
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
March 13, 2014

New version FastReport .NET 2014.2

First FastReport.NET was released several years ago. But only now world have met with such data volumes, which allow estimate real power and benefits of FastReport. Meet FastReport.Net 2014.2 - with Big Data support! + added connector Google BigQuery \Extras\Connections\FastReport.GoogleBigQuery+ added an example of Google BigQuery access \Demos\C#\GoogleBigQuery + added save to Box cloud from preview+ added support of line-spacing in RTF and DOCX exports * increased speed of database access (up to 6 times faster)* changed output of language names in an interface language selection dialog * updated German, Japanese resources- fixed bug with fonts in SVG export- fixed bug with default message in ProgressBar window- fixed bug with AVG function in Map editor- fixed bug in font packing subsystem (in some rare cases the OS/2 table was overlapped by other tables)- fixed bug with artifact lines in RoundRectangle with big Curve value- fixed bug with ParagraphOffset in RTF export- fixed bug with hints in WebReport toolbar
March 10, 2014

FastReport VCL 5 demo is available

You can download demo version of FastReport VCL 5 here Whats new: Classes New fill types available in the Memo object: gradient and glass. Memo object can have several highlight conditions. The highlight condition now includes the following style settings: frame, font, fill and an object visibility. You may turn on and off each setting. Memo object can have several format settings. When a Memo object contains multiple expressions in a text, you may specify a format for each expression. Added Filter property to data bands. You may filter out data rows without using a script. Changes in the report file format: collections like datasets, variables, formats, highlights are written as nested properties for better readability. Old files (FR VCL 3 and 4) are fully supported. Added MouseEnter, MouseLeave events to report objects. Added Visibility property (set of flags - vsPreview, vsPrint, vsExport).   New objects New 2D barcodes - PDF417, DataMatrix, QR Code. New barcodes - Code128, EAN128 with auto encoding. Interactivity New interactive report types: detail report and detail page. When you click an interactive object, a new report is built and displayed in a separate tab in the preview window. Added interactivity in the Chart object. Clicking on a chart element, you may build a detail report. Exports New exports: HTML5 (div), DOCX, XLSX, PPTX. Improvements in RTF, XLS, XML, HTML, ODF exports: support of different frame lines in a single Memo object. Improved font embedding in the PDF export: font subset is embedded instead of a whole font. This will significantly reduce a file size. GUI New icons in the designer and preview windows. Improved appearance of the Data tree: new icons for different field types. New/improved dialogs: highlight, frame, fill, hyperlink, databand editors.
February 17, 2014

Fast Reports on BASTA! Spring 2014

Fast Reports is going to BASTA! in February 24 personally! Can FastReport work with BigData? We will speak about on BASTA! Spring! BASTA! is the most famous and independent conference for .NET technologies in Germany. At BASTA! renowned experts from all over Europe come together to share their .NET knowledge with conference attendees. For many years, the conference has offered a unique blend of sessions, workshops and keynotes, giving attendees a level of information that is unparalleled. Conference City: Darmstadt Period: 24.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 Click to read more.
December 19, 2013

New version FastReport .NET 2014.1

Now FastReport.NET is compatible with restrictions Fips Algorithm Policy (Federal Information Processing Standards) with some limitations (encryption of PDF export, encryption of report). Also we present a support of standard for long-term archiving of electronic documents PDF/A ISO 19005-1:2005. Exchanging by documents expanded by adding a new export in SVG (scalable vector graphics). You can replace any graphic in toolbar of WebReport and dynamically load any available localization (28 language packs available) for your Web reports.   + added compatibility with Fips Algorithm Policy (with limitations: encryption of PDF export, encryption of report)+ added support of PDF/A in PDF export+ added export to SVG+ added support of html tags <B>, <I>, and <U> it RTF export.+ added localization in WebReport (property WebReport.LocalizationFile)+ added custom icons and background in WebReport toolbar+ added new demo of localization and customization in Webreport (Demos\C#\MvcCustomization\)* added default action to the Print buttion in WebReport when WebReport.PrintInPdf = false;- fixed bug with paragraphs in RTF & Word2007 exports- fixed bug when inserting gauge- fixed bug with bookmarks in PDF export- fixed bug with an additional empty page in the export to the MS Word 2007 - fixed bug with borders in XAML export- fixed bug with rendering of ASP.NET WebReport control in design-time- fixed bug with showing of invisible dialog pages in WebReport- fixed the line spacing in a layered export to Word 2007- fixed bug with incorrect server address in save to FTP server  
November 28, 2013

Black Friday Discount

We are glad to let you know about Black Friday discounts to all Fast Reports products. Action will start 29 November and will continue until the date 3 December 2013.
November 27, 2013

New version FastCube 2.1

+ Added new progress type fcxpFetchingData to track loading data progress by TfcxCube.OnProgress+ Added TfcxSlice.OnScriptError event to handle errors in script+ Added script functions to search measure value by dimensions values: TMeasure.GetValueWithColDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant and TMeasure.GetValueWithRowDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.AddCalculationScript procedure for adding functions to script+ Added TMeasures.CurrentMeasureIndex: Integer and TMeasures.CurrentMeasureName: String properties for use in scripts+ Added TfcxSliceDataZone.PopupCell: TfcxMeasureCell property for use in popup menus+ Added an ability to use default color palette in export to Excel+ Added an ability to override zone popup menus or to inject own menu items into zone popup menus+ Added selection rows/columns group for selected cell+ Added TopN Load/Save together with schema+ TopN popup shows inactive conditions+ Added Save menu in TfcxSliceGridToolbar+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnMenuItemClick event which allows to change reaction of menu items on toolbar + Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnButtonClick event which allows to change reaction of buttons on toolbar + Added TfcxAxisContainer.ShowTotalAs: TfcxShowTotalAs property. See default value for each axis in  TfcxSlice.Settings+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.DeleteMeasures+ Added an ability to show hint for SliceGrid elements (use ShowHint = True to enable it)+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnGetButtonVisible event which allows to change visibility of particular buttons on toolbar + Added TfcxpSliceGridReport component+ Added Version property to FastCube components+ Added XE5 support in Recompile Wizard+ Added TfcxSliceContainer.Alignment+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnDataDblClick event to be compatible with 1.x versions+ Call the first export filter on Export button click if there are no other filters registered+ Auto drop down toolbutton menu if it has no other click action+ Added property TfcxSlice.Settings (default setting for axis and fields)+ Added check type for date/time splitting + Added: Fields List now popups by mouse click on any point inside button (instead of click on popup indicator only)+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnGetClipboardText and TfcxCubeGrid.OnGetClipboardText event handlers to allow override standard behavior+ Added an ability to hide CaptionZone in SliceGrid and CubeGrid+ Added Portuguese translation and help files+ Added Czech translation by Karel Janeček+ Added Italian translation by Augusto Pellis+ Added partial translation for languages from FastCube 1- Fixed a bug with converting types of loading data- Fixed scrollbar disabling when it had position > 0- Fixed error with HideTotalForSingleValue in axis with measures- Fixed errors with Hidden nodes- Fixed export cells with Percent and Rank- Fixed error in Data marker- Fixed error in export to Excel- Fixed error in row/column selection- Fixed some errors in TopN- Fixed error in GetData from DataSet in Delphi XE3-XE5- Fixed error of saving filters of Date and Time parts- Fixed some errors in TopN- Fixed error with TDataSet from DLL- Fixed error in fcxCube.AppendData- Fixed error in TimeStamp and BCD- Fixed errors while exporting an empty slice to Excel- Fixed AV in with empty Cube- Fixed some AV in empty Slice- Fixed memory leak in FieldsPopup- Fixed integer overflow in Hash for string fileds- Fixed "Range check error" after DblClick in empty SliceGrid- Fixed AV on resize in empty SliceGrid* Added overloaded methods AddCalcMeasure and InsertCalcMeasure to create calculation measures with var section* Added: Export tool button not enabled when no registered exports* Renamed TfcxSliceGrid.Export to TfcxSliceGrid.DoExport* Fixed Chart package for Delphi XE3* Fixed alignment popup menu check state* Fixed an error with memory corruption on unicode versions of Delphi (D2009+)* Fixed data loading from TWideStringField* Fixed LoadFromStream() did not load streams previosly saved by SaveToStream()* Fixed garbage on slice grid in some cases* Added missing lazarus form files for FastScript integration* Fixed loading string resources with FPC >= 2.7.1* Fixed Measure/Dimension caption change in Lazarus applications* Fixed file names for case sensitive file systems (like on Mac OS X and Linux)
Fast Reports
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