October 09, 2008

FastReport VCL 4.7 with Delphi 2009 support released!

+ CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 support
+ [enterprise] enchanced error description in logs
+ added properties TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBegin: TStrings, 
  TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBody: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentEnd: TStrings
+ improved RTF export (with line spacing, vertical gap etc)
+ added support of Enhanced Metafile (EMF) images in Rich Text (RTF), Open Office (ODS), Excel (XLS) exports
+ added OnAfterScriptCompile event 
+ added onLoadRecentFile Event
+ added C++ Builder demos
+ added hot-key Ctrl + mouseWheel - Change scale in designer
+ added TfrxMemoView.AnsiText property
- fixed bug in RTF export with EMF pictures in OpenOffice Writer
- fixed some multi-thread isuues in engine, PDF, ODF exports
- [enterprise] fixed integrated template of report navigator
- [enterprise] fixed bug with export in Internet Explorer browser
- fixed bug with font size of dot-matix reports in Excel and XML exports
- fixed bug in e-mail export with many addresses
- fixed bug in XLS export (with fast export unchecked and image object is null)
- [enterprise] fixed bug in TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables event
- fixed bug in Calcl function
- fixed memory leak in Cross editor
- fixed progress bar and find dialog bug in DualView
- fixed bug in PostNET and ean13 barcodes
- fixed bug with TruncOutboundText in Dot Matrix report 
- fixed bugs with break points in syntaxis memo
- improved BeforeConnect event in ADO  
- fixed bug in inhehited report with internal dataset
- fixed bug in TfrxPanelControl with background color(Delphi 2005 and above)

And remember - upgrade for all users of FastReport 4.* - free!

September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 06, 2024

We treat you with a discount on report generators in honor of our birthday

Dear clients, we are happy to announce great news! This year our company celebrates a remarkable event - we are 26 years old!
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
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