List of changes
# Version 2025.1.8
- fixed FastCube toolbar localization
- fixed FastCube toolbar localization
- fixed FastCube toolbar localization
- incorrect TAB focus transition in export dialogs
+ added export of external characters
[Report object]
- fixed incorrect clip in RichView
- fixed legend of 2D barcodes
- fixed legend of 2D barcodes
- fixed WordWrap in PDF export with simple text render
+ added export of external characters
- fixed export dialogs for HiDPI
- fixed preview on HiDPI
[Report object]
- fixed legend of 2D barcodes
- fixed legend of 2D barcodes
# Version 2025.1.7
- smartMemo - fixed HiDPI support
- implemented HiDPI support for Lazarus
- smartMemo - fixed HiDPI support
+ field list - Filter indicators added
+ field list - Filter indicators added
+ field list - Filter indicators added
+ added First version of HiDPI
+ added First version of HiDPI
[Report object]
- fixed preparing of reports with RFID
- fixed label size for non-visual components
- smartMemo - fixed HiDPI support
+ fixed behavior of the band with extra height
- fixed AV when creating TfrxComboEdit for Lazarus
- fixed label size for non-visual components
- smartMemo - fixed HiDPI support
+ fixed behavior of the band with extra height
- fixed PDF export at HiDPI
# Version 2025.1.6
- tfrTreeView - Fixed rendering with custom color and in disabled state
- tfrTreeView - Fixed rendering with custom color and in disabled state
* improving TfsTree by replacing TTreeView with TfrTreeView
* improving TfsTree by replacing TTreeView with TfrTreeView
- fixed the fs_ibx package so it can be compiled for Lazarus
- fixed split of RichView component with empty line at the end
- fixed SVG bounds update
- fixed TTF font 'hmtx' table load order
- fixed bug when renamed Dataset does not change default UserName
- fixed bug when print dialog resets settings when move print dialog to secondary screen
+ added the ability to override the search form
[Report object]
- fixed behavior in HTMLView component when colgroup widths overrides td tag width settings
+ added object for RFID-Label(TfrxDeviceCommand)
- fixed PDF/A Metadata
- fixed pdf with ZUGFerd
- fixed TfrxDesigner.DefaultFont with HiDPI
- fix for TfrxDialogPage operation on an additional screen
- improved rendering and functionality of designer elements in VCL themes
- improved rendering and functionality of designer elements in VCL themes
+ added the ability to override the search form
- fixed TTF font 'hmtx' table load order
- fixed bug when renamed Dataset does not change default UserName
- fixed bug when print dialog resets settings when move print dialog to secondary screen
[Report object]
- fixed behavior in HTMLView component when colgroup widths overrides td tag width settings
+ added object for RFID-Label(TfrxDeviceCommand)
- fixed PDF/A Metadata
- fixed pdf with ZUGFerd
- improved rendering and functionality of designer elements in VCL themes
# Version 2025.1.5
+ fixed bug in TfsScript.Destroy which can cause exception
+ fixed bug in TfsScript.Destroy which can cause exception
+ fixed bug in TfsScript.Destroy which can cause exception
- fixed a bug with reports with parameters and dialogs
- fixed AV in RichEditor with old versions of msftedit.dll
- fixed scaling of dialogs(TfrxDialogPage)
- fixed TfrxLabel when AutoSize = True
- fixed date/time export to XLSX
- fix compier warning
- fixed long HTMLView export
- fixed date/time export to XLSX
- fix compier warning
- fixed long HTMLView export
- fixed a bug with reports with parameters and dialogs
- fixed AV in RichEditor with old versions of msftedit.dll
- fixed scaling of dialogs(TfrxDialogPage)
- fixed TfrxLabel when AutoSize = True
- fixed date/time export to XLSX
- fix compier warning
- fixed long HTMLView export
# Version 2025.1.4
+ added the ability to create a custom structure of root shell nodes and simple nodes
+ added the ability to create a custom structure of root shell nodes and simple nodes
+ fixed collapsing when (Application.MainFormOnTaskbar = True)
- fixed HTMLView with Page.EndlessHeight
- fixed "Class not found" error when using UseFileCache property with empty pages in report
- fixed frxDecompressStream function
- fixed bug with incorrect value in CopyName macros
- improved export of rtl text to pdf
- fixed "Class not found" error when using UseFileCache property with empty pages in report
- fixed wrapping of rotate text when export to PDF
- improved export of rtl text to pdf
- fixed HTMLView with Page.EndlessHeight
- fixed "Class not found" error when using UseFileCache property with empty pages in report
- fixed frxDecompressStream function
- fixed bug with incorrect value in CopyName macros
- improved export of rtl text to pdf
Version 2025.1
+ Added expression highlighting settings in the report designer;
+ Added basic search in editors with Memo;
* Improved mouse functionality in SimpleMemo;
- Improved scrolling in the Memo editor;
- Fixed the issue when opening the report designer;
- Fixed a potential AV error after deleting a StyleSheet element in the report designer;
- Fixed name duplication when dragging from DataTree;
- Fixed stretching of the object toolbar when the height is insufficient in the designer;
- Fixed calling the text editor through the object inspector;
- Fixed an issue with the Auto Update Fields option enabled;
- Fixed navigation issues in the Report Tree of the designer;
- Fixed SmartMemo (code editor) for HiDPI;
+ Added TfrShellTreeView control for shell management in VCL and Lazarus with Linux support;
+ Added nested handling for Subreport.PrintOnParent in the reporting engine;
+ Added support for the Win64x compiler during development;
+ Implemented native rendering of controls for VCL and Lazarus in Linux;
+ Added WideString type in FastScript;
- Fixed compatibility with C++ Builder and JVCL;
- Fixed updating DBX parameters when extracting field definitions;
- Fixed an issue when using a multi-column page along with PrintOnPreviousPage and KeepTogether options;
- Fixed a problem in automatically generated headers for C++ Builder;
- Fixed the HTML editor;
- Fixed RTL output with tags in TfrxHTMLView;
- Changed data field updates to clear automatically defined fields when DataSet is modified;
- Fixed incorrect rendering of SliceGrid when loading a scheme at high DPI;
- Fixed icon caching during scaling for HiDPI;
- Fixed an issue when changing the DBDataSet.DataSet property did not clear field definitions;
- Fixed TfrxComboBoxView and TfrxListBoxView;
- Fixed the field type definition for ftFixedChar;
- Fixed memory leak when displaying SVG;
- Fixed an issue where DataLink did not clear previous data;
- Fixed the error 'Resource FCXBUTTONS not found' in FMX RS12 Builder when calling the formula editor;
- Fixed the state of the old XML format flag after clearing;
- Fixed initialization of the interactive parameters structure;
- Fixed warning in frxGetCertificate.
+ Added the ability to edit the CellularText object in interactive PDF forms;
+ Added the FromName field in TfrxMailExport when using Indy SMTP;
- Fixed EMF export to SVG;
- Fixed font substitution in PDF export;
- Fixed line break issue when exporting to .rtf format from Lazarus on Linux;
- Fixed export of katakana, hiragana, and geometric symbols in PDF export;
- Fixed line selection and bottom field line during DOCX export;
- Fixed EMF export to PDF;
- Fixed hyperlinks in RTF export;
- Eliminated GDI object leaks;
- Fixed customizable PDF signature;
- Fixed alignment issues in TfrxMemoView and reduced sizes of images with alpha channels in PDF export;
- Fixed date formatting in XLSX export;
- Fixed compiler warnings;
- Fixed XLS export for empty pages;
- Fixed date format in XLSX export;
- Fixed "Unexpected variant error" in XLS export;
- Fixed ODF export when AllowHTMLTags is enabled;
- Fixed RTF export when AllowHTMLTags is enabled;
- Fixed TfrxDateEditControl in Linux under Lazarus;
- Removed unnecessary ScrollBar rendering in the designer;
- Fixed selection reset in the Linux Lazarus Rich editor;
- Fixed infinite loading when using Linux Lazarus Rich;
+ Added VarIsNull function;
- Fixed issue with displaying the Data Highlighting dialog in FastCube;
- Fixed converters for QuickReport, ReportBuilder, and Rave Reports;
+ Added the ability to copy RichView content in preview;
- Fixed issues with active preview tabs when exporting all open preview tabs;
- Fixed toolbar issues in HiDPI mode in version 10.4, when some toolbar buttons were disabled;
- Fixed AV when calling preview in XE2;
- Fixed display of double tooltips in the preview window;
[Report object]
+ Added property TfrxFIBDatabase.LibraryName;
* Added Tab key handling in TfrxRichView editor;
- Fixed serialization of TfrxPictureView.Stretched property;
- Fixed barcode positioning after changing BarType when Align is set to [baCenter, baRight];
- Fixed Swiss preset in QR barcode;
* Updated Polish resources;
* Updated German resources for FastCube;
- Fixed FCXBUTTONS resources for applications with run-time packages;
[FastReport FMX]
- Added export to PPTX for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms;
- Fixed export dialog display in macOS;
- Export dialogs have been separated from export filter modules (ability to override export dialogs with custom ones).
Version 2024.2
+ fixed SQL editor
- fixed auto completion in memo syntax
- fixed bug when Unicode characters may disappear when save script code to pas file from the report designer
- fixed TfrxRichView editor for 64 bits
- fixed work of scrollbars for TfrxSimpleSyntaxMemo
- fixed hints in the frxEditFieldDefs form
+ added support of endless width for dynamic table
+ added GeoJSON / TopoJSON support to map object
+ added a new TfrTreeViewControl
+ fixed bug with using old aliases compatibility
+ detail reports saves variable state for each detail tab when using DetailPage hyperlink
* added possibility to change the signature hash algorithm
* signatures for pdf and files improved and made uniform
- fixed data set position error in TfrxCustomLayer map object
- fixed updating field definitions after sql change
- fixed errors when working under WINE
- fixed TfrxCustomQuery.SQLChangeHandler when a complex report is destroyed
- fixed a bug that could lead to a crash when exporting to BIFF8 (RS12, 64 bit)
- fixed AV in FastCube when drag field from filter zone to YAxis and back
- improved synchronization with old Aliases list and new Field defines collection
- fixed inherited params in query
- removed duplicated Left/Top properties serialization for non Internal DB components
- fixed wrong type cast of Field collection property in inherited report
- fixed AV in FastCube FMX when right-clicking on a measures popup
- fixed bug when use dynamic table with manual build on multi-column page
- fixed alClient behavior for diagonal TfrxLineView
+ added new export filters XLSX, DOCX in FastReport FMX
+ add test program for PDF / SVG / HTMLDiv exports
* simplified сode
- fixed bug in RTF export when left position resets to left page margin coordinate
- fixed interactive Combobox in preview and pdf export
- fixed wrong images position in xlsx export
- fixed system colors in xlsx export filter
- fixed scale factor of images and text in Docx export
- fixed bug that could lead to a crash in XLSX export
- fixed errors in HTMLDiv and SVG exports
- fixed array unlock in the XLS OLE export
- fixed pdf export errors
- fixed memo export with APAC fonts to SVG and HTML5
- fixed PDF/A export and vector export with PS_USERSTYLE
- fixed memo export when HAlign = haRight
+ added Lazarus support to FastQueryBuilder
+ fixed paper list without printers in Linux Lazarus
- fixed errors in exporting some objects in PNG mode under Lazarus
+ the SmartMemo object with basic syntax highlighting is moved in a separate package
+ added RTL support to SmartMemo
- fixed certificate dialog
- fix caret for SmartMemo in Lazarus GTK2
[Report object]
+ added new linear barcode property DigitsAutoFillMode (dafmLeftOnly - Fills barcode missing digits with zeros on left side, dafmRightChecksum - always add zero checks sum when missing. i.e. less digits than barcode requires)
- fixed RTTI for TfrxHTMLView
- fixed wrong clip bounds for TfrxPDFView object in preview
- fixed FireDAC DriverID
* updated Portuguese resources
Version 2024.1
+ Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 12
+ Added the ability to optionally use FastQueryBuilder in FastReport
- Fixed virtual dataset behavior
- Fixed error in FastCube with RAD Studio 12 under x64
- Fixed HIDPI issues with RAD Studio 10.4
- Fixed incorrect font scaling in barcodes at HiDPI
- Fixed wrong sizes of export filter dialog forms when changing DPI
- Fixed error after edit measure in FastCube FMX
- Fixed change selected row when changing filter in Localization Editor
- Fixed bug in FastCube when calling the editor script function when double clicking on the calculation field
+ Added new editor for Memo object with syntax highlights (starts from Enterprise version)
+ Added Expression and syntax highlights in Memo object in the report designer workspace
+ Added new field definition editor (replace of an old Alias editor)
+ Added ability to sed type of drag and drop object type when drag data from data tree
+ Added ability to disable auto-updating of field list in the report designer
- Fixed bug with style property of Gradient object in Object Inspector
* Modified Indy TLS usage in E-mail export filter
- Fixed ligatures positions in RTL languages in PDF export filter
- Fixed bug in frxSQLEditorForm form
- Fixed Syntax memo bug in Lazarus
- Fixed FastCube cross editor in FastReport integration components
- Fixed - the FMX.ConverterFR3toFRFMX.pas unit does not exist in LibRSXX\FMX
- Fixed - the frx package does not contain the frxFileSignature unit
[Report object]
- Fixed IBO package for RAD Studio 12
+ Added a S3 Transport
+ Added AWS support to S3-Transport
- Fixed default file extension when saving to clouds from preview
- Fixed opening reports from clouds
Version 2023.3
- Fixed dropdown InPlace editor in DPIAware application
+ Added the ability to automatically select the font size to match the size of the Text object and its content (ContentScaleOptions property)
- Fixed frxIBO package does not compile in some IDEs
- Fixed dclfqbFIB package does not compile
+ Added Language Resource Editor
+ Added frThreadSynchronizeProc variable to override default Synchronize procedure in FastReport
+ Added implementation for mouse UP/DOWN/MOVE script events
- Fixed printer font scaling in FastReport FMX under RAD 11.3
+ Added support for CADES_T and CADES_X_LONG_TYPE_1 signatures
+ Added TfrxHtmlView.LoadFromString in the RTTI
- Fixed work of TfrLocalizationController in FastReport FMX
+ Added TfrWideStrins compatibility for old behavior
* Modify TfsScript.OnSetVarValue event
* Changes related to adding HiDPI support to FastCube
- Fixed group names in component palette
- Fixed problems with data when editing a chart in a report for FastCube integration
- Fixed HideIfSingleDataRecord behavior with delay expressions
- Fixed TfsCustomHelper in the debug mode
- Fixed Out-of-Range error in FastCube
- Fixed bug with case-insensitive keys for resources
* Improved language switching in the designer
- Changed datasets finalization order
- Fixed expressions post processing for paReportFinished/paGroupFinished when ReportSummary/GroupFooter Band is visible/invisible
- Fix condition TfrLocalizationController.ShowLocalizationEditor
- Fixed issue with empty page when duplex forced on in printer settings and set to simplex for a report page
- Fixed compilation for version FMX below Tokyo
- Fixed сompilation of FastCube for C++ Builder FMX
- Fixed behaviour of TfrxHTMLView.DefBackground = clNone
- (FastScript) Fixed bug adding nested components via AddComponent
- Added height correction for the last line of the text to tmDescent value (need for some fonts)
- Fixed bug with detecting SVG format with BOM header
- Fixed several leaks of GDI descriptors
- Fixed TeeChart package names in cube frdpk
- Fixed styles inheritance in the report template
+ Added the ability to partially embed fonts
+ Added LineSpacing support for PPTX export
- Fixed pdf export with CJK fonts
- Fixed bug with multi page HTML export when image cache clears for each page
- Fixed work of PDF form fields with owner password
- Fixed font name substitution
- Fixed application closing with PDF export
- Fixed exporting of time format in the XLSX export
- Fixed SMTP in the TfrxMailExport
+ Added new integration package with LazChart
- Fixed drawing of charts in lazarus
- Fixed designer reopening with TfrxLazSqliteQuery
- Fixed unicode output from DB for Lazarus
- Fixed PDF dialog for Lazarus
- Fixed visual bugs in the report designer under Lazarus
- Fixed barcodes in Linux
- Fixed FastCube FPC package's description
- Fixed bug with using OLE object in FastScript code
- Installer - added support for FibPlus, IB Objects, BDE
- Fixed FastCube FMX packages
- Fixed FastReportDemo report templates with charts for TeeChart2023.38 compatibility
+ Added TfrxPreviewTabs.CurrentTab property
- FastCube Fixed HighlightRuleEditor form
- Added Find MenuItem in the preview's popup menu
[Report object]
+ Added TTeeFont, TTeeShadow classes to chart RTTI
* Changed class of DefaultDatabase from TFDConnection to TFDCustomconnection
- Fixed rotation of 2D barcodes
- Fixed FireDAC uses list
* Updated Serbian resources
* Updated Arabic resources
* Updated Bulgarian resources
- Fixed resources numbers
+ Added NextCloud transport
Version 2023.2
Сore library
+ Added new core package with common code for all products
+ Added a new graphics core package with a common code for all products
+ Added new localization packs
* Changed product localization system
Fast Report VCL
- Fixed Int64 support in Object Inspector
- Fixed filter behavior in data selection dialog
- Fixed TfrxRichView frame borders in the designer
- Fixed a bug due to which the code completion dropdown did not copy styles from Syntax Memo
+ Added support for style sheets and improved work with styles in the report designer
+ Added the possibility of simultaneous multi-threaded printing
- Fixed form scaling for secondary monitor for Delphi 10.1 and later
- Fixed bug with parent container component interactive events
- Fixed error handling in CrossView events
- Fixed printing of current page mode
- Fixed Duplex printing for multiple copies of documents with collation enabled
+ Added new CustomExportDialogClass property for export filters, which allows you to override the export dialog for standard export filters
* Improved translucent SVG export in PDF export via EMF
- Fixed memory leak with embedded files in PDF export
- Fixed progress dialog in HTML export when entering wrong page number
- Fixed export of TfrxLineView and TfrxShapeView in PPTX export
+ Added support for variable portability in templates (Delphi <--> Lazarus)
- Fixed behavior of empty TfrxPictureView in Lazarus
- Fixed button order in preview
[report object]
+ Added composite barcodes (EAN 8+2, EAN 8+5, EAN 13+2, EAN 13+5)
+ Added method TfrxPictureView.LoadFromStream
+ Added processing of the Hint property (similar to TagStr)
- Fixed placement of SVG pictures in TfrxPictureView
* Updated Portuguese resources
* Updated Polish resources
FastReport FMX
- Fixed integer overflow error in gradient fill object
- Fixed crosstab editor bug in RAD Studio 11
- Added packages for new versions of Delphi (RAD Studio 10 - 11)
+ Added HiDPI support for high resolution monitors
+ Added integration package with FastScript (integration does not require rebuilding of the main packages)
- Fixed bugs in highlighting rules
- Fixed Access violation error when using the component in some editors
Version 2023.1
- Fixed dataset filtering
+ Added a new class for signing an arbitrary file with an attached or detached signature.
- Fixed supreport X position when keep mechanism uses inside it
+ Added ability to customize sheet names in excel exports (frxBIFFExport, frxXMLExport, frxXLSXExport)
- Fixed bug when PDFView draws dash line with wrong scale on metafile in PDF export vector output
- Fixed pdf export errors
- Fixed issue when pictures may disappear during PDF export in multi-thread GUI application
- Fixed font size in HTMLTags in XLSX export
- Fixed bug in xls(biff8) export under x64 platform
- Fixed Cc and Bcc fileds in the SMTP mail sender
+ Added implementation of TfrxDateEditControl
- Fixed Lazarus compilation
- Disable AutoSize for descriptions functions in functions-tree due to Lazarus internal bug
- Fixed Search form width
[Report object]
+ Added support for the dominant-baseline attribute and the pattern element
+ Added Autosize for TfrxOLEView
- Fixed overflow error when test size of types in HTMLView stream
- Fixed issue when TfrxRichView.RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromFile does not load file correctly under Rad Studio 11.2
- Fixed bug with Datamatrix barcade with ACSII codepage
- Fixed barcodes RTTI
- Fixed PDFView memory leaks
- Fixed TfrxPDFObject for 64bit in the IDE
* Updated Swiss resources
* Update German Resources
* Updated Farsi resources
Version 2022.3
+ Added new Outlook Web mail transport
+ Added new Gmail Web mail transport
- Fixed Unicode namas in GDrive transport
+ Added GCI example for Lazarus
+ Added support of '*' mask in server IP lists
+ Added new hints to the reports designer which shows the full text of the Memo object
+ Added fast comments in syntax memo editor for selected text (Default hotkey is Ctrl + /)
+ Added new hints to Syntax Memo editor
+ Added Step over and StepReturn debug modes
+ Added fast adding of selected text in syntax memo to watches list from the context menu
- Fixed TfrxDesignerForm.GetCurrentForm (TFrame support added)
- Fixed bug with the report designer component editors when editors has same property names with different flags(paMultiSelect)
- Fixed B4(JIS) paper size
- Fixed destroy of CodeCompletion thread when user scripts assign to Report.Script.Parent
- Fixed genaration of Unicode names for objects when Drag&Drop form DataTree
+ Added new ShiftMode - smPartMaxHeight stretches every part of split object to maximum height of a band part and correct every part height.
+ Added hash calculation for pictures used in a report to export filters (ExportFilter.CalculatePictureHash property) and prepared report(TfrxReport.PictureCacheOptions.CalculateHash)
+ Added printing of translucent mask emulation via dither algorithm for printers without alpha blend support(May not support all printers)
+ Added TfrxTableCell.OnBeforePrint/OnAfterPrint/OnAfterData script events for static table object
+ Added new Memo object property ClearEmptyLines, it deletes all empty lines inside Memo object after GetData method
- Fixed bug when combination of MemoView.AutoWidth = True and Align = baWidth are used to arrange objects on a container
- Fixed bug with incorrect shift value of underlying objects when first object on a container moved to the next page
- Correct Removing of editors when packages unloaded
- Fixed split mechanism of static Table object
+ Added PDF interactive form support for Listbox and Combobox objects
- Fixed unicode password in PDF export
- Fixed PDF exporting of HTML tags for Embarcadero edition
- Fixed export of translucent vector Graphic(SVG) when AllowVector is set to False
- Fixed XLSX Export for non-Unicode versions of Delphi
- Fixed bug in PDF export with European ligatures via EMF (ETO_GLYPH_INDEX)
- PDF export does not export clip text now when whole line does not fit
+ Added new openssl libs (static crt and x64 support)
- Fixed generation of CBuilder 2007 headers
- Fixed HiDPI PerMonitorV2 issues
- Fixed preview page settings units
[Report object]
+ Added new Code11 barcode
+ Added basic Rotation to TfrxShapeView object
+ Added Linux support for TfrxPDFView in Lazarus
+ Added Rotation property to TfrxPDFView
+ Added support of RTL attributes in TfrxHtmlView object
+ Added support of TfrxHtmlView object into Lazarus
- Fixed bug in QR EPC barcode
- Fixed bug in Datamatrix C40 encoding when size of data is equal to the code size limits
- Fixed bug with 2D barcodes scaling in PDF export for dpi unaware application
- Fixed processing of TfrxHTMLView's expressions for data fields
- Fixed bug in GS1-128 code
- Fixed RichView split in double pass report
* Updated support of Laz Chart to version 2.2.0
* Updated Swiss Resources
* Updated German Resources
Version 2022.2
+ Added a new highlight crossing objects when mode in the report designer
+ Added support for EPC standard settings for QR barcode
+ Added an interactive editor of the CellularText object to edit the object in the report preview
+ Added a new mode of guide lines in the report designer - Auto-guides
+ Added new report object TfrxComboBoxVIew dropdown list
+ Added new report object list TfrxListBoxVIew
+ Added the ability to embed external images of HTMLView object into a rendered report, as an internal or external cache (EmbeddedObjects [edExternal, edInternal] property)
- Fixed bug with scrolling in preview under Linux
- Fixed a bug with calling the MouseLeave event before rebuilding the report
- Fixed bugs with processing hotkeys in the report designer, on Combobox and Edit elements
- Fixed a bug when the HeaderMaxSize property is not defined in the server config
- Fixed copying table content in preview
- Fixed bug in Lazarus with data tree resizing
- Fixed PDF export to Lazarus with last line in text
- Fixed filling in the user-agent field in the http header (handling external links)
- Optimized PDF export size when using EMF conversion
- Fixed page switching bug in preview
- Fixed bug with scrolling in report designer under Linux
- Fixed bug with Chart object in Lazarus 2.2.0
- Fixed bug in TfrxHTML5DivExport export with MultiPage property enabled on Linux
- Fixed printing error of the Table object in print scaling mode
- Fixed error displaying barcodes with a rotation angle other than 0
- Fixed bug with CC, BCC fields when sending emails via Outlook
- Fixed hpp generation error for C++Builder 2012
- Fixed PDF export errors in long text lines and line styles
- Fixed recompilation of resources with Japanese localization
- Fixed a bug with working with duplex from the default printer in collate mode
- Updated FireDAC(AnyDAC) adapter packages
- Fixed preview toolbar display error in RAD Studio 11
- Fixed report object naming error when dragging fields with Unicode names from the data tree
- Fixed aggregate functions inside static table
- Fixed a bug with leaking handles in the HTMLView object
Version 2022.1
+ Added support of multi-sign in PDF export
+ New ability of the ReportServer component to load and convert prepared reports from a client and convert in to specified export format
+ Added ability to export all tabs with prepared reports to one export file
+ Added new transport filter to YaDisk
+ Added support of RTL for Text object with HTML tags when RTLReading is enabled
* Improved objects editors for Text, HTML and Rich objects for fast expression insertion
+ Added TfrxSVGGraphicCache check SVGCache in Demos folder
+ Added RTTI information for DataLink behavior
+ Add new classes to FireDAC RTTI
+ Added basic script RTTI for PDFView object
+ Added DataSet and DataField to PDFView object
+ Added function to set path to Pdfium library from the code (frxPDFiumDLLPathSet)
* Updated How to build DLL with report components example
* Update import form QuickReport (conversion of TQRDQuery, TQRDTable ,TQRDesignSubdetail)
* Improved processing of ARC in Emf to PDF/SVG converter
- Fixed bug with email export via MS Outlook
- Fixed bug with empty page in DOCX export
- Fixed bug with bracket '(' symbol in GS1 Datamatrix data
- Fixed bug with specifying the port in DataLink
- Fixed EMF Export registration
- Fixed bug with symbols width in PDF export with Calibri font
- Fixed bug with incorrect clipping in PDF export
- Fixed bug with Map Color Scale and Size Scale background
- Fixed reading of Extended type on x64 platform in HTMLView object
- Fixed parameters fill bug in internal query during report loading(To avoid exception for undefined parameter)
- Fixed issue with tls connection to Cloudflare or AWS servers with tls server name extension(via DataLink protocols)
- Fixed bug with Unicode printer names in non Unicode Delphis
- Fixed export of images XLS export
- Fixed bug with negative numbers in XLSX export
- Fixed bug with PNG smooth draw
- Fixed bug when preview events occurs during SetProgressMessage
- Fixed bug with Collapse All in preview window
- Fixed bug with DialogPage size under RAD Studio 11
- Fixed bug with draw of shape object
- Fixed memory leak in HTMLView object
- Fixed bug with PNG transparency and HiQuality in PDF export (back compatibility)
- Fixed bug in multi-threading environment
- Fixed bug with TableBuilder and PageHeader band
Version 2021.3
+ Added support of RAD Studio 11
+ Added new object TfrxPDFView which allows to view PDF inside report via Pdfium library
+ Added protocols support to load objects data from external sources(http, https and transports) for PDFView, HTMLView, MemoView, PictureView, Maps
+ Added new transport authorization for OAuth2.0 with default system browser
+ Added split mechanism for dynamic table cells (data and internal objects)
+ Added support of Detail report to Client-Server components
+ Added Highlights of non-default properties in the report designer object inspector
+ Added new search and replace in the report designer (Search in script, object names, string properties and content)
+ Added Favorites tab in the report designer object inspector
+ Added logging for digital signature process in PDF export
+ Added new Plessey linear barcode
+ Added Gif support in TfrxPictureView (animation doesn’t supported)
+ Added event to build dynamic table from code(see DynamicTable example)
+ Added processing of DataSet.OnGetText event for TWideStringField - to use set dsoStringAsDisplayText flag in TfrxDBDataset.DataSetOptions
+ Added script RTTI to load data in to TfrxHTMLView
+ Added script RTTI for frxDigitalSignatureView
+ [Lazarus] Added support of HTML tags in PDF export
* Added ability to control spans from script when building dynamic table
* Improved Client-Server demos for CGI and ISAPI
+ [Lazarus] Added EmbedDesigner demo
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug with unicode printer names
- Fixed bug with table position in DOCX export
- Fixed bug with ITF-14 barcode text output
- Fixed restoring of span break for fixed column/row in dynamic table
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug with restoring left panel in the report designer
- Fixed XLS export dialog scaling
- Fixed intercharacter spacing in PDF export for some fonts
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug with expressions inside RichView
- Fixed bug with aggregates and invisible bands
- Fixed pictures in the XLS export
- Fixed generation of hpp header for CBuilder 2007-XE (link with gdip lib)
- Fixed GDI descriptors leak in EMF parser for regions
- Fixed bug with Gif transparency
Version 2021.2
+ Added new HTML view report objects. Allows to load and view HTML4 with CSS
+ Added new dynamic table builder for Table object (Builds and paginate table object form script or code. See Main demo reports)
+ Added new "Object mode" export type in DOCX export filter
+ Added support of HTML tags in XLSX and PPTX export filters
+ Added ITF14 linear barcode
+ Improved UI of Data selection dialog (added filters and sorting)
+ Added shortcuts in RichEdit editor
+ Added date formatting support in XLSX export filter
* Improved EMF to PDF export, added support of GM_ADVANCED mode
* Added clip to outbound frames in linear barcodes
* Improved EMF->PDF/SVG monobrush implementation
- Fixed creation time in PDF export filter
- Fixed text draw for long text line (without returns)
- Fixed preview search
- Fixed merged cells in XLSX export filter
- Fixed bug in DataMatrix 2D barcode
- Fixed OnProgress events behavior during export
- Fixed bug when print images with color mask
- Fixed shape draw on export (cuts off right corner)
- Fixed bug with stack overflow when export non transparent png image from pptx export
- Fixed bug in GS1Databar 2D barcode
- Fixed bug with stream size in IsSupportedFormat when load image
- Fixed output for printers which does not support alphablend
- Fixed C++ Builder compilation
- Fixed Shift mode for smWhenOverlapped in seTree mode
- Fixed export of PNG images with transparent palate
- Fixed SaveToFrx convertor filter
- Fixed PNG transparency in MAP object
- Fixed print of Chart object in Lazarus
- Fixed bug with Cambria Math font in PDF export
- Fixed dialogs in ZPL, PS, PPML export filters
- Fixed PS, PPML export filters text line spacing
- Fixed bug with HeliosCond font in PDF export
Version 2021
+ Added support of vector SVG format in TfrxPictureView object
+ Added Digital signature object and digital signature support for PDF Export (Supported types: skNone, skInvisible, skVisible, skEmpty)
+ Added experimental picture cache and thumbnail cache controlled by TfrxReport.EngineOptions.PictureCache properties
+ Added support of alpha transparency for export filter and printing
+ Added Two-Track Pharmacode barcode
+ Added RichView object for Lazarus with Linux support
+ Added support for external web browsers components for authorization dialog (CEF4Delphi, new Edge interfaces)
+ Added support of Windows Environment Variables in client server config file config like %ALLUSERSPROFILE%
- Fixed preview's Thumbnail scale for HighDPI
- Fixed bug in XLSX with empty lines
- Fixed Print state for virtual printers
- Fixed EMF to SVG export with SegoeUI font
- Fixed IME input in syntax memo for group of symbols more than two
- Fixed bug with clip in EMF to PDF export
- Fixed TfrxPictureView clip
- Fixed synchronization bug with dialog forms under Delphi 7 CS components
- Fixed gaps for interactive text fields in PDF
- Fixed bug with Cambria Math font in SVG/HTML exports
- Fixed HasField function when exception raised
- Fixed HatchBrush for Lazarus in Linux
- Fixed stall of main thread in Synchronizer #601673
- Skip chart reading errors to read files from others version for TeeCharts
- Fixed PaperSizes max count for some printers
Version 6.9
+ Added support of interactive forms in PDF export for Text, CheckBox and Picture objects (Use Editable property with [ferAllowInExport] flag)
+ Added InteractiveFormsFontSubset property in PDF export which allows to set used glyph for interactive forms with embedded fonts via expression like : A-Z,a-z,0-9,#43-#47,!@#$
+ Added outline support to HTML export filters(frxExportHTML and frxExportHTML)
+ Added support of Client-Server components for Lazarus in Beta stage
+ Added support of Guide lines for dialog pages in the report designer workspace
+ Added filtration support in preview outline tree for fast search of nodes
+ Added support of save and load for SQL editor presets settings
+ Add ZUGFeRD minimum level to PDF export filter
+ Added CC and BCC fields support for E-mail export Indy and Outlook
+ Add preset helper class for SBER QR code
+ Added RTL support to DOCX Export filter
+ Added new linear Barcodes: Deutsche Post Identcode and Deutsche Post Leitcode
[!!!] Changed behavior of interactive objects. Restrictions -> [DontEditInPreview] is deprecated. Now all Text objects is disabled for editing in preview by default. To allow editing use Editable - [ferAllowInPreview, ferAllowInExport] for text objects (its impacts only text objects)
- Copy-paste bugs fixed when operation doesn't copy child objects of container (Dialog page containers)
- Fixed bug when copy-paste operation assigns child objects to container before it's getting pasted
- Fixed processing of FIB UTF8 blob field
- Fixed bug with merge of duplicates in multi-column report
- Fixed bug in 2D barcodes with long data
- Fixed object inspector for multy monitor configurations
- Fixed Integer Overflow error during draw operation for some objects
- Fixed bug with OnLoadTemplate event in inherited reports
- Fixed bug when calls NewPage inside OnBeforePrint event changes curent bnad which affects aggregates calculation
- Fixed Dropbox transport processing of root folder
- Fixed bug in RTFexport with color table
- Fixed bug when report Engine forces Keeping mode for child bands sequence linked with a report title
- Fixed memory leaks with an empty detail reports
- Fixed Barcode draw on screen for 100% scale (incorrect stretch 1:1)
- Fixed removing of temporary folder after mail export
- Fixed bug with split big pages printing mode when additional page was added
- Multi byte input support for Syntax memo moved from define to the report designer settings
- Fixed Ctrl + backspace hotkey in Syntax memo
Version 6.8
+ Added class references for main package classes
+ Added customization of SQL editor in the report designer
+ Added delayed command pool for actions of TfrxReport: PrepareReport, ShowReport, LoadFrom .It possible to call Report.ShowReport to rebuild active report or load another one from the script.
+ Added TfrxEngineOptions.ZeroPrecisionValue property contains precision value for zero comparison operation in Text objects(used with HideZeros property).
+ Added PNG export filter in registered export filter
* All calls to refreshes of preview now affects only active previewed report for detail page
* Reworked preview pages and preview Tabs mechanism. TfrxPreviewPagesList class now manages active preview pages instances.
* Added synchronization of creating printer context from non GUI thread
* UpdateResorce function moved temporarily to constructor for old behavior compatibility
* Embedded Designer moved to HostControls
* Chart object Highlight disabled when Hyperlink is empty
- Fixed server log path
- [Lazarus] Fixed Unicode output in DOCX export filter
- Several fixes in QR converter module
- [Lazarus] Fixed SQL parameters editor
- Fixed attached files for MSOutlook option in e-mail export filter
- Fixed order of tabs creation in the report preview (should follows after Workspace creates)
* [Lazarus] Added font substitution of "Nimbus Sans L" to "FreeSans" under linux
* [Lazarus] Improved compatibility with FPC 3.2.0
- Fixed IIF function with nested functions
- Fixed memory leak in TfrxTreeView
- Fixed TfrxDataTreeForm.UpdateSize when it’s called before construction
- Fixed bug in font packing mechanism
- Fixed Arial font size in PDF export
- Fixed C++Builder compatibility
- Fixed exporting of the text with HTML tags to PDF
- Fixed building of string for Swiss QRCode
- Fixed formatting for duplicates values
- Fixed attach file name in the TfrxMailExport when DefaultPath <> ''
- Fixed logo position in the QR Code
Version 6.7
+ Added InPlaceEditor for TfrxRichView allows to edit RichView in the preview window;
+ Added Swiss Payment Standard presets for QRCode barcode;
+ Added Logo property for QRCode barcode;
+ Added extended support of TeeChart pro series :
TPolarContourSeries, TEquiVolumeSeries, TCircularGauge,
TClockGauge, TNumericGauge, TBigCandleSeries,
TDeltaPointSeries, TImageBarSeries, TImagePointSeries,
TWindRoseSeries, TErrorPoint3DSeries, TErrorPointSeries,
TEqualizerSeries, TBeeSwarmSeries, TPolarGridSeries, TOrgSeries, TKagiSeries,
TRenkoSeries,TTagCloudSeries, THighLowLineSeries,
TVolumePipeSeries, TTreeMapSeries, TKnobGauge, TRoseSeries,
+ Added helper for Fill casting AsBrushFill/AsGradientFill/AsGlassFill (TfrxCustomFill)
+ Added TfrxPostProcessor.ResetDuplicates - can reset duplicated from script
+ Added DrillState property to rtti (check how to use in 151.fr3 report)
+ Added arrows left - right keys for filtration during Code completion
+ Added Processing for TfrxSysMemoView
+ Added TfrxDesigner.OnAfterUpdateReport event
* Added New "What's new" report
* Improved few demo reports in MainDemo
+ [Lazarus] Added LazChart RTTI modules
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug when TfrxBitBtnControl doesn't show glyph when run designer from Lazarus IDE
- [Lazarus] Fixed Toolbar in the report designer for scale larger than 100%
- Fixed preview tabs in custom preview control
- Syntax memo Drag and Drop DataTree insert text to mouse position
- Syntax memo code completion disabled inside string 'Text' block
- Fixed Images in PPTX export with screen scale 125%
- Fixed text wrap for CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET charset in non unicode output
- Inherited reports convert path to short if its too long
- Inherited reports Loading optimized
- Use PostScript font name in PDF when font name contains multi-byte chars
- Fixed bug when reports threads may stall inside IIS DLL (New synch threads mechanism for DLL)
- Fixed scope of script variables in code completion
- Fixed var parameter in declaration for code completion
* Code completion now replaces whole ident , not just insert new in cursor position
* Code completion window now resizable
- Fixed code completion bug for variables declared in group like : 'm1, m2, m3: TfrxView;'
- [Lazarus] Fixed Map object de-serialization of points
- [Lazarus] Fixed bug with preview PageCache which causes wrong behavior in interactive reports
- Interactive charts fix with zoom in preview
- Fixed RestoreDefaults behavior
- Fixed bug when interactive events may fire before chart was filled
- Fixed bug with TfrxMapGeodataLayer.MapDataSet in Map Editor dialog
* [Lazarus] Optimized MaxiCode output
- Fixed bug with Mercator property
* [Lazarus] Fixed modal dialogs in preview under Linux GTK
- Fixed Detail report bug when rebuilds report using TfrxCustomPreview.Report (Collapse/expand drills).
- Fixed bug with KeepHeader and ReprintOnNewPage in multi-column reports
* [Lazarus] Optimized work with fonts under Linux GTK
- Fixed font charset for RTF export
Version 6.6
+ Added filter to Report Tree for fast search of the report objects
+ Added ability to filter Variables and Function in DataTree
+ Added new search to preview control
+ Added GS1Rule property to DataMatrix barcode (automatic support of GS1 rules)
+ Added new Pharmacode barcode type
+ Added new frxBarcode2DEditor
+ Added TfrxCustomCrossView.ShowCellBreak (default True) when set to False cross tab doesn't hide frames of split cells.
+ Added new type for hyperlinks (hkNone - do nothing. Useful when we need to disable hyperlink from the script).
+ Added New TfrxPreview.HideScrolls property and OnScrollMaxChange/OnScrollPosChange events (custom scrollbars implementation)
+ Add TfrxChartView.ClearSeries method
+ Added label source for TOHLCSeries chart series
+ Added new ColorBar property for all barcode types (set color of barcode data)
* [Lazarus] Improved chart editor dialog for Lazarus charts
* HostControls/UnHostControls method are virtual now and moved to TfrxBaseForm
* Changes in synchronization mechanism for syntax memo. Now worker thread(TfrxCodeCompletionThread) synchronizes via SendMessages instead of TThread.Synchronize.
* CreateUniqueName with DefaultReport now copies objects from current object list.
- Fixed tab order in the PDF export dialog
- Fixed bug with report thread while terminating main server thread with clients
- Fixed TTabSet drag and drop in the report designer
- Fixed Insert field button (DataTree)
- [Lazarus] Fixed bad fills of buttons in the style editor dialog
- Fixed object edges in the report designer for dotMatrix Report
- [Lazarus] Fixed TfrxPageControl
- Fixed bug with TFIBBCDField calculation
- [Lazarus] Fixed DialogPage in the report designer for Lazarus Win/unix
- Fixed export of some TeeChart Pro series in PDF and SVG exports
- [Lazarus] First improvements for HiDPI under Lazarus
- Fixed Clouds Authentication from embedded browser(FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION)
- Fixed incorrect RichView split
- Fixed bug when ConfigFileName was ignored
- Fixed compilation with TeePro version greater than seven
- [Lazarus] Fixed memory leaks
- [Lazarus] Fixed printing from Linux(GTK)
- Fixed table split. In special scenarios row which doesn't fit on the page may disappear.
- Fixed chart Highlight for stacked series.
- Fixed export of Devanagari text in PDF export
- Fixed HABlock Align for Farsi language
- Fixed embedded map in Map object
- Fixed export of monospaced fonts in PDF Export
- [Lazarus] Fixed text output under GTK(Linux)
- Fixed Cross editor in HiDPI
- [Client/Server] Fixed CGI client and export from dialog reports
- Fixed export file names and extensions when exporting from web browser
- Fixed HTML tags case sensitivity in the HTML5div export
- Fixed TfrxEMFExport
- Fixed Data Tree Drag&Drop for variables and functions
- Fixed DataMatrix c40 and txt encodings for special symbols
- Fixed issue with loading RTF files in RichView control under Windows 10 (sometime loads as plain text)
- Fixed bug in PDF export when XObject list clears on every page which increase size of PDF file with pictures
- Fixed bug in big XLS (Excel 97 BIFF8) files
- Fixed exported file name in Client/Server components(from Web browser)
- Fixed PDF export with GapX, GapY < 0
- Fixed Client/Server components when export report with dialog page from web browser
- Fixed quick buttons in the MDI preview
- HiDPI fixes for frxSynMemo: Saving/Loading font size for different DPI, GutterWidth, line marks, breakpoints marks
- HiDPI fixes for RegEditorsDialog: CheckBox, ComboBox arrow, DropDown list width on first show
- Fixed draw of icons on StatusBar in the report designer for HiDPI
- Fixed TfrxTreePanel FileterMinWidth/FileterMaxWidth for HiDPI
- Fixed font size in font ComboBox preview (HiDPI)
- Fixed font preview position in font ComboBox(HiDPI)
- Fixed band caption in HiDPI mode when the primary monitor has scale greater than 150%
- Fixed TfrxComboBox.ListWidth in HiDPI (primary monitor with HiRes)
- Fixed system dialogs(Font/Color) in HiDPI Per-Monitor V2 mode
- Fixed ComboBox positions in the report designer for low custom scaling (less than 150%)
- Fixed frxProgress dialog in HiDPI mode
- Fixed Image Resources for low scaling values (less than 150%)
- Fixed wrong anchor in dataset editor
- Fixed flickering of the data tree for internal datasets after closing preview
Version 6.5
* Improved interface of the "DataTree", "Object Inspector" and "Classes Tree" in the report designer. Added toolbars with fast action buttons and filter of data.
+ Added RichView.FileLink property - use it to load RTF files at prepare-time (can be used to reduce memory using for big RTF)
+ Added Colums property for GS1 Databar ES barcode
+ Added PageFooter.PrintOnSinglePage property - override behavior of PrintOnLastPage/PrintOnFirstPage when the page is Last and First at the same time.
+ Added ReportSummary.PrintAtBottom property - allows to print report summary at the bottom of the page
+ Added PostScript export filter
+ Added PPML export filter
* Updated convertes from RB and QR
- Fixed GS1 Databar ES barcode for special case (odd count of modules)
- Fixed GS1 Databar barcode for smooth height changing in the report designer
- Fixed wrong behavior of Processing property with DetailPage
- Fixed line break in PDF export under Windows 10 x64
- Fixed loading of OSM maps with '`' sign
- Fixed dialog Form in HIDPI called from preview (ClentHeight/ClientWidth serialized with scaled values)
- Fixed designer flickering at show
- Fixed report options dialog printer list icons
- Fixed print dialog printer list icons
- Fixed Codewindow font size when save designer settings
* Changes in LoadPreferences interface, added second parameter as Def settings container
* Reduced fields updating in Master-Detail link. Updates only when fields list changed (Some DS like DBX recreates fields).
- Fixed Esc key pressing when TfrxDateEditControl expanded
- Fixed bug with incorrect size of CellularTextObject
- Improved RichView synchronization in multi-thread environment
- TfrxPreviewForm.FFilterList moved to constructor/destructor (for custom inheritors)
- Fixed layer's internal dataset in the Map editor
- Fixed Indy transport for 465, 587 port
- Fixed designer's Color Selection dialog in the D2009
- Fixed rotated EAN13 barcode
- Fixed exporting of FONT COLOR tag to PDF
- Fixed ODF default values
- Fixed Arial font spaces in the PDF export
- Fixed rotation of the image inside RichView in SVG export
- [Lazarus] Fixed designer's scaling
- [Lazarus] Fixed text split in memo object
- Fixed Aztec multiline text
- Fixed embedded files in PDF export
- Fixed memory leaks in the LazChart
- Fixed Aztec barcode with umlaut characters
- Fixed QR barcode QuietZone
- Fixed cross-tab changing when AutoWidth = False
- Fixed Emf -> Pdf with KeepAspectRatio
- Fixed restoring of the current tab during debugging
- Fixed TfrxDMPMemoView bounds in the PDF export
- Fixed exporting of fsAltDot frame line style in the PDF export
- Fixed C++ Builder compatibility
[6.4.7 - 6.4.9]
- Fixed division by zero in the PDF export
[6.4.4 - 6.4.6]
- Fixed wrong behavior of Table object with vertical bands
- Fixed FIB connection form
- Fixed TfrxMailExport when it cancelled
- Fixed AV when set TfrxCustomExportFilter.ShowDialog in OnBeginExport event
- Fixed EAN13 barcode drawing
- Fixed Underlines with LineSpacing printing
- Fixed Invalid ImageList error
Version 6.4
+ Added support of HiDpi interface(DpiAware, Per-Monitor V1, Per-Monitor V2 modes)
+ Added initial support for Lazarus (Engine, Designer, Preview, Export filters: HTML, HTML5, RTF, DBF, CSV, ODS, ODT, XML, PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX)
+ Added new GS1 Databars barcodes
+ Added new export filter to ZPL (Zebra printer) format
+ Added support of HTML5 in TfrxReportServer component
+ Added AllowMirrorMode property to control RTL of selected objects when mcmOnlyAllowed used in Page.MirrorMod
+ Added support for VeraPDF validation in PDFA export
* Optimized 2D barcodes draw/print
* Improved Cross.NextCross mechanism with DownThenAcros (now column band of NextCross shouldn't overlap)
* Improved converters from other report generators (ConverterQR2FR, ConverterRB2FR modules)
* Reworked PDF and SVG exports output
* Improved export of HTML tags in SVG export
* Improved ToNRowMode and now works with MultiColumn data band and Subreport with PrintOnParent
* Improved 2D barcodes to support escape symbols
- Fixed Code tab activation after script debugging
- Fixed Underlines with LineSpacing
- Fixed export of font names in the PPTX export
- Fixed TfrxMemoView.Underlines error
- Fixed TfrxPrintOptions.Printer value when printer changed
- Fixed font table in the RTF export
- Fixed ConfigFileName in the TfrxReportServer
- Fixed export of hyperlinks to protected PDF
- Fixed AV in the TfrxPreview
- Fixed ParagraphGap for rotated text
- Fixed OpenAfterExport for SeparateFiles = True
- Fixed bad position when insert new event handler in code editor
- Fixed wrong clipping in preview when Clipped=false
- Fixed wrong order of components in inherited reports
- Font dialog does not set charset anymore for D2009 and above
- Fixed sheet name encoding in the XLSX export
- Fixed bug when DetailPage(Hyperlink) contains cross bands (bands were not shown).
- Fixed bug in PDF export with transparency in Picture object and KeepAspectRatio property
- Fixed Clipping of memo object in SVG export
- Fixed SVG image with transparency in PDF export
- Fixed barcode output (fixed offset for 1px of text fill and added gradient fill) .
- Fixed additional + 1 pixel in PDF export images. Causes empty lines.
- Fixed RTL text in PDF export
- Fixed Fonts in PDFA export
- Fixed PrintScale printing mode
- Fixed Engine.CurY position after crosstab with DownThenAcross
- Fixed bug with aggregates when KeepHeader and KeepFooter are active and header moved to next page
- Fixed bug with keep mechanism in multi column report - paste objects to wrong column.
- Fixed image formats in HTML export (added PNG)
- Fixed bug with report slowdown when UseGlobalDataSetList = False
- Fixed macros processing inside table
- Fixed PostProcessing with ReprintOnNewPage
Version 6.3
- Fixed PDF LineSpacing (for huge values + VAlign)
- Fixed Chinese font names in PDF export
- Fixed active cell for XLS with several sheets in the BIFF8 export
- Fixed UTF-8 support for Geodata from DBF
* Improved FireDAC DB components
* Improved fonts' simulation, exporting of images and checkboxes in the PDF export
- Fixed Inplace editors in the designer
- Fixed numeric formats with ";" in XLSX export
- Fixed FireDAC for x64 platform
+ Added FireDAC to recompile.exe
- Fixed for AV in RichEdit when using OLE object under Windows 10 with last update
- Fixed ModifyObject for default values
* Improved Quick Report to Fast Report converter
* Improved multi-threading : Datasets on TDataModule, map file access, Inherited reports, Rich critical section
+ Added PDF/A-1, PDF/A-3 support
- Fixed TTF tables align. Now it uses zeros for align, not garbage memory
- Fixed macro variables in the table object
- Fixed series in the script for TeeChart 8 Professional and later
- Fixed bug when save dialog appears for exports to Stream
- Fixed MS Office resources for DOCX export
+ Added ability to load Geodata from DB
+ Added new Page.MirrorMode property for better RTL support. The base idea to keep the original layout in the report template and switch to RTL only in preview (during page loading).
+ Added TfrxUserDataset demo
[6.2.11 - 6.2.12]
+ Added ability to internet IOTransports send files without dialogs from code
* Improved performance of report preparation for XE3, XE6, XE7, 10, 10.2.
* Reworked exported bounds for barcodes with outbound text via Vector output
- Fixed wrong barcode size in PDF export on Win10 with font scaling > 100%
- Fixed EAN13 barcode rendering
+ Added xtDate support for Arrow and Bubble series
- Fixed PNG images in the exports
- Fixed font names table and horizontal_metrix_table return values
[6.2.9 - 6.2.10]
* Improved Gauges script RTTI
+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 Rio support
* TfrxOLEView Editor form is scaled now
* WKT/WKB MultiPoligonShape support
* Removed global frxDrawText from preview draw
[6.2.6 - 6.2.8]
- Fixed right align for some fonts in the PDF export
- Fixed WheelDelta in the designer
- Moved some non-translated strings to resources
- Lock/Unlock current cached preview page for export.
- Fixed TfrxMemoView.Duplicates in the TfrxSubreport
[6.2.4 - 6.2.5]
- Fixed recent files in the ini file storage
- Fixed errors processing in the transports
- Fixed code editor for long script
- Fixed text wrapping for traditional Chinese
+ Added CharSpacing support in the SVG export
+ Added TfrxMemoView.UnderlinesTextMode property. (ulmNone - no show under lines, ulmUnderlinesAll - show under lines
at the whole area of object, ulmUnderlinesText - show under lines for text only, ulmUnderlinesTextAndEmptyLines -
show under lines for text and empty lines)
- Fixed AV in the PDF export with some fonts
- Fixed TfrxMemoView.Underlines rendering
- Fixed GS1-128 parsing
- Fixed Outline checkbox behavior in the PDF export dialog
- Fixed AV when field name not exists in the dataset
- Prevent flickering in the report preview with drill-down reports
- Fixed random crashed during report reloads
- Fixed exporting of TfrxTableCell with HTMLTags to PDF
Version 6.2
- Fixed SVG and HTML5 exports with MultiPage=True
+ Added new map layer which allows to load geo-data from DB (supports WKT and WKB)
* Internet transports improved and removed dependencies from third-party components (removed Indy HTTPS dependency)
+ Added new CanShrink property for all stretchable objects
* Re-worked and optimized standard shift mechanism (ShiftEngine = seTree)
+ Added new linear shift mechanism (mechanism can be changed by ShiftEngine property of Band. ShiftEngine = seLinear)
- Fixed TfrxReport in the object inspector
- Fixed TfrxPreviewForm.FormClose
- Fixed loading of TfrxReport.PrintIfEmpty property
- Fixed XLSX export for MS Excel 2003 compatibility
- Fixed page number editor in the preview
- Fixed 2D barcodes scaling when AutoSize = False and FontScaled = False
- Fixed preview's restoring in the C++ Builder
+ Added CharCase property for dialog controls
- Fixed GS1 Code 128 encoding
- Fixed OnContentChanged event for some cases
- Fixed font's exporting in the TfrxDOCXExport
- Fixed TfrxMemoView with Clipped = False in the preview
- Fixed expressions processing for memos with DataField
+ Added possibility to set custom font color in the style editor
+ Added ParagraphGap in the DOCX export
- Fixed ParagraphGap in the HTML export
- Fixed ParagraphGap in the RTF export
- Fixed LineSpacing in the RTF export
+ Added TfrxPreview.PageSetupDialog for C++Builder compatibility
- Fixed expressions in the TfrxRichView for Windows 10
- Fixed font embedding in PDF export for some fonts
- Fixed height calculation of memo object for large font size
- Fixed issue when CheckBox.Checked state doesn't save properly
- Fixed PDF export bug when some text may appears as RTL
- Fixed error when TfrxDBDataset.UserName = report's object name
- Fixed TfrxDBDataset.Next for RangeEnd = reCurrent and RangeBegin = rbCurrent
* Cross Editor form is sized now
- Fixed Indy 10 with Delphi 7
- Fixed editors' windows restoring (menu View-Options-Restore defaults)
* Changed function GetStreamHash to procedure for C++Builder compatibility
- Fixed frame width in the DOCX and XLSX exports
- Fixed bad export output of RTF tables with page breaks
- Fixed division by zero in the PDF export
- Fixed bug in Biff8 export when old Excel versions won't open document
- Fixed Self value when using in Table cells
+ Added new helpers for Guidelines
- Fixed bug with MouseEnter/Leave events under x64 environment
* Changed method name TfrxView.GetMetaFile to GetVectorGraphic for C++Builder compatibility
- Fixed export of Table object via EMF processor
- Added EMR_PIE processing via EMF
+ Added Lazarus package (first Alpha version of main package)
- Fixed export Hebrew font via EMF processor
- Fixed crash when using the report Designer on panel
- Fixed export of Table object in PDF
- Fixed issue when DialogForm appears twice for DetailPage report
* Improved PDF and SVG export for Rotated text
- Fixed RTF export when document with page breaks had wrong objects size
- Fixed events for objects inside table when AutoSize set to False
+ Added new events for TfrxUserDataset (OnGetBlobValue/OnIsBlobField) for blobs processing
- Fixed PDF structure which may cause incorrect output in some PDF Viewers
- Fixed searching of expressions inside RichText with linebreak under Windows8 and above
- Fixed interactive objects events in preview (which may causes map shaking)
+ Added RTTI for USPS Intelligent Mail and GS1 Code128 barcodes
- Fixed initial values for USPS Intelligent Mail and GS1 Code128 barcodes
+ Added RTTI for TfrxCellurarTextObject
+ Added new barcode auto-encode GS1-Code128 (use simple GS1 rules)
- Fixed Crosstab bug with OnCalcWidth event when returned Width = MaxWidth
- Fixed memory leak in the TfrxMailExport with Indy
- Fixed FIB packages
- Fixed export filter error when DefaultPath not empty and FileName with full path
+ Added handing of Crosstab.OnCalcWidth event when AutoSize set to false
- Fixed Docx export with east Asia fonts names
- Fixed error caused by OnReportClickObject event
- Fixed issue when frxDotMatrixExport shows save file dialog
- Fixed shift mechanism for Table object
- Fixed FlowTo mechanism for objects used inside Table object
+ Added TfrxReportPage.AlignChildren support in the script RTTI
- Fixed Unknown error(1110) in the TfrxMailExport
- Fixed issue when decreasing height of column in OnCalcHeight event cut off text in column header
- Fixed bug when changing export ShowDialog property in AfterPrint event doesn't work
- Fixed bug with TfrxDBDataSet.OnNext event
Version 6.1
- Fixed TfrxMailExport.ConfurmReading in the export dialog
- Fixed hints in the preview
+ Added &A; &B; &C; &D; start/stop control codes for Codabar barcodes
- Improved ODT export filter to use different styles for different report pages
- Improved ODT export filter to use max page sizes for Continues sheet
- Fixed table(objects) width in ODT export filter (doesn't stretch to page width);
- Fixed text processing with AllowHTML in ODT export filter
- Fixed TfrxDateEditControl with WeekNumbers = True for Windows XP
- Fixed bug when OnPreviewClick does not refresh modified object
- Fixed performance drop with objects "Shift" mechanism
- Fixed C++ Builder issue with TfrxReportPage
- Fixed saving of processing property in DFM
+ Added support of PDF/A-2 format
- Improved rotated text in PDF, SVG and HTML-Div export filters
- Fixed bug with expressions processing and Drill-Down groups
- Fixed EMF export
- Fixed export of table object in graphics export filters
- Added Arabic numbers substitution in PDF export (with RTLReading)
- Fixed calculating of table cell with vertical Font rotation
- Fixed Hindy and Thai ligatures in PDF export
- Fixed Char spacing with HAlign in PDF export
- Fixed Copy/Paste of internal DB component
- Fixed vertical barcodes borders
- Fixed ADO parameters in the designer
+ Added Anchors for report objects and Dialog controls
+ Added Table rtti helpers for TableWidth and TableHeight properties
- Fixed bug in IO transports with network path (in DefaultPath)
- Improved multi-threading support in PDF export
- Fixed bug with bad position of images in PDF export
+ Added AutoSize property for barcodes (default true), set it to false prevent component from size changing (changes zoom instead)
+ Added MinWidth and MaxWidth for table column can be set ti limit auto size (0 unlimited)
+ Added MinHeight and MaxHeight for table row can be set ti limit auto size (0 unlimited)
- Fixed bug when using detail report with inheritance and OnLoadTemplate event
+ Added new report variables TableRow and TableColumn can be used inside table objects
+ Added ability to set path for "Indy" library in Recompile
+ Added new align mode baHidden objects with this mode don't collide with others
- Fixed line spacing in PDF and SVG exports
- Fixed ADO parameters
- Fixed highlight editor for group of objects
- Fixed issues with band Fill/Frame and aligned objects
- Fixed bug in column header with band Frame/Fill
- Fixed exporting of report properties in OXML exports
- Fixed FNC1 processing in Datamatrix barcode
- Fixed PadLeft/PadRight functions under with unicode environment
- Fixed issue when used RangeEnd = reCount to limit records of the dataset
- Fixed error which can appear after deleting table column
+ Added TfrxChild.ToNRows and ToNRowsMode properties allows to fill empty page space (see 15.fr3 report in FRMain demo)
- Fixed aggregate functions for table object
- Fixed issues when paste data component to report page
- Fixed SlaveExport property for export filters
+ Added TfrxPreviewOptions.AllowPreviewEdit property - Set it to False to disable any interactive editors in the report preview
- Fixed export of images embedded in RichView
- Optimization for big tables and big reports (Designer can handle tables with 10000 cells and more)
- Fixed vertical band behavior in the report designer
- Objects containers like table can be used on vertical bands
- Fixed SaveDialog when FileName is empty
- Fixed OpenAfterExport behavior
- Fixed HTML Tags in RTF export
Fixes and improvements during beta
+ Added Cellular Text object
+ Added TfrxPageControl.OnChanging event
+ Added new Interactive map layer (it possible to draw on map layer)
+ Added ability to copy/paste table's rows/columns
+ Added events for PageControl component
+ Added Object selection in report preview (Hold Shift and mouse click + move. Use PreviewOptions.Buttons to turn it off)
+ Added New copy/paste editors (it's possible to copy content of objects)
+ Added TfrxPageControl.HotTrack property
+ Added Band.AlignChildren in script Rtti
+ Added Rtti module for Table object (and example how to use it)
+ Added TfrxPageControl for dialog form
+ Added Gauge control for dialog form
- Added IO packages to recompile.exe
- Improved export of Table and CellularText objects
- Improved compatibility with components designed for FR5 (like FastCube report components)
- Improved vector export engine
- Guidelines now works with table rows/columns
- Optimized Table object XML serialization
- InPlace editors now stores state in system Registry
- Fixed codepage in TfrxRichView under Windows 10
- Fixed resorces in export dialogs
- Fixed Height calculation of TfrxMemoView with vertical font rotation
- Fixed DropDown inplace editor
- Fixed copy/paste codepage for Table object
- Fixed copy/paste of whole Table object
- Added missing text resources
- Fixed problem with wrong text wrap in PDF export (in some cases)
- Fixed problem with "tight" text in PDF export (symbols overlap each other)
- Fixed problem with AutoWidth and Preview
- Fixed Error message after closing IDE
- Fixed compatibility with C++Builder
- Fixed IO filters issue
- Removed unused Options from "Options dialog"
- Several visual improvements of Designer and Preview UI
- Added missing icons for TfrxComponent's
- Fixed Horizontal and Vertial text align in SVG and HTML5 exports
- Fixed missing IOTransport package for Delphi 2010
- Fixed bug with TfrxMemoView.Unerlines
- Fixed AV in the PDF export
- Fixed MirrorMargins in PDF export
- Fixed missing resources for some languages
- Fixed preview save dialog without Transport filters
- Fixed compressed report
- Fixed text kerning in PDF export
- Fixed duplicated field in TfrxDBDataSet
- Fixed issue with Table object in some exports filters
- Fixed compatibility with old E-mail export filter (better to use new Transports)
- Fixed Interactive maps with detailed report
- Fixed problem with map editor (adjust maps to wrong layers)
- Fixed missing default string resources
- Fixed error in Code Completion thread when using fsGlobalUnit
- Fixed Break points saving in file
- Fixed container dialog controls behavior in report designer workspace
- Fixed save to file IOTransport registration
- Fixed IOTransport network path
- Fixed several issues with TfrxPageControl
- Moved some fixes and improvements from Fast Report 5 branch
- Fixed InPlace data editor