
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
27. November 2013

New version FastCube 2.1

+ Added new progress type fcxpFetchingData to track loading data progress by TfcxCube.OnProgress+ Added TfcxSlice.OnScriptError event to handle errors in script+ Added script functions to search measure value by dimensions values: TMeasure.GetValueWithColDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant and TMeasure.GetValueWithRowDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.AddCalculationScript procedure for adding functions to script+ Added TMeasures.CurrentMeasureIndex: Integer and TMeasures.CurrentMeasureName: String properties for use in scripts+ Added TfcxSliceDataZone.PopupCell: TfcxMeasureCell property for use in popup menus+ Added an ability to use default color palette in export to Excel+ Added an ability to override zone popup menus or to inject own menu items into zone popup menus+ Added selection rows/columns group for selected cell+ Added TopN Load/Save together with schema+ TopN popup shows inactive conditions+ Added Save menu in TfcxSliceGridToolbar+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnMenuItemClick event which allows to change reaction of menu items on toolbar + Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnButtonClick event which allows to change reaction of buttons on toolbar + Added TfcxAxisContainer.ShowTotalAs: TfcxShowTotalAs property. See default value for each axis in  TfcxSlice.Settings+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.DeleteMeasures+ Added an ability to show hint for SliceGrid elements (use ShowHint = True to enable it)+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnGetButtonVisible event which allows to change visibility of particular buttons on toolbar + Added TfcxpSliceGridReport component+ Added Version property to FastCube components+ Added XE5 support in Recompile Wizard+ Added TfcxSliceContainer.Alignment+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnDataDblClick event to be compatible with 1.x versions+ Call the first export filter on Export button click if there are no other filters registered+ Auto drop down toolbutton menu if it has no other click action+ Added property TfcxSlice.Settings (default setting for axis and fields)+ Added check type for date/time splitting + Added: Fields List now popups by mouse click on any point inside button (instead of click on popup indicator only)+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnGetClipboardText and TfcxCubeGrid.OnGetClipboardText event handlers to allow override standard behavior+ Added an ability to hide CaptionZone in SliceGrid and CubeGrid+ Added Portuguese translation and help files+ Added Czech translation by Karel Janeček+ Added Italian translation by Augusto Pellis+ Added partial translation for languages from FastCube 1- Fixed a bug with converting types of loading data- Fixed scrollbar disabling when it had position > 0- Fixed error with HideTotalForSingleValue in axis with measures- Fixed errors with Hidden nodes- Fixed export cells with Percent and Rank- Fixed error in Data marker- Fixed error in export to Excel- Fixed error in row/column selection- Fixed some errors in TopN- Fixed error in GetData from DataSet in Delphi XE3-XE5- Fixed error of saving filters of Date and Time parts- Fixed some errors in TopN- Fixed error with TDataSet from DLL- Fixed error in fcxCube.AppendData- Fixed error in TimeStamp and BCD- Fixed errors while exporting an empty slice to Excel- Fixed AV in with empty Cube- Fixed some AV in empty Slice- Fixed memory leak in FieldsPopup- Fixed integer overflow in Hash for string fileds- Fixed "Range check error" after DblClick in empty SliceGrid- Fixed AV on resize in empty SliceGrid* Added overloaded methods AddCalcMeasure and InsertCalcMeasure to create calculation measures with var section* Added: Export tool button not enabled when no registered exports* Renamed TfcxSliceGrid.Export to TfcxSliceGrid.DoExport* Fixed Chart package for Delphi XE3* Fixed alignment popup menu check state* Fixed an error with memory corruption on unicode versions of Delphi (D2009+)* Fixed data loading from TWideStringField* Fixed LoadFromStream() did not load streams previosly saved by SaveToStream()* Fixed garbage on slice grid in some cases* Added missing lazarus form files for FastScript integration* Fixed loading string resources with FPC >= 2.7.1* Fixed Measure/Dimension caption change in Lazarus applications* Fixed file names for case sensitive file systems (like on Mac OS X and Linux)
12. November 2013

Very soon ITDevCon 2013, 14 and 15 of November

Fast Reports is a sponsor of the conference ItDevCon 2013! Michael Philippenko will be attend the conference. You can ask him about FastReport FMX, FastCube 2 VCL and FastReport 5 VCL. We are pleased to invite you at the 5th annual edition of ITDevCon, which will be held on the 14 and 15 of November. ITDevCon 2013 is a two-day Conference, focused on the latest Delphi technologies, structured in 3 parallel sessions showing live demos and best practices. You can choose your favourite topics, plan your agenda and learn how to get the best out of the leading RAD IDE Delphi using one language and one framework to deploy multi-device, true native application. From a single codebase to Windows, MacOSX, iOS and Android! Don't miss this opportunity to expand your IT skills and your professional network! Register here!      
11. November 2013

Run of ASP.NET applications in the operating system Linux Debian

The Mono project allows you to run applications that use the .NET Framework in the any operating system different from Windows. Now we will launch FastReport.Mono in Linux Debian. The same settings will be applied to all derived from Debian systems, such as Ubuntu. Read more...
6. November 2013

New version FastReport Mono 2014

+ added multi tabs preview in WebReport+ added support of ASP.NET MVC framework (ASPX, Razor) in WebReport* IMPORTANT! changed extension of WebReport handler (from FastReport.Export.aspx to FastReport.Export.axd), please check existing web.config+ added dialogs in WebReport (some controls and features are in development now)+ added AJAX in WebReport+ added new customizable toolbar in WebReport+ extended checking for errors of exporting- fixed frame in text export- fixed bug with the re-export to PDF from code- fixed bug in Excel 2007 export with styles for multi-page report template- fixed bug in Excel 2007 export with empty page name- fixed bug in PictureObject- fixed bug in the Word 2007 export in layer mode- fixed bug in TrueType font parser- fixed connection timeout for PostgreSQL
28. Oktober 2013

Dynamically create a Table in XAML

Sometimes when we develop the WPF applications we need create tables with different configurations for output any data. Using the base tools of Visual Studio or Blend do not allow to reach the desired result or not always possible. Objects can be added programmatically to the form directly in the program code during execution. Plus this method is in using a minimum set of software. But the construction of a large table it will take too much time. Also we need to implement access to the tables with the data. A further change in the structure will have to rebuild all over again. Other way to get a beautiful custom table - using FastReport.NET. Read more...  
21. Oktober 2013

Tabs in WebReport

New article about WebReport tell you how you can use tabs to view multiple reports in WebReport  in version FastReport.NET 2013.4 and newer. Tabs can be useful for viewing many reports with additional information. Each report in tab has own navigation and may be attached to any data source. Saving in different formats is performed for each tab. We have plans to implement FastReport.NET for open the detailed report in a separate tab by clicking on the object page. Also we will add the ability to close unnecessary tabs. Read more...   This example presents you way to using FastReport.Net for develop Wep Reporting on MVC. Try to work demo page with prepared Web Reports online: - Online demo of report is available also for iOS and Android devices. - Online demo of MVC3 technology.  Web Reports is available in Win+Web Forms and Professional Edition.   Articles about FastReport.Net MVC and Web Reporting: FastReport .Net 2013.2 MVC;  Create a PDF file on button press in browser;  FastReport .Net and jQuery;  FastReport.Net on mobile devices.  
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