September 22, 2020

New version of FastReport 6.8 VCL!

In the new version, we have updated help for classes and methods of components and added Class references for Code Completion. Added ability to customize SQL syntax in the SQL editor. Added a pool of deferred commands which allows a report to rebuild itself from the script code. Also we’ve redesigned mechanism of the preview pages for detailed reports and improved compatibility with the new Lazarus version.

Version 6.8


+ Added class references for main package classes

+ Added customization of SQL editor in the report designer

+ Added delayed command pool for actions of TfrxReport: PrepareReport, ShowReport, LoadFrom .It possible to call Report.ShowReport to rebuild active report or load another one from the script.

+ Added TfrxEngineOptions.ZeroPrecisionValue property contains precision value for zero comparison operation in Text objects(used with HideZeros property).

+ Added PNG export filter in registered export filter

* All calls to refreshes of preview now affects only active previewed report for detail page

* Reworked preview pages and preview Tabs mechanism. TfrxPreviewPagesList class now manages active preview pages instances.

* Added synchronization of creating printer context from non GUI thread

* UpdateResorce function moved temporarily to constructor for old behavior compatibility

* Embedded Designer moved to HostControls

* Chart object Highlight disabled when Hyperlink is empty

- Fixed server log path

- [Lazarus] Fixed Unicode output in DOCX export filter

- Several fixes in QR converter module

- [Lazarus] Fixed SQL parameters editor

- Fixed attached files for MSOutlook option in e-mail export filter

- Fixed order of tabs creation in the report preview (should follows after Workspace creates)

* [Lazarus] Added font substitution of "Nimbus Sans L" to "FreeSans" under linux

* [Lazarus] Improved compatibility with  FPC 3.2.0

- Fixed IIF function with nested functions

- Fixed memory leak in TfrxTreeView

- Fixed TfrxDataTreeForm.UpdateSize when it’s called before construction

- Fixed bug in font packing mechanism

- Fixed Arial font size in PDF export

- Fixed C++Builder compatibility

- Fixed exporting of the text with HTML tags to PDF

- Fixed building of string for Swiss QRCode

- Fixed formatting for duplicates values

- Fixed attach file name in the TfrxMailExport when DefaultPath <> ''

- Fixed logo position in the QR Code

September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 06, 2024

We treat you with a discount on report generators in honor of our birthday

Dear clients, we are happy to announce great news! This year our company celebrates a remarkable event - we are 26 years old!
June 26, 2024

Fast Reports Wins ComponentSource Award

ComponentSource has awarded Fast Reports a Top 50 Publisher Award in the annual ComponentSource Awards for 2024.
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