
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
16. Oktober 2014

New version FastReport FMX 2.2

Main features: ability to export with transparency to PDF and RAD Studio XE7 support. + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 for both Delphi and C++Builder developing environment+ Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 for both Delphi and C++Builder developing environment+ Added TfrxCheckBoxView component+ Added ability to export with transparency to PDF+ Improved CrossTab editor- Fixed performance issue with XE6 and above on OSX platform- Fixed problem with components registration on XE5 and above- Fixed embedded Fonts in PDF export on x64 platfoorm- Fixed CrossTab and TeeChart editors errors on XE5 and above- Fixed TfrxDBDataSet editor- Fixed printing report with different pages dimensions- Fixed Memo and Code editiors on XE6
10. Oktober 2014

ITDevCon 2014

Fast Reports on ITDevCon 2014. Den Zubov will explain how migrate to FastReport from other reporting tools.  ITDevCon is coming back on 23rd and 24th October 2014. The innovative feature of this edition is the location. This year, the European Conference for Delphi developers will be held in Milano. We will discuss about the main improvements of the RAD Studio suite and how is now possible work in a fluid development environment that makes your workflow more efficient. We will also talk about new technologies and development, also for mobile, on different platforms: Windows, MacOSX, iOS and Android.
23. September 2014

New version FastReport .NET 2014.3

FastReport have an editor of QR-codes in the designer. Now you will free to create a QR-codes with the contents: vCard, URI, E-mail address, E-mail message, coordinates, SMS, Call, Event, Wi-FI, etc. Designer give new converter from List & Label in FastReport. Also you can use new linear indicators. + added QR-code editor in designer+ added import from List & Label report template+ added vertical linear gauge+ added simple gauge+ added vertical simple gauge+ added new properties AllowExpression, Brackets in Barcode object+ added new property Inverted in linear gauge+ increased customization options of scale in simple gauge+ added new property DefaultZoom in PDFExport+ added new property DefaultPage in PDFExport+ added WebMatrix demo (\Demos\C#\WebMatrix)+ added CSV export in WebReport+ added processing of event handlers Load, FormClosing and FormClosed in DialogPage in WebReport+ added MonthCalendar object in WebReport* updated German, French, Japanese resources- fixed bug with scaling of linear gauge- fixed bug with spaces in file names in exports in WebReport- fixed bug with metafile size in RTF export- fixed bug with line spacing in RTF export- fixed bug with HTML-tags in RTF export- fixed bug with landscape pages in Word 2007 (docx) export- fixed bug with selecting all text (Ctrl+A) in the object inspector in designer- fixed bug with refresh of DateTimePicker in WebReport
12. September 2014

Fast Reports on EuroDevCon 2014

Our CEO Michael Philippenko will make presentation "Reports inheritance and live interactive reports - how to use it in applications" and will show methods of using inheritance in reports. What exactly (and for what) you can inherit in report? what the difference and restrictions of inheritance of report objects, script, etc.? How to use overriding in complex with inheritance? Interactive report - often you need some reaction of report to user's activity. The Conference will be in Germany from 3th till 5th of November, the EuroDevCon 2014 welcomes some of the worlds leading Delphi experts, thinkers and practitioners to share their craft and mastery secrets. The EuroDevCon 2014 offers a deep dive for the modern developer and architect aiming to transform technologies into valuable business solutions. The conference is focusing on Delphi innovations, Fundamentals, Tips and Tricks, Data bases, Frameworks and Tools and Cross platforms/ Mobile and Web technologies, as well as expert professional insight into the very latest methodologies and best-practices. Interaction and exchange of ideas is one of the great attributes of EuroDevCon 2014 – a meet, greet, listen and learn conference. For more information visit
10. September 2014

Fast Reports auf BASTA! in Deutschland

Wir werden eine Beteiligung an BASTA zu nehmen! Entwickler-Konferenz in Mainz vom 23. bis 25. September.Die BASTA! ist die führende unabhängige Konferenz für Microsoft-Technologien im deutschsprachigen Raum.Alexander Tsyganenko, Aleksandr Fediashov und Oleg Kozhnikov wird auf alle Fragen zu unseren Produkten beantworten.Weitere Einzelheiten und Anmeldung:
8. September 2014

Fast Reports on PasCon Netherlands

We will take a participation in Developer Conference of Delphi and Object Pascal in Leiden at 11th of September. Michael Philippenko and Denis Zubov will speak you about Server Reporting in FastReport VCL and about migration from other reporting tools.More detail and registration:
Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (Deutsch)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portugiesisch)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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