December 07, 2020

New version FastReport .NET 2021.1

In the new version of FastReport .NET 2021.1 we implemented support of .NET 5.

Added new barcode - Deutsce Post Leitcode.

The algorithm of converting RTF to report objects has been significantly improved.

And also added new functions for converting numbers. 

New version FastReport .NET -2021.1

Version 2021.1



New barcode - Deutsce Post Leitcode

New version FastReport .NET -2021.1


And barcode Sberbank

New version FastReport .NET -2021.1



+ added support of .NET 5

+ added a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode

+ added a new barcode - SberBank QR

+ added functions of converting numbers to letters

+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Indian language

+ added rupee symbol for Indian currency

+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Persian language

+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Ukranian language

+ added the Report.Prepare (int pagesLimit) method, which allows to prepare a limited number of pages* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands

* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands

* improved algorithm of converting RTF to report objects

- fixed a bug with web response stream reader when connecting to remote JSON

- fixed a bug while compiling the report with some expressions in the properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression

- fixed a bug with font.list file leading to  exception "System.IO.FileNotFoundException".

- fixed a bug with incorrect checksum calculation in Deutsche Post Identcode barcode

- fixed ReCompile (adding assemblies after Compile with error)



- fixed a bug with empty database name after reloading the report

- fixed a bug when double click to arrow buttons on report tab creates a new report page



- fixed a bug with exporting strings containing only spaces in DXF export

- fixed a bug in PDF export, leading to disappearance of spaces when there are tabs in the report

- fixed a bug with exporting page footers when export to Excel 2007 in seamless table mode

- fixed a bug with exporting "\" character in Excel 2007 export



+ added correct view of script errors in ScriptSecurity mode

- fixed a bug with PDF export in online designer

- fixed a bug with ParagraphOffset


  [.Net Core]

+ added properties ShowDbfExport, ShowMhtExport, PrintInHtml, PrintInPdf for WebReport that allow you to enable/disable the display of buttons in the toolbar of the corresponding exports/print

* now in FR.Core we detect WebProcess and StubClasses aren't added to ConsoleApp\Library on FR.Core

- fixed a bug with RichObject expressions

- fixed a bug with exporting MSChartObject in Power Point 2007 export

- fixed a bug with exporting images in Excel 2007 export on Windows



* updated French resources



* changed dependency in project of Crystal Reports converter from System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization to FastReport.DataVisualization

* updated MongoDB connection plugin in Core and OpenSource


September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 06, 2024

We treat you with a discount on report generators in honor of our birthday

Dear clients, we are happy to announce great news! This year our company celebrates a remarkable event - we are 26 years old!
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
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