List of changes
Version 2025.1.7
+ added report parameters to temporary files
Version 2025.1.6
- hotfix for broken spinner in static preview
Version 2025.1.5
+ added english documentation for corporate installation
+ added changes list to the product page
[Font Server]
+ added Google Fonts caching
Version 2025.1.4
+ added TasksClient to CSharp SDK
Version 2025.1.3
+ added task id and task message id to export and report
+ added company name to config
* updated docs for VM types in tasks
+ added link to online designer documentation in corporate server documentation
* now you can't click on "create task" that isn't in your subscription's plan
Version 2025.1.2
* removed docs from script upload corporate
+ added links on reports store
- fixed double request for folder creating
- fixed an error about empty name parameter in notifications
- moving a file (or a folder) to the same folder it's already in will now return quickly and not do anything
Version 2025.1.1
+ added saving sorting in local storage
- added margin in sidebar, added titles to RunTask buttons, changed permissionsItems to a column format
* changed task page, fixed task controller
- fixed context menu on document pages
- fixed get permissions as subscription owner
* now datasources' select commands' names are unique
Version 2024.1.1
- fixed a bug where pages did not refresh after deletion in the admin panel.
- fixed a bug with an incorrect default subscription when updating a user in the admin panel;
- fixed the ‘Select All’ button on the API keys page;
- fixed the search field and the output file name field;
- fixed notifications for downloading files without permissions;
- fixed an error regarding payment necessity on the expired subscription detail page;
- fixed localization for starting a task;
- added a default avatar for all user icons;
- fixed validation of the owner ID in the admin panel;
- fixed localization of workspaces in the admin panel;
- fixed a white stripe appearing after clicking on the checkbox and the disappearing title on hover;
- fixed the display of the user deletion button in the admin panel in corporate server mode;
- fixed an error when creating a data source from the online designer;
- fixed history on export and report information pages;
- fixed export and download buttons;
* connection testing on the ‘Data Sources’ page has become optional;
* new .fpx icon;
* displayed date and time have been converted to local time zones;
* all online libraries became local;
* improved localization in the admin panel;
* the ‘Plus’ button on the document page will no longer appear if the current user does not have permission to create files in the folder;
* removed mutations from injection in Online Designer;
* changed notifications for deleting API keys;
* changed sorting for the admin panel;
* changed input for users and subscriptions on the audit page;
* shortened links in the admin panel to delete the scrollbar;
+ added localization for audit notifications;
+ added a ‘Refresh’ button in the context menu on document pages;
+ added error texts in notifications within the admin panel;
+ added localization for export parameters in the admin panel;
+ added a check for the user’s subscription limit;
+ added an interface for creating custom SQL queries;
+ added notifications for failed folder exports;
+ added task scheduling parameters to the admin panel;
+ added Angular demo
+ added console and Android demos in Kotlin;
- fixed the documentation;
* changed the name in the docker-compose installer; it is now always the same by default;
* improved the task scheduler;
+ added a Name in the docker-compose installer;
+ added documentation for export parameters;
+ added current product version display;
+ added documentation for custom queries in data sources;
+ added a graph of active users and subscriptions in the admin panel;
+ added the ability to download folders and files to the admin panel;
+ added an article on Webhook;
- fixed an error when opening compressed templates in Online Designer.
- fixed the incorrect creation time for data sources;
- fixed delayed task execution in the scheduler;
- fixed a bug where the administrator received a 403 error when retrieving the data structure;
- fixed a bug where an anonymous user received errors in the controllers;
- fixed a bug where the UsersPerWorkspace parameter in the configuration was not considered if there were no user limits in the license key;
- fixed an error returning an incorrect ID when creating nested tasks;
- fixed rights checking for moving to the trash;
- fixed task execution with files in the request body;
- fixed duplication of the jti claim in the JWT token;
- fixed report parameters;
- fixed the path for the destination folder;
- fixed file uploads with identical names;
* changed task names to be unique;
* changed case sensitivity in sorting;
* added parsing of template parameters from metadata;
* changed the maximum number of users in the Corporate Server without a license key (5);
* changed data source names to be unique;
* changed sorting for backend;
+ added retrieval of mypermissions for groups, tasks, and data sources;
+ added a method for retrieving the current user’s rights on files;
+ added a new parameter to the license key;
+ enabled the creation of stored procedures in the data source structure;
+ added a template engine for file names;
+ added custom tables to data sources;
+ added tests for upload size limits;
+ added a log for invalid license keys;
Version 2023.1.1
+ added entity name to worker audit;
+ added bulk copy and move files and folders;
+ added alternative method to upload reports
+ added RichText and Chart preview in online designer
+ added ability to share access to the file
+ added checking and resolving issues when the parent folder has been deleted
+ added more checks when exporting folders
* now corporate server runs in demo mode by default; the license key for demo mode is no longer required
* updated comments for all controllers, fixed returned status codes
* messages about errors 500 became more informative for users
* optimized GetStats method by building a pipeline before the loop
* changed limits of the maximum request body size
- fixed infinite folder creation
- fixed duplicate archive names when exporting
- fixed Online Designer working with compressed templates
- fixed test of critical changes in the QA pipeline
- fixed copying files over the limit
- tasks to export a template from the Recycle Bin now correctly return error 404
- fixed localization error when moving to the Recycle Bin
+ added exclusion of users and subscriptions to audits;
+ added tags to subscriptions;
+ added articles to documentation for programmers;
+ added documentation for FTP sending task;
+ added article for report parameters;
* added SDK for Kotlin (Android);
* updated documentation for tasks in UI;
- renamed view models in SDK to shorter names;
& updated SDK generator version;
& optimized memory consumption;
+ added file counter when exporting a folder;
+ added cache for charts in admin panel;
+ added approximate display of files while uploading them;
+ added validation when creating and editing an email task;
+ added document type selection in selection dialogs;
+ added a button to change the user avatar and a button to upload a spare image in case the avatar is unavailable;
+ added skeleton placeholders for data sources during upload;
+ added animation for file upload;
+ added a new page with the Recycle Bin for deleting files;
+ added creation of report preparation task;
+ added creation of report export task;
+ added EmptyContent and Placeholder for folder selection dialog;
+ added Placeholder and EmptyContent to file selection dialog;
+ added FTP sending component to user panel;
+ added webhook task for user panel;
+ added space checker;
+ added OnInitialized method;
* added a redirect to owner from page and workspace board;
* added sorting to file pages in the admin panel;
* normalized MySQL connection string according to standards;
* styled ExportTemplateEditor;
* updated task page for admin panel;
* changed names of new tasks;
* moved common code to a separate component;
* changed OutputFileCard;
* added new name for webhook;
- fixed empty task name after BadRequest error;
- fixed incorrect file view when changing export output file;
- fixed bug that caused the online designer to sometimes open files twice;
- fixed bug that caused CSV connection to ignore parameter names;
- fixed error messages when testing a data source before creating it;
- fixed bug that breaks data sources page when updating;
- fixed error 400 when moving folders;
- fixed broken transport card on too long or too short text;
- fixed content movement on the task page;
- fixed transportation problems.
Version 2022.3.1
+ added a new AdminAction field for all types of audits
+ added a new entity type - contacts
* now when previewing, the .preview folder will be cleared if necessary
* improved file sorting performance
- now when creating and moving files to the recycle bin, error notifications appear
- fixed a bug where a user could create an expired workspace
- copying a folder did not copy the contents
- fixed a bug where all entities created by anonymous users were fully accessible to all users
+ added information about the 2022.3 release
+ added folder export
+ added the messageId field and related audits to the Audit Details page for tasks
+ added the messageId field to all task audits
* now some fields cannot be null when creating and updating a user
* disabled user and subscription deletion when the server is not in corporate mode
- the user creation and update pages now show error warnings
+ added the Name field when creating a data source
+ added the missing fields to the Audit Details page
+ added a new icon with bold edges
+ added a dialog for agreeing to the license agreement
+ added search to the Workspaces page in the admin panel
+ added recycle bin actions to document permissions
+ added Russian translation of file statuses and sizes
* pinned the search string to the top of the screen on the file pages
* replaced identifiers with names in the admin panel bread crumbs
* changed the export error message to a more informative one
* fixed the sorting buttons on the screen
- now the subscription storage capacity on the "Workspace Information" page is updated after switching tabs
- fixed redirect to the outdated page when the group limit is exceeded
- fixed an error related to anonymous users — the error about lack of permissions is now hidden in the console
- fixed an error related to anonymous users — getting the root folder without an id when exporting
- fixed the checkboxes on the Edit Plan page in the admin panel
- fixed the export from the File Properties page for anonymous users
- fixed the available space values in the Workspace Plan card
- fixed the overflowing Owner field in the File Information
- replaced "Export Folder" with "Report" on the report rights editing page
- fixed the incorrect width of the file cover in the File Information window
- the Workspace Information page did not update the content when switching workspaces
- fixed an error where the admin panel sidebar menu did not redirect to the right page
- it was possible to create multiple modal windows on top of each other, which caused visual errors
Version 2022.2.1
+ added a limitation in the license for the use of permanent localization on the frontend
+ added a limitation in the license for the use of the Designer by anonymous users
+ added a limitation on the number of workspaces in the license key
+ added a limitation on the number of administrators in the license key
+ the showHiddenFilesAndFolders parameter in user settings is implemented on the backend
+ added report parameters to the static preview
+ added a link to your own logo and your own text in the footer (for copyright) to the server config
+ added a limitation on the use of White Label to the license key
+ added content update of the template in TemplatesController
+ added audit messages related to soft deletion
+ added messages related to errors in the license key
+ added a dialog window when restoring a file from the recycle bin
+ added a new type of transport task - uploading to an FTP/SFTP server
+ added more understandable error messages to the checker script
+ added a ProblemDetails object to error messages from the backend.
* changed the logic of resetting properties in the Update TasksController method (if RecurrentRunTime < DateTime.UtcNow => the time in the database is reset).
* now file checks during upload have become much stricter.
* updated the FastReport version from 2022.2.5 to 2022.2.12.
* now when re-previewing the report, staticpreview will load resources from the previous preview, which is much faster.
* fixed all C# demos.
* added a View button for the template context menu.
* fixed a bug where creating a folder with a non-existent parent returned a 500 status code.
* added file names to the admin panel audit.
* added a user file recycle bin to the frontend.
* added a recycle bin to the backend.
* removed the recursiveness parameter from folder actions, now they are always recursive.
* removed the ability to delete the RootFolder in the admin panel.
* now the files in the recycle bin are displayed correctly and cannot be lost.
* added audit entries for actions in the admin file and folder controllers.
* added the ability to filter files to FoldersController.GetFolders.
* fixed the check of rights for tasks.
- fixed a bug that prevented API key authentication in the FastReport Corporate Server.
- now files and folders are restored to the parent folder by default.
- fixed an error where you could not rename a file in the admin panel.
- fixed a bug where you could create files and folders with the same names using the recycle bin.
- fixed a problem where the task format was reset after changing another parameter.
- returned a missing letter in the ru loc. for CL_SubscriptionsCountExceeded.
- fixed the bread crumbs on the schedule edit page.
- fixed an error where the audit returned 500 when drawing graphs.
+ added permanent localization set in the configuration file
+ added a new configuration file for the python sdk to fix generation errors
+ added documentation on installation through docker compose
+ added C# SDK publication on
+ added tests for Russian Linux distributions
+ added entity types for audits
+ added user panel documentation
* added the ability to print a report from the preview window
* updated the designer to version 2022.1.5
* added a new icon
- fixed the encoding in the documentation
- fixed the documentation on deploying FastReport Corporate Server
+ added a hotkey system, now you can copy (Ctrl + C), cut (Ctrl + X), paste (Ctrl + V), delete (Del), rename (F2), select all (Ctrl + A) and deselect (Ctrl + D)
+ added a page with a detailed description of the file, where you can perform any actions with this file
+ added a default user profile icon
+ added a user settings page
+ now users can see the file change history on the properties page
+ added a Tasks page
+ added a "Back" button in the exports dialog
+ added a button to open the folder in the export results dialog
+ added a dialog window for selecting the export folder
+ added tooltips for buttons that are not explicitly described
+ added an action when changing the workspace in the recycle bin
+ added the deleted parameter to the address bar
+ added a page with information about the workspace
+ added scrollbars to the admin panel
+ added the ability to select a workspace in the file view within the admin panel
+ added Detailed and Delete buttons to the group members page
+ added a Rename button to the workspace information page
+ added connection string editors for all types of data sources
+ added a window in the export dialog for error 403
+ added all search parameters in the admin panel to the address bar.
* added a small margin in the list of users in the group.
* removed duplicate fields on the schedule update page.
* the Delete button on the documents page moves them to the recycle bin, in the recycle bin it deletes them.
* more informative errors on the admin panel pages.
* the file download dialog will now close automatically.
* added a search by workspaces for files in the admin panel.
* more informative admin panel errors.
- when requesting a cover rebuild (by clicking on it), it didn't update automatically.
- fixed a bug that caused the EmbedPictures property not to be applied in HTML export.
- fixed an error that could cause the file properties page to stop working.
- fixed a bug that caused the default subscription not to switch in the settings.
- fixed an error that caused the "create new data source" button to point to the wrong address.
- fixed the height and width of the preview window in the designer.
- removed the empty context menu in the recycle bin.
- fixed a bug with the ShowDeleted checkbox, when it didn't work on the first click.
- fixed the NullRef error and several shortcomings on the expired subscription page.
- fixed the empty context menu in the report and export recycle bins.
- fixed a bug that prevented user group permissions from being updated.
- fixed the move dialog.
- fixed pagination and double request for retrieval on the admin panel file pages.
- fixed the header of the window creation dialog.
- fixed pagination in the admin panel, added pagination variables to the link parameters, created a 404 page
Version 2022.1.3
+ added a font microservice that returns CSS styles by font name;
+ added permissions to the Task model (TaskModel);
+ added methods to get and change permissions in the TasksController;
+ added the ability to call webhooktask with headers;
+ added the ability to update Tasks from the API;
+ added a sorting function in the API file list request;
+ added support for firebird connections on the server (for them to work, the WireCrypt property in firebird.conf must be Enabled);
+ added license checking for FastReport Corporate Server;
+ added a scheduler with the ability to run delayed tasks;
+ added connection to MongoDB;
+ added the ability to run tasks on a schedule using CRON expressions;
* now, when searching for files and folders, you can use regular expressions. To do this, set the useRegex parameter to true;
* added logic to prevent the creation of files and folders with the same names (when uploading, copying, moving, exporting, preparing, renaming);
- fixed a rare error that caused the workers to stop working;
- fixed a bug where files were immediately set to the Success status upon creation;
- fixed a bug when preparing a thumbnail for an anonymous user;
- fixed a bug that caused incorrect thumbnails to be generated for FRX files;
- fixed a bug that sometimes caused MyPermissions to return a 500 error instead of the user's permissions;
- fixed a bug that caused the model permissions returned to be combined with the default permissions;
- fixed a bug that caused download errors to always return a 406 status code;
- fixed the launch of a sequence of the same tasks;
- fixed a bug that caused all data sources to always show their connection type as JSON;
- removed the HasSpaceOverdraft field from subscription plans and subscriptions;
- removed the Default service.
+ added a PHP SDK toolkit and a demo application for it;
+ added a basic article on using Tasks via the REST API;
* changed the description of the export and preparation folder id in the documentation;
* replaced the red favicons with blue ones;
+ added redirection from the /app/signin page if the user is already logged in;
+ added the display of a context menu when right-clicking on an empty space;
+ added the ability to change the default permissions in the admin panel;
+ added the management of Task permissions on the "Groups" page;
+ added an instructional video for getting started with the application, placed on the "About the Product" page;
+ added a dialog message after clicking on the bell when there are no notifications;
+ added the ability to set the folder name directly when creating it;
+ added a dialog for excluding a user. To exclude a user, click on them in the list of users in the workspace (the "Groups" tab);
+ added an interface for connecting to Firebird;
+ added a button to check the connection string before creating a data source;
+ added a form for creating a JSON connection;
* the settings and scheduler menu items have been temporarily disabled;
* the count of selected files is now much faster if the "Select All" button was not used;
* deleting multiple files will no longer be interrupted if any file is not found;
* added a description of user lists on the groups page;
* right-clicking on an empty space on the page will now open a context menu with creation options;
* now clicking outside the list of items will reset the selection;
- fixed an error with the missing subscription id when running a thumbnail prepare task;
- fixed a Null Reference error on the "Groups" page;
- fixed an error that prevented the thumbnail from being requested for the report;
- fixed the creation of an extra folder in the folder creation dialog;
- fixed a bug that caused multiple extra folders to be created when creating a folder;
- now the preview can show more correct error messages when they are detected;
- fixed the display of the file owner, now it correctly shows who the owner is.