List of changes

# Version 2025.1.19 ======================== FastCube .NET WinForms --------------- [Common] - fixed a bug where the stream from the compressed file was not read correctly. * the file signature for the cube now has a const modifier instead of static and cannot be modified FastCube .NET Web --------------- [Common] - fixed a bug where the stream from the compressed file was not read correctly. * the file signature for the cube now has a const modifier instead of static and cannot be modified FastCube .NET Mono --------------- [Common] - fixed a bug where the stream from the compressed file was not read correctly. * the file signature for the cube now has a const modifier instead of static and cannot be modified # Version 2025.1.18 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added support for .NET 9 * certain properties are now hidden from users in the WinForms editor - fixed an issue with boolean format in the demo example * serialization has been improved, methods have been added, and properties have been set to ensure that default values are serialized less frequently - fixed the field name display in the "Sales by months" demo cube + .NET versions have been updated with .NET 8 now considered the main version and supported targets including .NET 6, .NET 8, and .NET 9 * the variant type has been replaced by variant mathematics # Version 2025.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] * updated EULA —— removed dependency of System.Drawing in FastCube.Core package, now the package can be used under Linux and MacOS —— export to BIFF8 has been removed in the FastCube.Core package because this export requires a graphic context, if there are user requests, we will add BIFF8 export in plugins. + added Linux support for FastCube.Core.Web package + added demo application for Linux docker container - fixed documentation title * the Extras folder that stores the compatibility package sources is now only available in the source version of the product + added compatibility library with FastReport.DataVisualization for displaying FastCube.Mono slice charts + added compatibility library with FastReport.DataVisualization for displaying FastCube.Winforms slice charts * the structure of the documentation has been changed, some sections have been moved to the root + added a new article to the documentation about descriptions of the packages + added a new article describing the minimum system requirements —— the Config class and its methods of the FastCube.Core.Web library are marked as deprecated, they are no longer used and do not affect the functionality of the component - removed and replaced dependency on deprecated IHostingEnvironment in FastCube.Core.Web - fixed an access modifiers of class members in FastCube.Core.Web + added XML documentation for the FastCube.Core.Web package + added xml documentation for FastCube.WinForms.Report package + added xml documentation for astCube.WinForms.BusinessGraphics package + added xml documentation for FastCube.Mono.Report package + added xml documentation for FastCube.Mono.Chart package + added xml documentation for FastCube.WinForms.Chart package & security fixes in the chart component code for FastCube.Mono & security fixes in the chart component code for FastCube.WinForms & security fixes in the all demo apps * changed scripts in three cubes for compatibility with .net 8 and .net 9 & updated script builder for working with .net 6 and higher, this is a breaking change for all new FastCube .NET packages, if you used Variant, then instead of strict typing in the script you need to use only the name of the Variant class itself, since in some scripts there is a conflict between FastReport .NET and FastCube .NET in the script by default only a minimal set of libraries are included * now FastCube.WinForms and FastCube.Mono are not independent packages, the core of the OLAP component is completely moved to FastCube.Core * changed the way plugins registration, now plugins cannot be loaded twice automatically + added xml documentation for FastCube.Core package + added xml documentation for FastCube.Core.Web package + added xml documentation for FastCube.Mono package + added xml documentation for FastCube.WinForms package - fixed the list of dlls to the script * updated build scripts + added a new demo application showing the ability to save and load a cube on the web # Version 2024.2.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] * dll names have been changed, now all dlls have the FastCube prefix * all projects have been updated to version .net 6 * all projects are now written in sdk style - fixed a bug with the demo application for VB * the minimum version of the .NET Framework for Windows downgraded from 4.7 to 4.6.2 * the minimum version of the .NET Framework for Mono downgraded from 4.7 to 4.6.2 + added additional testing before build * updated dependency version Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp to 4.0.1 * the documentation build tool has been updated, the documentation now looks more modern, and there is also a dark theme - removed dependency on BinaryFormatter # Version 2024.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] * core improvements and bug fixes # Version 2023.3.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] * core improvements and bug fixes # Version 2023.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] - fixed error with null reference exception on empty filter submit # Version 2022.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] - fixed error with representing Time values if no display format is set # Version 2021.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added FastReport.BG extension for FastCube + added ListDataSet component which allows to load data to cube using standard DataBindings + added "Copy" menu item to the context menu of XAxisZone and YAxisZone of the SliceGrid component. The menu item copies the caption of the selected node to clipboard. + paste from clipboard operation in a popup list executes search operation + double click in the popup filter of a dimension executes SliceGrid positioning to the clicked item - fix "Weighted arithmetic mean" calculation # Version 2020.2.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + mono package and demo * refactoring: moved FastReport dependency to a separate project FastReport.Olap.Report * expression editor shows item names instead of captions - expression errors does not raise Exceptions - expressionHighlight errors does not raise Exceptions - fixed move to group error - fixed chart data representation in some locales - fixed "List of values" aggregate calculation - fixed "Median" aggregate calculation # Version 2020.1.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added ASP.Net Core support + added ability to save slice and cube to Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP, FastReport Cloud + added cell highlight option compared with average value (AverageHighlight). + added most/least N cell highlight option (TopHighlight). + added repeatable/unique cell highlight option (UniqueHighlight). + added cell highlight based on expressions (ExpressionHighlight). + added negative value settings for ContinuousHighlight with Kind = ContinuousHighlightKind.BarChart + added ContinuousHighlight.LoadPreset() method which simplifies highlight setup from the program code and allows to load predefined highlight options. * moved Highlight classes to the FastReport.Olap.Highlight namespace. * major refactoring of the ContinousHighlight with breaking of the compatibility: Before: ContinuousHighlightValueType enum had BoundByRow, BoundByCol, PercentByRow, PercentByCol, PercentileByRow, PercentileByCol elements. Now: Those elements replaced by Bound, Percent and Percentile elements. Added new enum HighlightScanDirection and the approptiate property ScanDirection common for all Highlight types with the Auto, Rows and Columns elements. New saves wont correctly work in the old version and in the current version of FastCube VCL 2. Effect: Highlight setup simplification due to reduced combobox lists. Auto element suit for most cases and does not break highlight (as before) after "Measures" field move from the rows to the columns and vice versa. * export menu is merged with Save menu in SliceGridToolBar and CubeGridToolBar. - fixed error with "copy to clipboard" operation of the SliceGrid data zone cells. - fixed error with the chart building. - fixed error with closing passed stream inside the Cube.Save(Stream) method. - fixed error with export to XLS format # Version 2019.4.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added expression support. Expressions allows to perform simple calculations based on measure and dimension values and functions. + information form replaced with Options form. Form allows set Language and add .Net Assemblies. + added methods PopupWindow.ExpandAll(), PopupWindow.CollapseAll(), property CustomGrid.AutoExpandPopups (true by default) which defines whether to expand/collapse all PopupWindow automatically on show. + added an ability to set own context menu (ContextMenuStrip) for grid zones. + added DisplayFormat for dimensions. Use AxisField.DisplayFormat to get/set format value or Dimension Editor. + added property AxisContainer.BindCaptionWidth, Slice.BindCaptionWidth to bind field caption width with it content in axis. + added Range.IgnoreCase property to ignore case for text compare. Added appropriate checkbox to range editor. + added clear buttons to the measure editor form. + added axis menu item to delete measure when clicked on measure header. - fixed errors with dimension values access from script. # Version 2019.3.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added FastCube.Core package to work in console and ASP.Net applications + added date split to half year + added SliceGrid.StatusZone.FloatFormat and SliceGrid.StatusZone.IntegerFormat. Use them to change format of values in StatusBar. + added group creation by condition in code (Group.CreateGroupByRange) and and in SliceGrid menu + groupping and filtering through the axes context menu now handles selection + added ZoneRestrictions.DontShowDropDown item + added designer serialization for SliceGrid and CubeGrid zones - fixed error with cell detail - fixed error with loading of empty cube. # Version 2019.2.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added Cube.SaveExtras to allow saving of Filters and Charts together with cube. + added Config.CubeSettings.StringEncoding to allow load of VCL cubes with Ansi string fields. Set it to appropriate encoding before loading cubes. + added BeforeProgress event to grids + added more items to CubeGrid context menu + added property CubeGrid.FilterManager + added classes UniqueValuesFieldFilterDataProvider, CubeFilterPopup and FilterOrderedRecordSet * significantly speedup Excel2007 export for big tables, reduced memory use * slice clear resets "Measures" field caption - fixed progress form localization - fixed localization errors - fixed typo in CheckState.Intermediate # Version 1.3.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + add Russian localization + added support for fields drop into AxisZone + code refactoring on visual and non visual parts, added FastCube.Core package + added property TDimensions.DetailValue: Variant - current detail value for totals calculation in script based on sub-total values + added methods Slice.SetTotalPosition(TotalPosition totalPosition) and AxisContainer.SetTotalPosition(TotalPosition totalPosition) to set all totals of slice/axis to one state + added method ContinuousHighlight.SetImageReverseOrder to reverse icons order * several slice methods raised Exception with non-active cube. Now we check the cube condition before the action. - fixed exception for grid size <= 0 - fixed error in cube append feature # Version 1.2.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + added script feature + added cube append feature from files, streams and DataSets + implemented measure property ChangeNullToZero + added comments for variety of classes, properties and methods * fixed cube file format to properly support unique values memory layout of FastCube .Net (FastCube VCL also supports these format changes now) - fixed various errors and glitches here and there # Version 1.0.0 ======================== FastCube .NET --------------- [Common] + initial release
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