube file
+ Added events TfcSlice.OnSliceChanged
+ Added opportunity of copying in the Clipboard with headers
+ Added events TfcSlice.OnStartChange and TfcSlice.OnStopChange.
+ Added French resources (thanks Hugues Van Landeghem)
+ Better WideString field support. In combination with new defines UseWideString, UseUnicodeString (d2009 only) it allows to show unicode charaters in grid
+ Added PercentFormat property to the TfcCube.DefaultFormat
+ Added option mdgoCloneMasterValueOnExport to the TfcGrid (copy master value to all rows(columns) in export)
+ Field width is saved in Schema and does not reset after move field in a grid region
+ Added support for TBCDField for Delphi5
+ Added German resources (thanks Daniel Soppe)
+ Added property GridCanvas to the TfcGrid for using in events OnDrawCell and OnDrawAxisItem
+ Added CopyToClipboard button to the ChartToolbar
+ Added Spanish resources
+ Added method TfcCube.Refresh to refresh data in Cube from DataSet
* Function af_Count does not required a base field.
- Removed grid properties: Crl3D, ParentCrl3D
- Speed of expand/collapse operations has been dramatically increased
- Fixed error: Axes were drawn very slowly with the big amount of data
- Fix error with Dimensions[] in calcilation field script
- Fix error with BCD fields in Fib+ and InterBaseExpress
- Fixed error: DefaultFormat is nil in TfcFieldOfRegion
- Fixed error in the html export with Delphi 2009
- Fixed error: the schema loss in TfrcChartView editor.
- Fixed recompile in BCB6 package with support of FastScript
- Fixed wrong charset assignment
- Fixed errors in the Recompile Wizard for Delphi 2009
- Fixed errors in the frcd12.dpk package (Delphi 2009)
- Fixed errors in the Measure Editor

September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 06, 2024

We treat you with a discount on report generators in honor of our birthday

Dear clients, we are happy to announce great news! This year our company celebrates a remarkable event - we are 26 years old!
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
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