September 08, 2021

New version of FastReport Mono 2021.4 is released

FastReport Mono 2021.4

New features

Added new Visual Studio-styled icons. You may switch between icon packs in the "View/Options/User Interface" window (or, "File/Options/User Interface" if you use ribbon UI):

New features

The new icons are well suited for hiDPI screens.

Added ability to reset the FastReport configuration stored in the FastReport.Config file in the user's profile. It can be done in the "View/Options/User Interface" window, the "Reset config" button. Restart of the designer is required in order to apply changes.

Added ability for the Text object to display DB filed names in a simplified form when designing a report. You can activate this option in the "View/Options/Objects appearance" window. This option is off by default. When you turn it on the Text object with a single DB field will display the field name part only, with no datasource name:

FastReport Mono 2021.4

It makes the report look cleaner especially when it contains a lot of small objects. You still can see a full text of object in the status bar.

Added ability to set up each cell in the Matrix object's corner area. To do this use the cell's context menu and its commands "Split cell", "Merge cells":

FastReport Mono 2021.4

Added ability to connect to ElasticSearch. Connection available in data wizard and from code.

Added barcode Japanese Post 4 - State Code.

FastReport Mono 2021.4

Added the collapse all/expand all buttons and, a search field for the report tree and data tree in the designer. When clicking on + tree will expand. On - tree will collapse.

FastReport Mono 2021.4

These changes should simplify working with reports containing many objects and/or data sources.

The RichText to report objects converter has been significantly improved and optimized.

Added FastReport Business Graphics integration objects (\Extras\Objects\FastReportBGObjects).

Universal plugins FastReport.Data

Packages with FastReport.Data plugins have been updated. Now they include plugins for different FastReport editions (.NET, Core, CoreWin, Open Source) and automatically connect the necessary library, depending on the product you use. The FastReport edition 2021.3.0 or higher is required for correct work.

The FastReport.Core.Data, FastReport.CoreWin.Data, and FastReport.OpenSource.Data plugins are declared obsolete and are no longer supported.


In the logic of the localization change small changes were made.

1. Added package FastReport.Localization. This package contains localization files for FastReport.NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.CoreWin, FastReport.Mono, FastReport.OpenSource products and creates the Localization directory in the output directory of the user project when adding this package.

2. Added new API for changing the localization using the CultureInfo type - FastReport.Utils.Res.LoadLocale(CultureInfo culture).

 When this method is called, FastReport searches for the appropriate localization for the selected culture. Loaded locales are cached. For this method to work correctly, you must install the FastReport.Localization package from step 1 in your project or set the path to the folder with the localization files in the FastReport.Utils.Res.LocaleFolder property.


- Fixed bug with Dock and Anchor properties of the objects that are inside the Table/Matrix cell.

- Fixed stack overflow bug when you add Subreport object to the page footer band.

- Fixed bug with SVG export if the system's DPI setting is greater than 96DPI.

Complete list of FastReport Mono 2021.4 changes


+ Added connection to ElasticSearch.

+ Added a new barcode - Japanese PostNet.

+ Added the Res.LoadLocale (CultureInfo) method, which changes the selected locale by the CultureInfo argument. Loaded locales are cached. For correct operation, the added FastReport.Localization package is required.

* Optimized and unified converter RichText to report objects.

- Fixed a bug with incorrect tab width when TextObject.TextRenderType = TextRenderType.HtmlTextRenderer.

- Fixed a bug with SubreportObject on a page footer band which caused StackOverflow exception.

- Fixed a bug with Dock and Anchor properties of objects inside table/matrix cells.

- Fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when drawing PictureObject located outside the band.

- Fixed a bug with incorrect work of right anchor (Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right) when page has unlimited width.

- Fixed a bug with replacing a custom font with a default font when preparing a report.

- Fixed a bug with vertical alignment when converting RTF (by default, now Top instead of Center).

- Fixed a bug with converting RTF tables to report objects.



+ Added simplified display of DB field names in the designer.

+ Added collapse all/expand all button and search field for Report tree and Data tree.

+ New icons added. Use the designer's "View|Options|User interface" dialog to switch between icon packs.

- Fixed a bug leading to the crash of the report designer with an incorrect table in the data source.


- Fixed a bug with saving prepared reports containing converted RichObject.



+ Added option when export to Word 2007 "Do not add section breaks on page breaks". By default, both page breaks and section breaks are added.

- Fixed page-break in Html export (PageBreaks property).

- Fixed SVG export with "Multiply export" parameter.

- Fixed SVG export bug on hidpi monitor.

- Fixed the names of files saved in the zip archive.

- Fixed tab symbols width when export RichObject.

- Fixed XPS export bug where documents exported on Linux would not open on Windows.

- Fixed bugs with incorrect work of Anchor and Dock properties when exporting pages with unlimited width.

- Fixed a bug in Excel 2007 export of text objects with enabled HtmlParagraph render type. Disable WYSIWYG export option to export text instead of images.



+ Added package 'FastReport.Localization', which includes FastReport localization files in your project for working with different languages.

+ Added FastReport Business Graphics integration objects (\Extras\Objects\FastReportBGObjects).



+ Implemented transition to list of reports, when clicking on the arrow on folder in new demo.

* Changed Target Framework for new demo to 4.7.2.

* Changed color of inactive buttons in the thumbnail view mode of new demo.

* Changed background color of the zoom slider in new demo.

* Changed background color when displaying dialog forms in the new demo.

* Changed background color of interactive reports tabs in new demo.

* Changed the location of the folder with report thumbnails for the demo application. Now this folder is located not in Program Files but in AppData\Local.

- Fixed problems with displaying interface elements of the new demo application.

- Fixed a bug that caused saving a prepared report when clicking on the drop-down items in the save menu of the new demo application.

- Fixed a bug with alignment of reports in preview window of the new demo.

- Fixed a bug with double launching dialog forms when selecting a report in new demo.

- Fixed a bug with stretching thumbnails in the new demo.

- FIxed a bug leading to a lag when moving the window of new demo.

- Fixed a bug in the new demo with simultaneous displaying of thumbnails in folder and report bars.

October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports. Now you can add a report page with a link, asynchronous report preparation with undo support, text rotation with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph, text search in code editors, export to images for WebReport and much more.
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