
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
August 01, 2006

FastReport Studio 3.23 released!

Changes in FastReport Studio 3.23- fixed bug with styles and numbers format in the XML export- fixed bug with continuous mode in the XML export- fixed bug with character height in PDF export- fixed aggregare error (comma in the field name)* update Portuguese resources- fixed compatibility with TLargeIntField- fixed bug with DefaultPath in XLS export+ added Charset property to IfrxFont interface+ added OldStyleProgress property to IfrxReport interface+ added new VB6 example of using ActiveX previews* ActiveX implemetation fixes - fixed bug with RichText objects intersection in RTF export+ added IfrxCustomCrossView, IfrxCrossView, IfrxDBCrossView interfaces! renamed elements of frxSeriesSortOrder enumeration due to naming conflict: soNone -> so_None, soAscending -> so_Ascending, soDescending -> so_Descending
July 04, 2006

FastReport 3.23 for Delphi released

+ added save to stream possibility in Jpeg, Gif, Tiff, Bmp exports+ added new control for page headers/footers mode selection in RTF export dialog+ added new property TfrxRTFExport.HeaderFooterMode (you can select between hfText, hfPrint, hfNone - default is hfText)+ [server] added property TfrxReportServer.WebServer+ added property TfrxHTMLExport.EmptyLines* e-mail export now inherits the attachment file name from exports file name* update French resources* update Danish resources* update German resources- fixed bug in TIFF export (monochrome)- fixed bug in PDF export when Outline is empty and checked- fixed large font issues- some fixes for bar codes in PDF export- add-in components fixes (AV when open some projects)- fixed bug with preview (position of the page when resizing the window)- fixed bug with RichText objects intersection in RTF export- fixed bug with format of the float numbers in XLS export- fixed bug with export of barcodes with zoom more than two- fixed error when page number does not exist in page range in exports dialog- [server] fixed bug with ampersand in query parameters- fixed bug with XML export (XML Parsing Error)- fixed bug with HideIfSingleDataRecord
June 26, 2006

FastReport Studio 3.22b released!

Changes in FastReport Studio 3.22* updated documentation+ added new control for page headers/footers mode selection in RTF export dialog+ added Frame, ShiftMode, and Align proprty to IfrxView interface+ added IfrxSubreport interface+ added IfrxHeader interface+ added IfrxFooter interface+ added IfrxMasterData interface+ added IfrxDetailData interface+ added IfrxSubdetail interface+ added IfrxDataBand4 interface+ added IfrxDataBand5 interface+ added IfrxDataBand6 interface+ added IfrxPageHeader interface+ added IfrxPageFooter interface+ added IfrxColumnHeader interface+ added IfrxColumnFooter interface+ added IfrxGroupHeader interface+ added IfrxGroupFooter interface+ added IfrxChild interface+ added IfrxOverlay interface+ added VB6 demo which shows how to use FindObject method, TfrxADODatabase and TfrxADOQuery objects+ added IfrxStretcheable interface+ added C# demo for Master/Detail relations for ADO objects+ added IfrxChartAxis interface+ added new types of TeeChart series+ added new C# example: MailExportDemo. This example demonstrates how to use TfrxGzipCompressor and SendMail method of IfxrBuiltinExports interface.+ added TfrxGzipCompressor object.+ added timeout property to TfrxADOQuery+ added timeout properties to TfrxADOConnection+ added new C++ TeeChart demo+ added new C# TeeChart demo+ added new VC++ Crosstabs demo* updated CreateReportObject and CreateReportObjectEx methods of IfrxReport interface* IfrxReport->IfrxPrintOptins->PageNumbers sets the range of pages for print and export* updated TeeChart to version 7.* e-mail export now inherits the attachment file name from exports file name* update Danish resources* update German resources* preserve object names when working with clipboard* improved HTML, RTF exports* improved XML, Excel exports (thanks for Bali)* increased timeout in E-Mail export* update Danish resources* update Portuguese resources- fixed bug with export of barcodes with zoom more than two- fixed error when page number does not exist in page range in exports dialog- fixed bug with XML export (XML Parsing Error)- fixed bug with HideIfSingleDataRecord- fixed bug with empty page in HTML export- fixed IIF bug- fixed bug in XML export- fixed error with reportsummary band- fixed memory leaks when script has errors- fixed shift issues- fixed brush style bsBDiagonal and bsFDiagonal in PDF export- fixed bug with incorrect codepage of TfrxRichView in RTF export- fixed bug with margins in PDF export- fixed bug with stretched images
May 30, 2006

FastReport Server 1.0

New to the FastReport product suite, FastReport Server is a powerful enterprise reporting solution for creating and delivering reports. FastReport Server serves as the foundation of a broader Business Intelligence (BI) strategy by providing the most requested pieces of information reliably and securely - via the web or embedded in enterprise applications. FastReport Server includes a collection of reporting services that addresses all steps in the reporting process: data access and report design, report delivery and management, integration and standalone deployment. FastReport Server is the ideal small-scale report-delivery solution for small to medium size businesses.
May 25, 2006

FastReport 3.22 for Delphi released

+ added full TeeChart Pro support<br>+ added property TfrxHTMLExport.Centered in HTML export<br>+ added "Continuous" checkbox in RTF export dialog<br>+ added TfrxRTFExport.SuppressPageHeadersFooters property<br>+ added TfrxCheckBox.UncheckStyle property<br>+ added property TfrxGroupFooter.HideIfSingleDataRecord<br>+ added text shift on non-zero char spacing in PDF export<br>+ added Croatian resources<br>* update the main demo (ADO support, added new reports)<br>* added the object name to the error message in some cases<br>* TfrxGradientView is not exported in HTML, RTF, XLS formats<br>* preserve object names when working with clipboard<br>* improved HTML, RTF exports<br>* improved XML, Excel exports (thanks for Bali)<br>* increased timeout in E-Mail export<br>* update Danish resources<br>* update Portuguese resources<br> - fixed bug with empty page in HTML export<br>- fixed IIF bug<br>- fixed bug with "ShowProgress := False" in XLS export<br>- fixed bug in XML export<br>- fixed error with reportsummary band <br>- fixed memory leaks when script has errors<br>- fixed shift issues<br>- fixed brush style bsBDiagonal and bsFDiagonal in PDF export<br>- fixed bug with incorrect codepage of TfrxRichView in RTF export<br>- fixed bug with margins in PDF export<br>- fixed bug with blobfields in bds2006<br>- fixed bug with stretched images<br>- [server] fixed bug with reports cache<br>- [server] fixed bug with Idle time leak<br>- [server] minor bug fixes
March 21, 2006

FastReport Studio 3.21 released

+ added new VB6 demos: Pictures,UserDataset and Dynamic report.+ added IPersistPropertyBag interface to TfrxPreviewX ActiveX object+ added Delphi for .NET example - keep reports in database+ added IfrxRichView interface+ added new Delphi for .NET demos (DataSetDemo and StreamExample)+ added unicode support in HTML, "Rich Text" (RTF) and XML exports+ added clipping in the preview+ added printer fonts to fontname combobox+ added transparency/backcolor to rich object* initial support of VB6 events * modified C# Pictures example: Now it shows pictures from a demo table.* modified C# StreamExample: Now it demonstrates how to keep reports on database server.* added streaming methods to IfrxPictureView interface* changes in the databand editor* "Pictures" checkbox changed to combobox (none/jpeg/bmp/gif) in HTML export dialog * "Styles" checkbox changed to "Continuous" in XLS and XML export dialog* update Danish resources* update Dutch resources * update Brazilian resources- fixed C++ ActiveX demo- fixed method SelectDataset of IfrxReport.- fixed 'Size' property of the .NET Stream warapper- fixed IfrxReport::SelectDataset method. Corrected behaviour for deselection (Selected = false).- fixed IfrxComponent::FindObject method. It does not throw exception anymore in .NET environment- fixed ADO DataBase property of ADO Query and ADO Table. Now it can be set to zero.- fixed bug with incorrect codepage detection for page navigator in HTML export- fixed bug with incorrect export of EAN barcodes (digits beyond of border were croped)- fixed incorrect page breaks in RTF export- fixed shift problem- fixed monochrome bitmaps stretching- fixed copying grouped objects- fixed vband&overlay error- fixed setting of printer parameters- fixed KeepFooter + aggregate functions- fixed ado query parameters- fixes in database/table/query wizard- fixed bug with font charset in RTF export- fixed preview painting bug- fixed bug with rich when no printers installed- fixed copies in dmp export- fixed rtf expression parser- fixed bug with RTL reading brackets in PDF export- fixed input chinese chars in dialog controls- fixed shift behavior- fixed bug with right align and non-zero charspacing in PDF export- fixed bug with underline in HTML export- fixed overlay+keeptogether bug- fixed large font issues- fixed html tags
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