
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
January 25, 2021

New version of FastReport FMX 2.8 is released!

  In the new version of FastReport FMX, we added FmxLinux support so now you can build your application with FastReport FMX on Linux. Learn how to install and use FastReport FMX 2.8 for FmxLinux in our blog This version also improves work with the latest versions of macOS Big Sur and applications that have passed notarization. On top of that, we added packages for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 and made general improvements. Full list of changes: Version 2.8---------------+ Added support of FmxLinux framework + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 * Improved support of new macOS version BigSur * Improved Arial Unicode MS simulation for bold/italic - Fixed export of images for PDF export in RAD Studio 10.4 - Fixed accessing fonts in sandbox mode under OS X(notarized applications) - Fixed preview popup menu - Fixed compilation of FireDAC packages - Fixed Checkbox export to PDF - Added ability to set barcodes fixed size via script code - Fixed preview pages file cache bug
December 22, 2020

Proud to hire with Jooble!

Knowing FastReport and being able to work with reporting and DB is an essential skill on the job market for business software developers. We are determined to ensure that using FastReport solutions will always guarantee finding a job easily. The quintessential purpose of Jooble is to connect those who seek jobs with those who offer it. Being "Google" in a job search industry Jooble manages to aggregate all the vacancies from open sources into one compact user-friendly interface that gives access to jobs that are not yet listed on popular platforms or hidden behind the corporate websites. Another important thing is that Jooble does not claim jobs for its own. It is necessary to go to employers' website in order to apply which is crucial for driving additional traffic and reducing hiring process time. Jooble's initiative to help people find jobs all over the world fits well with our own aim to bring reporting to another level. Thus we are glad to announce our partnership with Jooble to help increase awareness about this area of programming and boost the quality level of specialists looking for data visualisation jobs.
December 16, 2020

Summary and plans

We could talk a lot about our experiences and difficulties in the past year, but we'll just take stock of this year and talk a little bit about our plans for the future. In spite of all the difficulties, we worked hard this year. Not everything we planned has been completed, but we are committed to achieving all of our goals for the foreseeable future. What's done? Over the past year we were able to implement new quality control processes for our products. Work in this direction will continue. We have optimized and improved exports to various formats, added new object properties, improved report generation algorithms and fixed many bugs. We have added support for 5 new barcodes and 6 new formats for saving documents. We want to acknowledge the hard work our developers did to refactor the code to merge the .NET family source code into a common repository. In addition, in FastReport NET we added Windows Forms support for .NET Core 3.1 and support for .NET 5, introduced security control of the report script when working in web applications, and developed a new demo application. Also we deprecated .NET Framework 2.0 support in the FastReport NET product. The FastReport Mono gained the ability to build charts. We added support for new RAD Studio in FastReport VCL, did a lot of work to improve the user interface, added new features to build complex reports, and improved the quality of generated reports. Separately we note the work on improving the product FastReport for Lazarus. In turn, FastReport FMX has gained the ability to work in 64-bit apps under macOS operating system, the report designer has been improved as well as work on data processing and document generation. OLAP FastCube .NET product can be used in ASP.NET Core web-applications now, it has an improved interface, new possibilities of data filtering were added and it works in Mono. FastCube VCL got expression support, it works better in Lazarus. In FastCube FMX new options for data highlighting were added. We want to thank all FastReport Open Source users, those who contributed to its improvement and those who wrote to us with their issues. What's next? Our analysts together with the entire team closely follow trends in software development and the entire IT industry. We are constantly learning and trying to improve our products according to our customers' wishes. Let's start with the FastReport VCL and FMX product plans: we want to release FastReport VCL 7; the tables in the reports will be improved; PDF documents will get digital signing capabilities; reports will be able to use SVG images; new transports will be added; the Lazarus version will get a RichView object; new interface styles will be added. The FastReport .NET product will get: support for high-resolution screens (high dpi); components to work with the Blazor framework; support for the new .NET 6; digital signatures for MS Office documents; parallel printing on multiple printers; ability to connect to the Clickhouse column based DB. FastReport Mono cross-platform report generator will become even more compatible with different operating systems - we plan to improve stability and performance of this product. Browser-based report editor FastReport Online Designer will be added support for editing charts, new report objects, improved user interface. Work on improvement of the FastCube user interface will be continued, also it is planned to expand its capabilities to connect to different DB. It is planned to release a new product for generating reports and launch its closed beta-testing. You can take part in it. Just follow our news. We also plan to update and publish documentation for all our products. We also plan to introduce a subscription-based licensing model for those products which haven't used it yet. Good luck in the new 2021! We want to wish you good and positive emotions in the coming year 2021! May your programs be bug-free and your reports always complete and timely! May your DB queries run fast, and may users' requests to you for new features not hamper you! And let the suppliers of libraries for your products fulfill your requests quickly! In any case - we'll do our best for you! We always welcome your requests - write us your wishes about our products, and we'll try to fulfill them! With respect,Fast Reports team
December 14, 2020

New version of FastReport VCL 6.9 released!

In new version added interactive forms support in PDF export for objects: Text, CheckBox  and Picture. With ability to include only required font glyphs into interactive form via InteractiveFormsFontSubset property. Learn more in our blog. HTML exports now can export Outline tree. Editing of dialog pages in the report becomes easier with guide lines support. Added filtration support in preview window outline tree for fast search and navigation. Added two new linear barcodes Deutsche Post Identcode and Deutsche Post Leitcode. Also, added Beta version of Client-Server components for Lazarus (Enterprise version). Learn more in our blog. Check full list of changes.   Version 6.9 ----------------------------   + Added support of interactive forms in PDF export for Text, CheckBox and Picture objects (Use Editable property with [ferAllowInExport] flag) + Added InteractiveFormsFontSubset property in PDF export which allows to set used glyph for interactive forms with embedded fonts via expression like : A-Z,a-z,0-9,#43-#47,!@#$ + Added outline support to HTML export filters(frxExportHTML and frxExportHTML) + Added support of Client-Server components for Lazarus in Beta stage + Added support of Guide lines for dialog pages in the report designer workspace + Added filtration support in preview outline tree for fast search of nodes + Added support of save and load for SQL editor presets settings + Add ZUGFeRD minimum level to PDF export filter + Added CC and BCC fields support for E-mail export Indy and Outlook + Add preset helper class for SBER QR code + Added RTL support to DOCX Export filter + Added new linear Barcodes: Deutsche Post Identcode and Deutsche Post Leitcode [!!!] Changed behavior of interactive objects. Restrictions -> [DontEditInPreview] is deprecated. Now all Text objects is disabled for editing in preview by default. To allow editing use Editable - [ferAllowInPreview, ferAllowInExport] for text objects (its impacts only text objects) - Copy-paste bugs fixed when operation doesn't copy child objects of container (Dialog page containers) - Fixed bug when copy-paste operation assigns child objects to container before it's getting pasted - Fixed processing of FIB UTF8 blob field - Fixed bug with merge of duplicates in multi-column report - Fixed bug in 2D barcodes with long data - Fixed object inspector for multy monitor configurations - Fixed Integer Overflow error during draw operation for some objects - Fixed bug with OnLoadTemplate event in inherited reports - Fixed bug when calls NewPage inside OnBeforePrint event changes current band which affects aggregates calculation - Fixed Dropbox transport processing of root folder - Fixed bug in RTFexport with color table - Fixed bug when report Engine forces Keeping mode for child bands sequence linked with a report title - Fixed memory leaks with an empty detail reports - Fixed Barcode draw on screen for 100% scale (incorrect stretch 1:1) - Fixed removing of temporary folder after mail export - Fixed bug with split big pages printing mode when additional page was added - Multi byte input support for Syntax memo moved from define to the report designer settings - Fixed Ctrl + backspace hotkey in Syntax memo
December 07, 2020

New version FastReport .NET 2021.1

In the new version of FastReport .NET 2021.1 we implemented support of .NET 5. Added new barcode - Deutsce Post Leitcode. The algorithm of converting RTF to report objects has been significantly improved. And also added new functions for converting numbers.  Version 2021.1   --------------- New barcode - Deutsce Post Leitcode   And barcode Sberbank   [Engine] + added support of .NET 5 + added a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode + added a new barcode - SberBank QR + added functions of converting numbers to letters + added functions of converting numbers to words for Indian language + added rupee symbol for Indian currency + added functions of converting numbers to words for Persian language + added functions of converting numbers to words for Ukranian language + added the Report.Prepare (int pagesLimit) method, which allows to prepare a limited number of pages* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands * optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands * improved algorithm of converting RTF to report objects - fixed a bug with web response stream reader when connecting to remote JSON - fixed a bug while compiling the report with some expressions in the properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression - fixed a bug with font.list file leading to  exception "System.IO.FileNotFoundException". - fixed a bug with incorrect checksum calculation in Deutsche Post Identcode barcode - fixed ReCompile (adding assemblies after Compile with error)     [Designer] - fixed a bug with empty database name after reloading the report - fixed a bug when double click to arrow buttons on report tab creates a new report page     [Exports] - fixed a bug with exporting strings containing only spaces in DXF export - fixed a bug in PDF export, leading to disappearance of spaces when there are tabs in the report - fixed a bug with exporting page footers when export to Excel 2007 in seamless table mode - fixed a bug with exporting "\" character in Excel 2007 export     [WebReport] + added correct view of script errors in ScriptSecurity mode - fixed a bug with PDF export in online designer - fixed a bug with ParagraphOffset     [.Net Core] + added properties ShowDbfExport, ShowMhtExport, PrintInHtml, PrintInPdf for WebReport that allow you to enable/disable the display of buttons in the toolbar of the corresponding exports/print * now in FR.Core we detect WebProcess and StubClasses aren't added to ConsoleApp\Library on FR.Core - fixed a bug with RichObject expressions - fixed a bug with exporting MSChartObject in Power Point 2007 export - fixed a bug with exporting images in Excel 2007 export on Windows     [Resources] * updated French resources     [Extras] * changed dependency in project of Crystal Reports converter from System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization to FastReport.DataVisualization * updated MongoDB connection plugin in Core and OpenSource  
October 13, 2020

FastCube .NET Release 2020.2

New features are already expected in the update: - Added Mono platform support.Starting with this version we add support of cross-platform Mono framework. - Major changes: * Before this release we shipped FastCube.Olap package with depency on FastReport library.Now we moved this dependency and therefore integration with FastReport into a separate package FastReport.Olap.Report for the .Net platform and FastReport.Olap.ReportMono for Mono platform. Other changes: * Expression editor now shows dimension/measure/field names instead of their captions. Errors resolved: * Expression errors does not raise Exceptions;* ExpressionHighlight errors does not raise Exceptions;* Fixed move to group error;* Fixed chart data representation in some locales;* Fixed "List of values" aggregate calculation;* Fixed "Median" aggregate calculation.
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