March 14, 2023

Update of .NET-based products to ver. 2023.2

Update of .NET-based products to ver. 2023.2

Meet new opportunities for your projects! Added support for Blazor Web Assembly, new icons for the Ribbon interface, the ability to open a page of another report inside the current one, changes to the report validator and WebReport, and much more. Changes are available for the following products:

- FastReport .NET,
- FastReport Mono,
- FastReport Desktop,
- FastReport for DBA,
- FastCube .NET.

New opportunities

Blazor WebAssembly support

Added FastReport.Blazor.Wasm package with Blazor WebAssembly support for owners of FastReport .NET Enterprise and higher editions. Now you can use Razor components to display a report in your WebAssembly application. Attention! Blazor WebAssembly support is currently in beta.

<WebReportContainer WebReport="WebReport" /> 

Read more in this article.


Ability to open another report page

The designer now allows you to open and add pages and dialog forms of another report to the developing report. To do this, go to the "File" menu and select "Open Page...".

Ability to open another report page

Next, the standard file selection dialog box will open where you can select a report. After that a window will appear with a list of pages and a preview of the selected page.

Ability to open another report page

Here you can select one or more pages to be added to the current report. The names of pages and all objects contained in them, will be changed to unique, if the report already has them. This is necessary to avoid errors, as identical names are not allowed.

Read more in this article.


New icons for the Ribbon interface

New Visual Studio-style icons have been added to the Ribbon interface in the designer.

New icons for the Ribbon interface

You can select them in the user interface options.

New icons for the Ribbon interface

Will need to restart the designer for the changes to take effect. 


Filter in the properties window

A new button has been added to the properties window that allows you to enable the display of object-specific properties. For example, for a text object, this mode displays the Text, Font properties. Common object properties such as Top, Left, Height and Width are not displayed.

Filter in the properties window


Report validator changes

The report validator now doesn't run in the background, but runs with a separate "Validate Report" button in the "Report" menu. In addition, the validator window has been removed, and its messages are displayed in the window "Messages".

Report validator changes


Ability to hide connection string

Added a new property Config.ConnectionStringVisible, which gives the ability to hide the connection string in the designer. Can be used to differentiate permissions between the application developer and the report user. When set to false, the user will not be able to see and edit connection strings in the designer.


WebReport changes

Added support for MemoryCache. By default, at the moment, the current WebReportCache is used. You can enable MemoryCache when registering FastReport services:

services.AddFastReport(options => 
options.CacheOptions.UseLegacyWebReportCache = false; 

Unlike the built-in cache in WebReport, MemoryCache unloads WebReport instances more aggressively after a certain time CacheOptions.CacheDuration of WebReport instance inactivity, which can help in cases where the old cache for some reason does not clear memory.

Added the ability to fix the toolbar on the screen. Now you can configure the toolbar to always stay in place, even when scrolling through the page. This is convenient when working with large reports - the toolbar will always be visible.

To pin the toolbar on the screen, you need to set the following property:

webReport.Toolbar.Sticky = true; 

Now the toolbar will always be in view.

WebReport changes

Also, the ability to customize the export settings window has been added. Now it can be made fixed on the screen and displayed in the foreground. To do this, you need to set the following property:

webReport.Toolbar.Exports.PinnedSettingsPosition = true; 

WebReport changes

Validation for entering a range of pages has been added to the export settings window. Now, in case of incorrect input, the field will look like this.

WebReport changes


FastReport.Core.Skia improvements

Improved the performance of the FastReport.Core.Skia package. Export errors have been fixed, examples are listed below.

Fixed the rendering of objects with CanShrink = true:

FastReport.Core.Skia improvements

Fixed the background rendering of objects with transparent backgrounds:

FastReport.Core.Skia improvements

Added a standard font that depends on the operating system. Now, if the font from the report is not detected in the system, the export will not produce an error, but will render the report with the standard font.

For other fixes, please refer to the full list of changes.


Updated design of FastReport Cloud file manager

Updated the design of the file manager window for more convenient and intuitive use of the service. Changes have been made to the layout of interface elements and color scheme, which will improve the overall visual perception of users.

Updated design of FastReport Cloud file manager


Full list of changes 

+ added property Config.ConnectionStringVisible, which indicates whether the connection strings of data sources will be displayed in the designer;
- fixed a bug with extraction of procedures in connection that cannot contain procedures;
- fixed a bug where the first column of the page was always displayed in the leftmost position;
- fixed a bug when GaugeObject.Value property was set equal GaugeObject.Minimum, if new value was more than GaugeObject.Maximum. Now it will be set equal GaugeObject.Maximum;

+ added the ability to open report from FastReport Cloud using recent files list;
+ added a context menu to the page panel elements;
+ a context menu for creating new pages and dialog forms has been added for the panel with report pages;
+ added new Visual Studio style icons for the Ribbon interface;
+ added "Sync" button in the "Report Tree" window;
+ added Filter button in the Properties window;
+ added HiDPI icons for Ribbon-interface;
+ added support of DBNull and Guid types for parameters;
* now the name of the attached file when exporting to mail, can be set from the code when creating the export form;
* report validator now runs from "Report|Validate report" menu. "Messages" window is used to display validation messages;
* changed interface of QR code editor;
- fixed a bug on right clicking Data Sources menu item;
- fixed a bug when checkbox "Select all" was not visible in Data wizard;
- fixed a bug causing System.NullReferenceException when deleting dialog form;
- fixed the absence of the Api key when re-opening the Account->Server window if it was entered in the standard server item;
- fixed incorrect web address when trying to preview webview for custom server;
- fixed the problem of collapsing panels and incorrect change of the language of tabs and bars when changing the localization in the Ribbon interface;
- fixed issue with adding tables that were not selected in the connection wizard;
- fixed a bug causing System.NullReferenceException when creating connection to stored procedure;
- fixed exception when manually entering an invalid parameter type;
- fixed a bug where it was impossible to set an object to a transparent color;
- fixed reopening of the query wizard;

+ added a message about sending a report to the mail in the status bar;

+ added word wrapping in cells when exporting to Excel 2007;
- fixed a bug that made MSChart text blurred after HTML export;
- fixed incorrect margins when exporting the report to HTML;
- fixed an error that made the transparent background become white with Skia;
- fixed a bug with an extra empty page when exporting if there are bands with the Exportable property equal false;
- fixed a bug when padding top was not taken into account when exporting to layered HTML;
- fixed an error that made the text go beyond the table when the page was zoomed out in HTML export;

+ added Blazor WebAssembly support;
+ added support for DI in WebReport.Core/Blazor. To use, call services.AddFastReport();
+ added support for Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCache instead of the standard WebReportLegacyCache. To use, when registering a DI container, use services.AddFastReport(options => options.CacheOptions.UseLegacyWebReportCache = false);
+ implemented the ItemCheck event in CheckedListBox;
+ added an option to enable the toolbar to display regardless of the screen position in WebReport using WebReport.Toolbar.Sticky property;
+ added asynchronous version of method WebReport.Designer.SaveMethod - WebReport.Designer.SaveMethodAsync;
+ added validation of page range in WebReport export settings window;
+ added WebReport.Toolbar.Exports.PinnedSettingsPosition property. If enabled, the container of export settings will be fixed on the screen and displayed in the foreground;
- fixed a bug when selection mode in ListBox was multiple, but it was able to select only one item;
- fixed a bug of non-refreshing dialog when CheckedBox was the initiator of the event. In this case, add at least one dependent object of the CheckedBox to the DetailControl property;
- fixed a bug when in .NET Framework MVC application the report with dialog form on clicking "OK" would not hide dialog form and not show loading of the report;
- fixed an error that caused extra pages to appear when printing;
- fixed incorrect work of report 'Interactive Report' on WebReport.Core;
- fixed rare NullReferenceException in WebReportLegacyCache;

[Online Designer]
- fixed a bug where First Page Source, Other Page Source, Last Page Source and Duplex properties was not saved when changing ReportPage;
- fixed an error that made the report preview not refresh before pressing "Refresh" button;

[.NET Core]
+ the script compiler will now display errors depending on the selected locale set with FastReport.Utils.Res.LoadLocale() or FastReport.Utils.Config.CompilerSettings.CultureInfo;
- fixed an issue where text with CanShrink = True was incorrectly rendered after export with Skia;
- fixed a bug with incorrect indent width between characters with TextRenderType = HtmlTags in Skia;
- fixed a bug that caused the watermark with transparency to have a gray background when exporting with Skia;
- fixed an error that caused incorrect calculation of table row height;

- fixed error when trying to add new data connection;

+ added zoom control in preview and designer windows;
- fixed problem of scaling PreviewControl;

+ added demo-app ASP.NET Core (Razor pages) under .NET 6.0;
* updated demo applications for FastReport Core;

- fixed a situation in which the host during logout could not match the one during authorization;
- fixed a bug when updating an expired session in the Account window, a browser opens and requests re-authorization.

October 15, 2024

Updating .NET products to version 2025.1

In this release, we have focused on implementing long-awaited features that greatly simplify the process of developing templates for reports. Now you can add a report page with a link, asynchronous report preparation with undo support, text rotation with TextRenderType.HtmlParagraph, text search in code editors, export to images for WebReport and much more.
October 15, 2024

New version of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1

We present you the release of FastReport Business Graphics .NET 2025.1, which includes important fixes and improvements. This update improves the stability of the library, improves the accuracy of displaying elements, and eliminates problems related to changing data in charts.
October 15, 2024

Release the new version of FastCube .NET 2025.1

Meet the new FastCube .NET 2025.1 release — a product relaunch with many key changes. This major update includes important architectural improvements, support for new platforms, and expanded capabilities for OLAP component developers.
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