
July 27, 2022

How to make ZUGFeRD in FastReport .NET

ZUGFeRD is based on structured data, which is implemented using the XML standard. See how to use ZUGFeRD in FastReport. NET.
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July 20, 2022

How to send and receive reports via Gmail in FastReport VCL

Adding a new Gmail mail transport to your application and configuring it from FastReport VCL with detailed instructions.
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July 20, 2022

How to send and receive reports via Outlook in FastReport VCL

Adding a new Outlook mail transport to your application and configuring it from FastReport VCL with detailed instructions.
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July 12, 2022

How to display multiple reports on single Blazor page

Work from the code of the Blazor application for simultaneous display of various reports with data filtering by user condition.
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July 06, 2022

How to import a report from StimulSoft into FastReport .NET

In FastReport .NET has added a plugin for importing reports from StimulSoft, which automatically converts your documents to .frx format.
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May 25, 2022

Reporting with PostgreSQL in a .NET 5 application for Debian 10

Example of a report with code based on the FastReport library.Core using SQL databases on the Debian 10 operating system.
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May 20, 2022

How to upgrade an old version to a new FastReport VCL

Step-by-step instructions for removing past components and installing a new version of FastReport VCL using the Delphi utility.
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May 11, 2022

Complex report with Advanced Matrix in FastReport .NET

We compare the speed of preparing a complex report with 3 ordinary tables and when using the AdvancedMatrix object.
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