
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
April 12, 2013

Create a PDF file on button press in browser

When you use the FastReport .Net together ASP.Net MVC framework you have easy method for creating file in any supported format on button press in HTML form. Add next code in View:  @using (Html.BeginForm("GetFile", "Home")) {         <input id="pdf" type="submit" value="Export to PDF" /> } GetFile - name of controller handler, Home - name of controller (HomeController.cs for example) Add name space in controller: more...
April 01, 2013

FastReport .NET and jQuery

The object WebReport from FastReport .Net use jQuery library. You already can use this library in your own project. To avoid duplication of boot scripts and styles jQuery to the client browser when working with markup Razor, you need to use the following lines in_Layout.cshtml:         @WebReportGlobals.ScriptsWOjQuery()        @WebReportGlobals.StylesWOjQuery() instead of the others, which include all jQuery files:        @WebReportGlobals.Scripts()        @WebReportGlobals.Styles() You need to set the property ExternalJquery = true (default false) when you working with ASPX markup. more...
March 27, 2013

Highlighting Even Rows (Zebra Striping) in FR .NET

We often use zebra striping of table data for easy viewing the reports. Highlighting even rows is good for viewing but they look strange on paper or in Excel table.  FastReport users have two methods for using highlighting only in preview window. Method #1 You need to open report in the Designer and open the Style Editor from Report-Styles menu. Then we add a style with name "EvenRows" and set needed background color for even lines.  Then you need to set a band property EvenStyle = EvenRows. more...
March 22, 2013

Update of FastCube 2 beta

1. Improved integration with FastReport: reports now use grid highlights and style. Fixed cell autosize options: adjust width, adjust width with restrictions and adjust height. 2. Added FireDac support. 3. Extended scripting abilities:  a. «Calc all cells» option –to build calculated measure for empty cells (which does not have records in source dataset),  b. calculate totals with script,  c. “FormulaDetail” aggregate - calculate measure values on source data (not on other measures). 4. Copy to clipboard now copies headers.
March 20, 2013

Top 100 Bestselling Publisher Award 2012-2013

Good news!   We ranked in 63rd place in ComponentSource Top 100 publisher list, up from 78th place last year. 
March 19, 2013

How to use FastReport .NET with MVC Framework

We have released FastReport .Net 2013.2 with MVC support. And I'd like to inform all WebReport developers about some changes. First. An extension of the handler in web.config was changed. You need replace old string «FastReport.Export.aspx» to new string «FastReport.Export.axd» everywere. Web application without these changes will throw an exception and you will see text with error and instructions for changes in more...
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