
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
February 12, 2020

New version of FastCube VCL - 2.10

What's new in FastCube VCL 2.10: Expressions This release brings expressions support to FastCube VCL. Before it was only possible to add calculated measures or totals using the script. Which was quite inconvenient for people handling reports on daily basis. So we decided to add expressions which you may know from other products of FastReports. Please checkout our updated documentation and examples to better understand expressions and how they work.   Ignore case option for range expressions We use range expressions for custom dimension filters and for measure highlight rules. Since this release you are able to ignore or consider the case for text comparisions in range expressions. You can either do it in code by Range.IgnoreCase property or in the range editor. Other changes Added methods TfcxCustomNodePopup.ExpandAll, TfcxCustomNodePopup.CollapseAll, property TfcxCustomGrid.AutoExpandPopups (true by default) which defines whether to expand/collapse all PopupWindow automatically on show. Added clear buttons to the measure editor form. Added date split to half year. Fixes Fixed error with loading chart for Lazarus. Fixed compilation for Lazarus/FPC.
December 06, 2019

New version of FastReport .NET - 2020.1

The new version of FastReport .NET 2020.1 now has the ability to drag text and image files into the designer, while the corresponding objects are created on the report page.   In addition, you can paste text or image into the report from the clipboard.   There is also the opportunity to customize the exports menu.     In WebReport you can now change the export settings, for this the corresponding event is added. Version 2020.1 ---------------     [Engine] + added events to TrueTypeCollection object. New demo programm shows how to use them - .\Demos\C#\FontHandlersExportToPDF + added an ability to change decimal digits for Number, Currency and Percent formats when UseLocale property is true + added property "SplitRows" for MatrixObject. By default, its value is False and in this case rows with the same vaues are joined. If True - rows are split (like TableObject) - fixed bug with trying to convert DBNull in empty string when ConvertNulls is disabled - fixed a bug when PageFooter with PrintOn=LastPage causes to print it on penultimate page     [Designer] + added ability to drag & drop picture in format png, jpeg, jpg, gif, ico, bmp, tif, tiff, emf, wmf and text files in format txt, rtf + added ability to paste picture and text on page from clipboard + added ability to create new report page using: "+" button on the pages panel, double-click on empty space on the pages panel, "Ctrl+N" shortcut     - fixed a bug when trying to set an incorrect RowSpan value to a MatrixObject cell - fixed a bug with dropping color, width and style in Border editor - fixed a bug with resizing PolyLineObject/PolygonObject, when it's copied with Ctrl+Drag - fixed a bug with inactive context menu "Size Mode" for SVG object - fixed a bug when subreport cannot be deleted when page linked to it was deleted before - fixed a bug when the buttons in the "Panel" in the "View" tab did not match the "Visible" property of the corresponding windows     [Preview] + added exports menu editor > new editor is available in user interface options; exports can now be removed from exports menu * data source menu in Text Editor is now hidden in Preview * "Delete Page" button now disabled in Preview when only one page generated     [Exports] + added property Split pages for export to XML   + added support for Padding property in Word2007 export * now in PDF export with InteractiveForms = true: fonts won't be saved if there aren't editable elements in the report - fixed bugs when exporting a multi-page report in XML - fixed a bug when PDF export generated incorrect file when EmbeddingFonts and InteraciveForms properties equal True - fixed view of background on BarcodeObject at Pdf and Html export - fixed bugs when displaying Shape, Barcode, Polygon etc. with fill (or background) in all exports with table layout     [WebReport] + added ability to change export settings. To do this, you need to subscribe to the ExportParameters event in WebReport.Report - fixed incorrect width and height for reports with mixed page orientation (Landscape & Portrait) - fixed incorrect view of background in ShapeObject - fixed lack of non-standard fill (Hatch, LinearGradient, etc.) on ShapeObject     [.Net Core] - fixed a bug with SQLite plugin if database includes null-values - fixed a critical bug on embedding fonts
November 27, 2019

New version of FastReport VCL 6.5

This version includes a lot of improvements in the report designer and report creation in FastReport VCL became even faster. We have reworked interface of "Data Tree", "Object Inspector" and "Classes Tree" and now it possible to filter items and use fast action buttons.   "Object Inspector" features   The report engine also got some improvements: - With new RichView.FileLink property it possible to load RTF files at prepare-time; - It possible to set number of columns in GS1 Databar ES barcode; - ReportSummary.PrintAtBottom property allows to print report summary at the bottom of the page; - New PageFooter.PrintOnSinglePage property overrides behavior of PrintOnLastPage/PrintOnFirstPage when the page is Last and First at the same time. Also, we added new export filter to PostScript and PPML.   Version 6.5----------------------------* Improved interface of the DataTree, Object Inspector and ClassesTree in the report designer. Added toolbars with fast action buttons and filter of data.+ Added RichView.FileLink property - use it to load RTF files at prepare-time (can be used to reduce memory using for big RTF)+ Added Colums property for GS1 Databar ES barcode+ Added PageFooter.PrintOnSinglePage property - override behavior of PrintOnLastPage/PrintOnFirstPage when the page is Last and First at the same time.+ Added ReportSummary.PrintAtBottom property - allows to print report summary at the bottom of the page+ Added PostScript export filter+ Added PPML export filter* Updated convertes from RB and QR- Fixed GS1 Databar ES barcode for special case (odd count of modules)- Fixed GS1 Databar barcode for smooth height changing in the report designer- Fixed wrong behavior of Processing property with DetailPage- Fixed line break in PDF export under Windows 10 x64- Fixed loading of OSM maps with '`' sign- Fixed dialog Form in HIDPI called from preview (ClentHeight/ClientWidth serialized with scaled values)- Fixed designer flickering at show- Fixed report options dialog printer list icons- Fixed print dialog printer list icons- Fixed Codewindow font size when save designer settings* Changes in LoadPreferences interface, added second parameter as Def settings container* Reduced fields updating in Master-Detail link. Updates only when fields list changed (Some DS like DBX recreates fields).- Fixed Esc key pressing when TfrxDateEditControl expanded- Fixed bug with incorrect size of CellularTextObject- Improved RichView synchronization in multi-thread environment- TfrxPreviewForm.FFilterList moved to constructor/destructor (for custom inheritors)- Fixed layer's internal dataset in the Map editor- Fixed Indy transport for 465, 587 port [6.4.13] - Fixed designer's Color Selection dialog in the D2009- Fixed rotated EAN13 barcode- Fixed exporting of FONT COLOR tag to PDF- Fixed ODF default values- Fixed Arial font spaces in the PDF export- Fixed rotation of the image inside RichView in SVG export- [Lazarus] Fixed designer's scaling- [Lazarus] Fixed text split in memo object- Fixed Aztec multiline text- Fixed embedded files in PDF export- Fixed memory leaks in the LazChart- Fixed Aztec barcode with umlaut characters- Fixed QR barcode QuietZone- Fixed cross-tab changing when AutoWidth = False- Fixed Emf -> Pdf with KeepAspectRatio- Fixed restoring of the current tab during debugging[6.4.10]- Fixed TfrxDMPMemoView bounds in the PDF export- Fixed exporting of fsAltDot frame line style in the PDF export- Fixed C++ Builder compatibility[6.4.7 - 6.4.9]- Fixed division by zero in the PDF export[6.4.4 - 6.4.6]- Fixed wrong behavior of Table object with vertical bands- Fixed FIB connection form[6.4.3]- Fixed TfrxMailExport when it cancelled- Fixed AV when set TfrxCustomExportFilter.ShowDialog in OnBeginExport event[6.4.2]- Fixed EAN13 barcode drawing- Fixed Underlines with LineSpacing printing[6.4.1]- Fixed Invalid ImageList error
November 18, 2019

Webinar on FastReport .NET 2019.4 features

  Join us on Thursday, November 21, 2.00 pm (UTC) to talk about the features brought by the latest version of FastReport .Net 2019.4   Webinar will be broadcasted on YouTube: We will follow with Q&A session. Webinar will be recorded so you can refer to you it later.     
November 15, 2019

New version of FastCube .NET 2019.4

Expressions This release brings expressions support to FastCube .Net. Before it was only possible to add calculated measures or totals using the scipt on C# or VB.Net. Which was quite inconvenient for people not handling reports on daily basis. So we decided to add expressions which you may know from our FastReport product. Please checkout our updated documentation and examples to better understand expressions and how they work.   Cube options dialog New `Cube Options` dialog which comes as a replacement for `Information` dialog adds the ability to switch script language and add assemblies to particular cube.   DisplayFormat for dimensions. We added the ability to set display format to dimensions. This is useful when dimension data type is not string. Use `AxisField.DisplayFormat` to get/set format value or use Dimension Editor.   Bind dimension caption with dimension content It is now possible to bind dimension caption width with it content in axis. We added property `AxisContainer.BindCaptionWidth` and `Slice.BindCaptionWidth` to control this behavior. BindCaptionWidth = False  BindCaptionWidth = True     Ignore case option for range expressions We use range expressions for custom dimension filters and for measure highlight rules. Since this release you are able to ignore case for text comparisions in range expressions. You can either do it in code by `Range.IgnoreCase` property or in the range editor.   Other changes * Added methods `PopupWindow.ExpandAll()`, `PopupWindow.CollapseAll()`, property `CustomGrid.AutoExpandPopups` (true by default) which defines whether to expand/collapse all PopupWindow automatically on show.* Added an ability to set own context menu (ContextMenuStrip) for grid zones.* Added clear buttons to the measure editor form.* Added axis menu item to delete measure when clicked on measure header.   Fixes * Fixed errors with dimension values access from script
October 23, 2019

New version of FastReport .Mono - 2019.4

In the new version of FastReport .Mono we significantly improved report engine which is now unified with FastReport .Net. It allows to smoothly transfer fixes and changes between different version of report generators. We also added connection to JSON data which is now available by default and doesn't require plugin installation     [Engine] + added built-in JSON data source engine + enhanced support of RichObject - fixed script warnings - do not stop report generation on warning - fixed double call of FreeHGlobal on programm termination - apply high-load patch from FastReport.NET - fixed bug with checking handlers in Web.config - fixed crash of the program when creating a report using the wizard on Linux [Designer] + enhanced SQL builder - ability to edit existing request - fixed the message panel [Exports] + added events to TrueTypeCollection object. New demo programm shows how to use them - fr_mono\Demos\C#\FontHandlersExportToPDF + enhanced support of fonts with extended weight * source code is divided into engine and UI parts - improved export of RichObject to RTF (set EmbedRichObject propert of RTFExport to true to enable this feature) - updated export to PDF format - code ported from FastReport.NET - fixed exports to various formats in environment 
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