November 28, 2012

CodeRage 7 - Embarcadero online conference 10-12, Dec.

CodeRage 7 - Embarcadero online conference for C++ developers in connection with 64 bit C++ Builder release. 
Join to online conference CodeRage7 from 6am to 5 pm PST December 10-12
Embarcadero and company partners will present the latest developments for C++ 
All people can see the process of creation an application on life demos.
Why you need participate in CodeRage?
* In first day December 10. Bjarne Stroustrup (creator and developer C++ programming language) and David Intersimone will discuss about new C++11 standard and popularity C++ language in software market. 
* Michael Philippenko CEO of Fast Reports Inc. will tell about reporting in C++ application for Windows and Mac OSX
* Vsevolod Leonov will present migration ways from client-server architecture to Multitier architecture.
December 18, 2024

Last chance to buy at a discount in 2024

From December 18 to December 31, we are offering you to purchase reporting libraries for .NET and Delphi at a 25% discount.
December 12, 2024

Now FastReport .NET supports .NET 9: what's new?

Timely adaptation of tools to new platform versions is crucial for the convenience of developers. Since version 2025.1.8, FastReport .NET now supports .NET 9.
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