
December 01, 2021

Using resources for storing FastReport reports

We talk about how to hide FastReport templates of reports from prying eyes through storage inside an executable file.
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November 25, 2021

Installing FastReport Business Graphics into FastReport .NET

Step-by-step instructions for installing FastReport Business Graphics in FastReport.NET when used as part of Designer or your project.
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November 22, 2021

Working with NuGet packages in FastReport

We talk about Nugget package management system for Microsoft development platforms with a detailed description of FastReport products: .NET, Core, Web.
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November 19, 2021

.NET 6.0 update

We are reviewing new opportunities .NET 6.0, which are already supported by FastReport products, namely utilities, json, http/3 and much more.
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November 17, 2021

Application with FastReport .NET in Docker with Linux

Docker executes unfolding with literally two commands, while containers take much less space than the virtual machine images.
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November 10, 2021

Connecting to Elasticsearch

We are talking about a new feature in FastReport .NET, Core, Mono, Open Source in the form of an Elasticsearch connection as a data source.
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October 25, 2021

A closer look at FastReport Cloud - cloud reporting

A small overview of the new FastReport Cloud product, which is a cross-platform solution and does not require installation on your device.
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October 20, 2021

Instant report from RTF

We convert templates created on the basis of RTF and export them to almost any available in FastReport .NET data format.
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