
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
17. Juni 2019

Die neue Version von FastReport VCL 6 in der Ultra Resolution!

Unterstützt ist die Darstellung in DpiAware, Per-Monitor V1, Per-Monitor V2. Wir präsentieren auch die erste Phase voller Unterstützung von Lazarus: Engine, Designer, Preview, Export Filter: HTML, HTML5, RTF, DBF, CSV, ODS, ODT, XML, PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX. Der neue Barcode GS1 Databar steht Ihnen beim Etiketten Druck sehr gerne zur Verfügung! Wir haben auch einen verbesserten Export Filter für Zebra Drucker. Und über andere unsere neuen Features lesen Sie die ganze Liste.
27. Mai 2019

Die neue Version von FastCube .NET 2019.3

Die neue Version von FastCube .NET 2019.3 enthält ein neues Nuget Paket FastCube.Core für die Arbeit in ASP.NET und in Console Apps. Die ganze Liste: Hinzugefügt: + Date splitto Halb des Jahres   + SliceGrid.StatusZone.FloatFormat und SliceGrid.StatusZone.IntegerFormat fürs Wechseln das Format von Werten in StatusBar. + Erstellung der Gruppe bei der Bedingung im Code (Group.CreateGroupByRange) und im SliceGrid Menü + Gruppierung und Filtern von den Aschen Elementen durch Kontext Menü mit der Bearbeitung der gewählten Werten + Das Element ZoneRestrictions.DontShowDropDown + Designer Serialization für die Zonen von SliceGrid und CubeGrid Berichtigt: - Der Bug mit dem Aufruf der Zelle Details - Der Bug mit dem Download der leeren Cube.
27. Mai 2019

Die neue Version von FastReport Desktop - 2019.3

Die neue Version von FastReport Desktop 2019.3 enthält einen neuen Parameter fürs Wechseln des Namen von speichernder Datei sowie ein digitales Unterschrift und eine Adaptation des Fonts im Fenster vom Anfrage Editor. Version 2019.3--------------- [Builder]+ added Save-FileName parameter [Engine]+ added ImageAlign property for image alignment inside PictureObject; by default, alignment is disabled- fixed a bug with infinite loop in AdvancedTextRenderer when WordWrap is true and width of object less than width of one character- fixed a bug when in some cases the TypeConverter`s were not loaded correctly- fixed a bug causing memory leak in HtmlTextRenderer- fixed a bug when using the KeepTogether property for a group with matrix, when in some cases the GroupHeader was placed on one page and the matrix was on another page- fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage- fixed RichText lists format [Designer]+ added an ability to change font in query editor+ added Digital Signature object for adding empty signature field in PDF documents- fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property- fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject- fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode [Preview]- fixed a bug where the preparation process was hanging and the cancel button was inactive throughout the preparation [Exports]+ added ability to export empty signature fields for PDF documents+ added links for images to HTML-export- fixed a bug in CSV-export with "Data only" option when not only Data bands were exported- fixed a bug to which page headers and footers were not exported in Word with the paragraph mode- fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
15. Mai 2019

Die neue Version von FastReport .NET - 2019.3

In neuer Version von FastReport .NET 2019.3 ist es möglich eine PDF Datei mit dem Feld fürs digitale Unterschrift zu exportieren und weiter beim Bedarf zu unterschreiben. Eine neue Eigenschaft vom PictureObject ermöglicht die Große der Abbildung innen des Objekts anzupassen.Query Editor hat jetzt adaptierte FontsBerichtigt wurden Bugs, darunter die einen unendlichen Zyklus und Memory Leaks verursachen.   Version 2019.3--------------- [Engine]+ added ImageAlign property for image alignment inside PictureObject; by default, alignment is disabled+ added a new property Config.ProcessEvents for cancel button in progress form- fixed a bug with infinite loop in AdvancedTextRenderer when WordWrap is true and width of object less than width of one character- fixed a bug when in some cases the TypeConverter`s were not loaded correctly- fixed a bug causing memory leak in HtmlTextRenderer- fixed a bug when using the KeepTogether property for a group with matrix, when in some cases the GroupHeader was placed on one page and the matrix was on another page [Designer] + added an ability to change font in query editor+ added Digital Signature object for adding empty signature field in PDF documents [Preview] - fixed a bug where the preparation process was hanging and the cancel button was inactive throughout the preparation [Exports] + added ability to export empty signature fields for PDF documents+ added links for images to HTML-export- fixed a bug in CSV-export with "Data only" option when not only Data bands were exported- fixed a bug when PDF Export did not export some SVGObject gradients to a PDF file, with the property GradientQuality = GradientQualityEnum.Image [WebReport] - fixed a bug with inherited reports with online designer [.Net Core] + added a CoreCompat.System.Drawing reference to the script, which allows using Color, Font and some other features of System.Drawing  
14. Mai 2019

Die Unterstützung von Lazarus in FastReport VCL 6

We are excited to announce that FastReport VCL 6 now supports Lazarus in beta test mode. Update your FastReport VCL Professional edition and see it first. Feedback is welcomed at What's new?  - Support of Lazarus 2.0.0 Improved: - paper handling by default- refreshing page count when jumping between tabs- drop-down list of fonts Fixed: - undo-redo buffer in Linux- hyperlinks in Text object- nested cross objects- report variables Added: Export to following formats: HTML, HTML5, RTF, DBF, CSV, ODS, ODT, XML, PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX.
2. April 2019

Die neue Version von FastReport Desktop - 2019.2

Die neulich erstellte Version von FastReport Desktop 2019.2 hat folgende Features: Textur Erfüllung der Objekte, Maskierung der Texttrenner im CSV Export, digitales Unterschreiben im PDF Export, verbessertes Interface und usw. Auch sind einige Bugs korrigiert.  Version 2019.2.7--------------- [Engine] + added texture fill* now in the new reports the default font will always be serialized- fixed bug with incorrect type cast of Nullable types of fields- fixed a bug with parsing old reports (before 2016), when the Arial 10pt is not loaded in locales jp and zh- fixed a bug with removing serieses of MSChartObject when AutoSeriesColumn is empty and AutoSeriesForce is false- fixed bug with infinite loop in AdvancedTextRenderer when WordWrap is true and width of object less than width of one character- fixed a bug when in some cases the TypeConverter`s were not loaded correctly [Designer] + added "Hide Zeros" item to context menu for text objects+ added ability to select a style from the context menu+ added dialogs for text editor closing; now pressing "X" button will be showed dialog for text changes confirmation+ added an ability to sort Data Sources in Data window+ added an ability to sort Data Fields in Data window+ added an ability to change font in query editor [Exports] + added links for images to HTML-export+ added an ability to escape quotes in CSV export+ added PDF digital signature+ added Hyperlinks to Word2007 export+ added Hyperlinks to Excel2007 export* Word2007 files gets proper locale now (Res.LocaleName)- fixed a bug with an extra line break in the Word export- fixed loss of a RichText border on export with ConvertRichText option enabled - fixed bug with caps of border lines in PDF export- fix conversion of bold text in RichObject in PDF export  
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