
6. August 2024

Wir schenken Ihnen zu Ehren unseres Geburtstages einen Rabatt auf Berichtsgeneratoren

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, wir freuen uns, Ihnen großartige Neuigkeiten mitteilen zu dürfen! Dieses Jahr feiert unser Unternehmen ein wichtiges Datum - es wird 26 Jahre alt!
22. Februar 2012

Results of Embarcadero's webinar

As you know, on 7 February there was a webinar which was devoted to RAD Studio Reporting with FastReport.  Thank you everyone for participating! You can find a video from the webinar on our Youtube channel.  Go and subscribe to our channel. You can see a posting about this webinar in Michael Philippenko’s blog.
21. Februar 2012

FastCube for multi-dimensional data analysis

The case for using FastCube in multi-dimensional data analysis is here. Stay tuned for our blog. Comments and questions are welcome.
17. Februar 2012

New version of FastCube 1.9

We are pleased to release the new version of FastCube 1.9 with support for Embarcadero Rad Studio XE2 (Delphi XE2/C++Builder XE2). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full change-list: + added support for Embarcadero Rad Studio XE2 (Delphi XE2/C++Builder XE2)+ added feature loading data from multiple sources with the same structure. Added TfcCube.UseMultiLoad property and event TfcCube.OnGetNextDataset + added Lithuanian resources (thanks to Evaldas)+ added script properties VisibleCol and VisibleRow in TDimensions and TMeasures+ added option mdcoUseYearInWeekOfYear in TfcCube.Options. It allows the use of week number in the past year or next year+ added script properties TDimensions.MembersCountInCol: Integer and Dimensions.MembersCountInRow: Integer+ added option mdsoCalcOrderByDimOrder in TfcSlice (use Dimensions order during calculation of measures)+ added event OnAfterAddedSliceFieldToRegion: TfcSliceFieldRegionChanged in TfcSlice+ added version info in StatForm (open from toolbar)+ added Hungarian resources (thanks to Berenyi Gabor)* unit fcAbout renamed to fcAboutDlg since 1stClass has same unit name * changed for compatibility with version 2 - fixed error in GetFirstColIndex, GetFirstRowIndex- fixed error in TfcCube.Refresh- fixed error loading multiple datasets- fixed a few errors with display of national characters in Lazarus- changed a few sort routines to fix problems with accidental dissapearance of random dimension members, experienced only by Lazarus users- fixed error with sort by measure totals and focused row/column (measures count > 1)- fixed print error (having value '[]')- fixed Recompile ({$R-} {- Range-Checking })- fixed Recompile for Embarcadero Rad Studio XE (Delphi XE/C++Builder XE)
3. Februar 2012

Delphi Developer Days 2012

Fast Reports, as a gold-sponsor, is pleased to invite you to Delphi Developer Days.Delphi experts Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen are joining up again for the 2012 Delphi Developer Days tour. Delphi Developer Days 2012 visits four European / UK cities and two US cities.  March 26-27, 2012:  London, United Kingdom March 29-30, 2012:  Amsterdam, The Netherlands April 16-17, 2012:  Washington DC/Baltimore, USA April 19-20, 2012:  Chicago, USA May 14-15, 2012:  Frankfurt, Germany May 17-18, 2012:  Rome, Italy Space is limited to the first 35 people in each city. All sessions are presented in English. Full information you can found on this page.
26. Januar 2012

RAD Studio Reporting with FastReport

Join our webinar! Topics covered will include:  • FastReport RAD Edition - what it is and how to use it • Migration of reports from QuickReport and Rave Reports to FastReport • Introduction to data analysis and presentation with FastCube. All registered Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio XE2 users who attend the webinar will get a free copy of FastCube Embarcadero Edition! (if you haven’t already received it from an earlier promotion). Webinar's language - English.
17. Januar 2012

New version FastReport.NET 1.8

We are pleased to release the new version of FastReport.Net - report generator for MS Visual Studio software developers. The main feature of the new version is its ability to use WebReport components in Web Farm and Web Garden technologies.  It allows you to divide web-application (or site) work over several servers (Web Farm) or over several process in one server (Web Garden) in order to reduce server load and increase system resilience should problems arise with one of the servers or processes at report generation time. Full change-list: + added Web Farms and Web Gardens support in WebReport + added HoverStyle property to all report objects + added WebReport.CachePriority property * improved WebReport using ControlState instead of ViewState, increased speed and stability - fixed bug when opening RDL-file from recent files list - fixed bug with empty sub-report - fixed bug in Crystal Reports import plugin (incorrect conversion of type of some sections) - fixed bug in Crystal Reports import plugin (incorrect conversion of report creation date) - fixed bug in Crystal Reports import plugin (incorrect conversion of PaperOrientation property) - fixed bug in Crystal Reports import plugin (incorrect conversion of paper size for formats B4 and B5) - fixed bug in Crystal Reports import plugin (incorrect conversion of groups) - fixed bug with sub-report and KeepTogether - fixed bug with report parameters and undo/redo - fixed bug with null thickness and Dash or Dot style of lines in PDF export - fixed bug with two-pass report and business object datasource - fixed bug with printing/exporting interactive reports - fixed bug when invoking WebReport component designer - fixed padding when exporting to RTF/Word2007 - fixed bug in PDF export (images and encryption) - fixed bug with images when editing a prepared report - fixed number format when exporting to Excel
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