
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
25. November 2015

Eine neue version von FastReport 5 VCL - 5.4

Wir sind froh, Ihnen eine neue Version von Fast Report 5 VCL zu repräsentieren! Diese Version enthält viele Berichtigungen und Verbesserungen.Vor kurzem haben wir Exportsfilter fur Lazarus hinzugefügt. Jetzt alle Anwender von Fast Report 5 VCL in der Redaction “Professionell” können die folgenden Filter fur Lazarus benutzen.- Abbildungen (BMP, JPEG, PNG)- HTML (HTML 4 und HTML 5)- Formate ODT und ODS von Open Office - Eine Unterstützung von UTF-8 wurde auch fur Lazarus gemacht. Und, natürlich, haben wir viele Neuerungen fur VCL-Plattform gemacht.- Eine Fähigkeit, ein Cash-Speichern der Tabelle (z.B. HTML) in die Datei beim Benutzen von Export zu machen. Jetzt ist es möglich, wenn die Abbildungen mehr als 2 GB sind.- Neuer Event, der vor dem Export startet. Er kann benutzt werden, wenn man braucht, die Anderungen in den endlichen Bericht fur genauen Filter zu speichern.- 2D-Barcode, wie QR, unterstützen unterschiedliche Arte der Code, inklusive UTF-8. Mehr Nachrichten: + Moved to new installation engine - should improve installation of components and resolve some installation errors+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle support for x32 and x64 windows platforms+ [Lazarus] Added export filters package with basic export filters BMP, JPEG, PNG, HTML and HTML5 (Layered)+ [Lazarus] Added IBX internal datasets support+ Added support of user function's for parent reports in report inheritance+ Added caching of images for matrix export (cache to file and memory)+ Added TfrxReportPage.ShowTitleOnPreviousPage property+ [FQB] Added new field types+ Added CodePage property for QR barcode. If CodePage <> 0 - ECI mode used+ Added TfrxPreview.LoadFromStream method+ Increased cross-tab's max rows/columns/cells levels from 32 to 64+ Added TfrxVisibilityTypes support in the report's script+ Added Tag property for report's objcts for 64 bit+ Added TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeforeExport event+ Added FetchAll property for TfrxFIBQuery+ Added TfrxMailExport.SMTPStartCommand (HELO, EHLO) property+ Added numeric formats support in the TfrxXLSXExport+ Added TfrxPreview class in the frxClassRTTI. Now you can use TfrxPreview(Report.Preview).OutlineVisible := True; in the report's script+ Added frame with different lines support for TfrxCheckView for TfrxPDFExport+ Report's script lines saving without right spaces- Optimized 2D barcodes printing- Fixed bug with preview with drill-down detail report- Fixed param's updating for TfrxBDEQuery.ExecSQL- Fixed TfrxHeader's ReprintOnNew page behaviour- Fixed splitting of the TfrxRichView- Fixed TfrxRichView for Windows 8- Changed object bounds calculation in the TfrxCustomMemoView.BeginDraw- Fixed KeepHeader and KeepFooter behavior for databand with one record- [Lazarus] Fixed picture/dataset streaming- Report shows errors in parent script when use report inheritance- Fixed start column position for drill-down groups- Fixed CurY position for groups on TfrxReportPage with several columns and PrintOnPreviousPage = True- [enterprise] fixed server component utf8 problems- Fixed FR for FireDAC components- Fixed export of paragraph's attributes in the RTF export- [enterprise] Fixed server log config.xml error message- Fixed TfrxPictureView scaling in the PDF export- Fixed bug with preview init when ZoomMode <> zmDefault- Fixed AV in the PDF export with embedded fonts- Fixed PDF export of object with double and single line in the frame- Fixed preview's page number after zoom- Fixed system color's exportong in the DOCX and XLSX exports- Fixed TfrxReportPage.PrintIfEmpty behavior- [Lazarus] Fixed TFontStyle declaration- Fixed code pages support for Datamatrix and PDF417 barcodes- Fixed Interactive Chart report for FRDemo- Fixed text position for Rotation = 90, 180, 270 in the PDF export- Fixed object's moving for bands on the multi-column page- Fixed text position for text with one line and big LineSpaсing value in the PDF export- Fixed hint position for TfrxPreview- Fixed GetDefaultPrinter method- Fixed width of text in the PDF export- Fixed Outline checkbox behavior in the PDF export dialog- Increased LargeDesignHeight multiplier from 5 to 8- Fixed INDY for HTML export- Fixed BIFF export for Excel 2013 for reports with images- Fixed PDF's structure for encrypted files- Fixed object's exporting with Visibility = vsExport for PDF export- Fixed band's Fill editing when fill type changed- Fixed Rave->FR converter- Fixed FRF->FR3 converter- Fixed restoring of preview position for last preview tab- Fixed bug with thousand separator in the TfrxXLSXExport- Fixed TfrxCheckBoxView scaling in the TfrxPDFExport filter- Fixed filter's filename during slave export- Fixed problem with TfrxDBXQuery parameters- Fixed exporting of page headers and page footers in the TfrxRTFExport- Fixed AV with TfrxReport.EngineOptions.DoublePass=True- Fixed vertical text alignment in the TfrxPDFExport filter- Updated Farsi language files- Updated Danish language files- Fixed TfrxReportPage.Frame size in the TfrxPDFExport- Fixed haBlock aligment in the TfrxPDFExport for some cases- Fixed export of text with start/end spaces in the TfrxHTMLExport- Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer when column headers are disabled and AutoSize = False- Fixed HTML header in the TfrxHTMLExport when export called several times- Fixed bug with XLSX content if more than 1025 pages were exported as single worksheet- Fixed landscape orientation in the TfrxDOCXExport- Fixed width of font if it embedded into PDF document- Fixed problem with content in the TfrxDOCXExport. Now first 63 columns will be exported only- Fixed thick frames for PDF export- Fixed empty objects with numeric formatting to ODS and ODT formats- Fixed multiline text export to ODS and ODT formats- Fixed filling of TfrxPageFooter band and TfrxOverlay band with PrintOnTop = True- Fixed external hyperlinks in the PDF- [FS] Fixed FOR statement debugging- Fixed empty TfrxPictureView's exporting to PDF- Fixed style simulation for Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS and Tahoma fonts in the TfrxPDFExport- Fixed error in the TfrxXSLXExport with 'Use report pages' option- Fixed bug with TfrxVarEditorForm and TfrxExprEditorForm for configuration with several monitors- Fixed C++ compilation errors for HTML export filters- Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document- Fixed exporting of 2D barcodes to ODS and ODT formats- Fixed printing with custom paper size- Fixed HAlign and VAlign for Rotation = 90, 270 in the TfrxODSExport, TfrxODTExport- Fixed export numbers with leading spaces in ODS export- Fixed export text and number as number in BIFF8 export- Fixed Italic, Underline font style support in the DOCX export- Fixed StrikeOut font style support in the XLS(OLE), RTF, DOCX and XLSX export- Fixed bug with preview with endless page and Collapse All- Fixed "Variant or safe array is locked" error in the XLS(OLE) export- Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer in some cases- Fixed CharSpacing > 0 error for haRight alignment in the PDF export- Fixed TfrxFillEditorForm charset- Fixed Out of memory error in BIFF8 export filter- Fixed Unicode support for variables in the TfrxRichView- Fixed memory leaks in the PDF export
23. Oktober 2015

Online Designer und neue Version von FastReport .NET

Gute Nachrichten! FastReport Online Designer ist jetzt zu einem getrennten Produkt geworden. Früher war die Beta-Version des Online Designers nur als Bestandteil von Fast Report .Net in der Redaktion "Professional" zugänglich. Jetzt kann man Fast Report Online Designer einzeln oder im Paket der Redaktion "Enterprise" von Fast Report kaufen. Äußern Sie bitte Ihre Meinung, wie das Program “Designer“ funktioniert. Die Autoren von inhaltsreichen und nützlichen Äußerungen bekommen kostenlos eine Lizenz für FastReport Online Designer, FastReport.Net oder das Tablett!Es wurde auch eine neue Version von Fast Report 2015.4 veröffentlicht. Unter den Hauptänderungen kann man die Optimierungsverbesserungen der Executegeschwindigkeit und des Gedächnisverbrauches betonen. Der Import der Schablone von DevExpress wurde auch hinzugefügt. Die Liste der Neuerungen: * new install * modified Main demo and report examples (\Demos\C#\Main) [Core]* improved speed of report prepare* reduced memory consumption* explained exception on invocation the events in script [Designer]+ added import from DevExpress report template [Exports]+ added export in FastReport Cloud+ added font color tag parsing in RTF export+ added property Excel2007Export.Seamless for export table without breaks+ added exports in PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language) and PostScript - (classes PPMLExport, PSExport)+ added EmbedPictures property in HTMLExport* rewrited saving in Excel 2007, Word 2007, Power Point 2007, XPS* reduced memory consumption in table based exports* increased speed of export in PDF, Excel 2007- fixed bug with shadows in table-based exports [WebReport]+ added property WebReport.XlsxSeamless for export table without breaks in Excel 2007 format+ added property WebReport.EmbedPictures (embedding pictures in HTML)+ added property WebReport.DesignerLocale (set locale for Online Report Designer)- fixed bug with rendering report with enabled property WebReport.SinglePage- fixed bug with default values of parameters- fixed bug with pictures with enabled property WebReport.SinglePage- fixed bug with multiline TextBox- fixed bug with Azure cookies [Online Report Designer]+ added html5 manifest for off-line working (without iframe)+ added dialogue controls TextBox, RadioButton, Label, CheckBox, ButtonControl+ added support of dialogue forms+ added double-tap for mobile devices+ added hotkeys help on button "h"* optimization of report parser* changed the algorithm of selection of several objects- fixed bug with prefixes of connections- fixed bug with change the name of system variable- fixed bug with Font size for TextObject,- fixed bug with Padding after load- fixed bug with duplicate Dictionary in resulting report- fixed bug with copying of objects- fixed bug with move objects with hotkeys- fixed bug with lost connections in report on preview
15. Oktober 2015

Dotnet Developer Conference 2015, Köln

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Fast Reports ein Partner von .NET Developer Konferenz ist. Die Konferenz findet sich in Köln ab 30. November bis 2. Dezember statt. Alle unsere Kunden haben einen Brief mit dem Code fur den Ticketseinkauf mit dem Rabatt bis zum 200 Euro bekommen. Wenn Sie keinen solchen Brief bekommen haben, schreiben Sie uns an und wir schicken ihn noch einmal. Wir sehen uns in Köln!
27. August 2015

Eine neue version FastCube FMX 1.1

FastCube FMX 1.1 enthält die folgenden Veränderungen und Aktualisierungen: + Added property TfcxAxisContainer.DimCaption[ALevel: TfcxSmallCount; AVisIndex: Integer]: TfcxString+ Added OnPrepareSaveDialog event for export components. This allows to setup save dialog before showing it to user.+ Additional totals uses property CalcTotalsOnTotals+ Added sorting in CubeGrid and DetailGrid+ Added TfcxSlice.ApplyDefaultSettings+ Added TfcxSlice.ResetDisplayLabelOfFields+ Added aggregate function Weighted arithmetic mean+ Added aggregate function Median+ Added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE8 (Delphi XE8/C++Builder XE8)* Acceleration and optimization calculation of measures* Hide "Sort" menu item for "Measures" field since it has no sense for it* Renamed property TfcxMeasureField.SliceField2 to TfcxMeasureField.SliceFieldDistinct* Reimplemented XML-A export- Fixed errors in HTML and Excel exports- Fixed error in HTML and Excel exports (error with property RepeatValues)- Fixed error in TfcxAxisContainer.DimValue- Fixed error with SmallInt- Fixed: SliceFieldExtra is not saved in Measure Editor- Fixed errors of calculation of totals which based on other totals- Fixed errors of measures calculation- Fixed error of loading filters with NULL value- Fixed error with attributes referenced from main dataset- Fixed error in TfcxMeasuresContainer.SetPosition- Fixed error in HideZero- Fixed error in TfcxAxisContainer.DimValue- Fixed memory allocation error in xls Export on 64bit platforms
12. August 2015

Eine neue version FastCube VCL 2.4

FastCube VCL 2.4 enthält die folgenden Veränderungen und Aktualisierungen:+ Added OnPrepareSaveDialog event for export components. This allows to setup save dialog before showing it to user.+ Additional totals uses property CalcTotalsOnTotals.- Fixed painting of expand/collapse icons when windows themes are disabled and some VCL style is used- Fixed error with SmallInt- Fixed: SliceFieldExtra is not saved in Measure Editor- Fixed error Out of memory in some case
27. Mai 2015

Eine neue version FastReport .NET - 2015.3

Wichtigste Veränderungen der neuen Version:Verbesserung der Benutzeroberfläche und der Funktionalität des Online Designers. Noch benutzerfreundlicher und einfacher. Optimierte Nutzung des Speicherplatzes in WebReport. Unterstützung für WebReport mit der Windows Azure Plattform. Weitere Informationen: [Core]- fixed bug with change of application working path on call of Report.Prepare[Designer]+ added ability to use FastReport.dll without FastReport.Bars.dll if the designer is not shown* drop-down list width in relations editor now corresponds with items width- fixed bug with incorrect display of Japanese characters in Ribbon bar- fixed bug "Code tab loses focus to events window when typing"- fixed bug with deleting page after "CTRL+C -> CTRL+V -> DEL -> CLICK" sequence[WebReport]+ added support of Windows Azure working environment+ added properties WebReport.InlineRegistration, WebReport.ShowAfterPrepare+ added new property WebReport.Debug+ added ability to save report from On-line Designer through POST query in call-back page (when WebReport.DesignerSavePath is blank)+ added property WebReport.CloudEnvironmet for enable compatibility with Azure environment+ added event WebReport.OnSaveDesignedReport for work with saved report after On-line Designer (field FastReport.Web.SaveDesignedReportEventArgs.Stream)+ added methods for direct export in file from browser WebReport.ExportPdf(), WebReport.ExportOds(), etc.* improved error reporting* optimization of memory consumption- fixed bug with script registration- fixed bug with file name with spaces in export- fixed issues with WebReport.RegisterData- fixed bug with Parameters- fixed bug with size when height is 100% in Online designer mode- fixed bug with support of HTTPS on run the call-back page for save the report from On-line Designer- fixed bug with preview the reports with dialogs from On-line Report Designer- fixed bug with access to files on debug under Visual Studio with IIS server- fixed bug with serialization under Web Garden or Web Farm mode[On-line Report Designer]+ added tooltip for text objects with content greater than the size+ added context right mouse button menu on some objects+ added property in configuration file 'default-tab-menu' for setting default menu tab+ added properties in configuration file 'show-properties', 'show-events', 'show-rt', 'show-data' for enable or disable panels+ added change the size of the row or column of the table with the mouse+ added property in configuration file 'notifications', which change the type of notification ('default' or 'HTML5 Notifications'), or disable+ added deleting of cell with Totals in context menu of MatrixObject+ improved read Connections and DataSources from report+ auto set of DataSource to the band on first drag-n-drop of database field+ added context menu in Report Tree for objects and bands+ added context menu for bands+ added context menu for MatrixObject+ added new styles for MatrixObject+ added ability for open blank report without load of default template in WebReport+ added editor of DataBand, GroupHeaderBand on double-click and 'Edit' in context menu+ added 'Delete' in context menu of bands+ added DatePicker for data selection in some fields in properties+ added new tab "Report" in main menu with items Preview, Page, Save+ added helper button in right corner with hot-keys information+ added the popup window for edit the PictureObject+ added ability in config-data file to enable of progress indicator for save the report (propetry show-saving-progress)+ added showing of DataSource Relations* if the column of DataSource has the neested columns (or neested DataSources), then they show in Data panel* added context menu for components* window with delete confirmation of object|band is no longer shown* added colorpicker plugin for browsers (such as IE) without support of input type color- fixed bug with filters in data-bands and with html tags in text objects- fixed bug with invisible icons in on-line Designer- fixed json syntax error in configuration file- fixed bug with adding of GroupHeaderBand with DataBand and wrong position- fixed bug with saving of padding in text objects- fixed bug with save of Maps- fixed bug with quotes in report script- fixed bug with aliases for data sources in expressions
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