April 26, 2018

New version of FastReport Mono

In the latest version of FastReport Mono we significantly renewed and improved WebReport - added support of interactivity and Online Designer. New exports into JSON, LaTeX. Added support of Maps and new data source - CSV.

Version 2018
+ added support Online Designer in WebReport (https://www.fast-report.com/en/product/fast-report-online-designer/)
+ added outline (TOC) of report in WebReport
+ added property WebReport.DesignerConfig for storing custom configuration of Online Designer
+ added properties WebReport.RequestHeaders, WebReport.ResponseHeaders
+ added catching of exceptions on call of WebReport.DesignerSaveCallBack
+ added ToolbarBackgroundStyle.None (you can use WebReport.ToolbarColor instead bitmap from style)
+ added properties WebReport.UnlimitedWidth, WebReport.UnlimitedHeight for enable Unlimited size for all report pages (default: false - use report settings)
+ added property WebReport.Dialogs for enable or disable all report dialogs (default: true - enabled)
+ added property WebReport.ShowBackButton to display the "Back" button (return to previous report in the tabbed report)
+ added property WebReport.LogFile to log the errors in WebReport, may be combined with WebReport.Debug
+ added property WebReport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output (default: false)
+ added support of Page.Fill in WebReport
+ added support of WebReport background color - WebReport.BackColor (default value: White)
+ added hyperlinks on bookmarks functionality (works only with Layers = true)
+ added hyperlinks on page number functionality (works only with Layers = true)
+ added click event handler functionality (works only with Layers = true)
+ added detailed reports - hyperlinks on hidden report page or report file (works only with Layers = true)
+ added new property WebReport.ShowTabCloseButton (default value: false)
+ added new property WebReport.TabPosition (default value: TabPosition.InsideToolbar)
+ added new example for Single Page Application \Demos\C#\Web\SPADemo
+ added new enum member TabPosition.Hidden for hidding tabs from toolbar
+ added properties Left, Top, Width, Height in CustomDrawEventArgs (can be used in WebReport.CustomDraw)
+ added showing Print Dialog in print in PDF
+ added properties WebReport.DocxRowHeightIs, WebReport.PdfShowPrintDialog
+ added function WebReport.PrintInPdf(bool ShowPrintDialog) for setup showing the Print Dialog in PDF
+ added event for rendering the custom objects in Web or overriding rendering of standard objects (WebReport.CustomDraw),
works only with enabled WebReport.Layer
+ added support of layered HTML in WebReport (WebReport.Layers) with better WYSIWYG
+ added property WebReport.RefreshTimeout (time for report refresh in seconds, 0 - refresh disabled),
this property may be useful for Dashboard functionality

+ added autosave report templates in designer
+ added abilty to save prepared reports into cloud storage
+ added export to JSON fomat
+ added export to LaTeX format
+ improved export to SVG format
+ improved export to graphics bitmap formats
+ improved Gauge object
+ added Map object
+ added new shapes
+ added new data source CSV format

- fix PostgreSQL issue
+ added experimental implementation of RichText object
+ data access objects has been ported from FR.NET
+ added support of OTF files with CFF fonts (OTTO fonts)
- fix font weight (!!! you should manually delete previous font.list file - ~/.local/share/FastReport/font.list or C:\Users\YourFolder\Local Settings\FastReport\font.list)
- fix command line build under Linux and OSX (xbuild instead of mdtool)
- fix clipping area in preview window under Linux and OSX
- fixed path to TrueType fonts
- fixed horizontal justify for "space before new line" case

October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports. Now you can add a report page with a link, asynchronous report preparation with undo support, text rotation with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph, text search in code editors, export to images for WebReport and much more.
October 15, 2024

New version of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1

We present you the release of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1, which includes important fixes and improvements. This update improves the stability of the library, improves the accuracy of displaying elements, and eliminates problems related to changing data in charts.
October 15, 2024

Release the new version of FastCube .NET 2025.1

Meet the new FastCube .NET 2025.1 release — a product relaunch with many key changes. This major update includes important architectural improvements, support for new platforms, and expanded capabilities for OLAP component developers.
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