
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
April 01, 2021

Fast Reports is one of the best software creators 2021

Yet again we are happy to be recognized as Top 100 publisher from Component Source!
March 21, 2021

New version of FastReport VCL 2021

Significantly improved work with images - as in image editors: - High-quality vector SVG images in reports- Improved image transparency in different formats New objects widen the concept of a "report": Two-Track Pharmacode for designing and printing medication and vaccine packages Report safety and security: Now reports in PDF are protected with a digital signature. It guarantees its uniqueness, allows to clearly establish the authorship, and protects it from editing. Your reports now correspond with the docflow standards. Resource optimization: - Page miniatures are formed faster- Less memory required for work ! New licensing model:  Starting March 2021 all FastReport VCL editions are subscription-based. It means that you will always have an up-to-date version as long as your subscription is valid.    Loading and output images in vector SVG format through standard “Picture” object (only for Delphi). Enhance the look of your reports! Added support of Digital signature in PDF export with pfx and p12 certificates support. Sign up your PDF documents just in 3 simple steps: Add “Digital signature” object (TfrxDigitalSignatureView), select type of signature (hidden, visible, image) and sign up document with your certificate. Improved transparency support for images inside a report. Now FastReport VCL supports not only color mask but also alpha channel in the report preview, on a printout, and exports which support transparent images. Added experimental picture cache with the ability to generate thumbnails and control overall image quality. New picture cache saves memory usage and GDI descriptors. It loads only one instance of duplicated image (can be turned on with Report.EngineOptions.PictureCache.CahedImagesBuildType=tbtOriginal property). The picture cache can be set up for thumbnail generation which’s using for a fast load of images in the preview window (can be turned on with Report.PictureCacheOptions.CahedImagesBuildType=tbtAtPrepare). The thumbnail quality controls by Report.PictureCacheOptions.ThumbnailQualityReducer properties and allows setting percent of compression and conditions. In addition, it is possible to control the overall quality of compression for all pictures through Report.PictureCacheOptions.OriginalQualityReducer property. Those images using for preview, printout, and export of a report.  Added new barcode type Two-Track Pharmacode. Added new TfrxRichView object for Lazarus with support of Linux for RTF document loading into a report.Added ability to replace Web browser for authorization window in cloud save filters (EdgeView2, CEF4Delphi). More information can be found in the article. Full list of changes:Version 2021----------------------------+ Added support of vector SVG format in TfrxPictureView object + Added Digital signature object and digital signature support for PDF Export (Supported types: skNone, skInvisible, skVisible, skEmpty) + Added experimental picture cache and thumbnail cache controlled by TfrxReport.PictureCacheOptions properties + Added support of alpha transparency for export filter and printing + Added Two-Track Pharmacode barcode + Added RichView object for Lazarus with Linux support + Added support for external web browsers components for authorization dialog (CEF4Delphi, new Edge interfaces) + Added support of Windows Environment Variables in client-server config file config like %ALLUSERSPROFILE% - Fixed preview's Thumbnail scale for HighDPI - Fixed bug in XLSX with empty lines - Fixed Print state for virtual printers - Fixed EMF to SVG export with SegoeUI font - Fixed IME input in syntax memo for a group of symbols more than two - Fixed bug with clip-in EMF to PDF export - Fixed TfrxPictureView clip - Fixed synchronization bug with dialog forms under Delphi 7 CS components - Fixed gaps for interactive text fields in PDF - Fixed bug with Cambria Math font in SVG/HTML exports - Fixed HasField function when exception raised - Fixed HatchBrush for Lazarus in Linux - Fixed stall of the main thread in Synchronizer #601673 - Skip chart reading errors to read files from others version for TeeCharts - Fixed PaperSizes max count for some printers.
March 10, 2021

Fast Reports announced best partners of 2020

At the beginning of the year 2021, we analyzed the work of our partner channel from 2020. Despite the hard year our partners rose to the task and didn't yield their ground. In fact, there was a certain growth. Based on last year's result we selected the best of the best. We are proud to introduce our "Partners of the year", who showed the best results in product promotion, event handling, and, of course, sales. The winners are: Partner of the year North America - Component SourcePartner of the year South America - FireBasePartner of the year Europe - Component Source / IT Haimerl Partner of the year Asia - Evget / Ag TechPartner of the year OEM -  IsahPartner of the year Russia - Софтлайн Start of the year Russia - 1С:Северо-Запад   "Although 2020 was not easy, our partners showed themselves to the best advantage. Once again we are convinced how important it is to build a trust-based relationship, that is much more than "just business" - together we are making developers' lives better!" We want to thank all our partners for their collaboration and wishing them luck this year.        
March 09, 2021

New version of FastReport .NET 2021.2

In the new version of FastReport .NET 2021.2 we added HiDPI support. Added universal packages for Windows, targeting .NET Framework 4.x, .NET Core 3.1, and .NET 5. Implemented the CountDistinct aggregate function for report totals and Matrix objects. Added the ability to copy a data source in the designer and added import of DevExpress reports in XML format and support of export to ODF version 1.2. Version 2021.2--------------- [Engine] + added HiDPI support + added CountDistinct aggregate function (report totals and Matrix object totals) + added support of TLS 1.2 + added new 2 types of UncheckedSymbol for CheckBox + added the ability to disable loading of XML and CSV data locally + added ability to load XML data source by URL + added possibility to change the font for east-Asian languages in Word2007-export + added functions of converting numbers to words for the Polish language + added universal package for Windows, targeting .NET Framework 4.x, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 * optimized copying streams in some cases - fixed a bug with incomplete copying of the matrix when copying the report page - fixed bugs when importing DevExpress reports - fixed bugs when importing RDL reports - fixed a bug when a band with the FillUnusedSpace property enabled was not displayed again, although there is enough free space - fixed bugs when importing List and Labels reports - fixed a bug where the AutoSize property for SvgObject did not work correctly - fixed a bug with TextObject.AutoShirnk=FontSize when TextObject's size is very small - fixed a bug with incorrect TotalPages variable value when it used in VisibleExpression - fixed a bug with converting RichText when RichObject.Text is null [Designer] + added ability to copy data source + added import of DevExpress reports saved in XML format + added the ability to add pictures by dragging and dropping them from the browser + and text - fixed a bug with adding a barcode, leading to the creation of a barcode with the wrong type - fixed a bug when dragging from functions created a NUD and an empty TextObject - fixed a bug when the RichTextBoxControl was not rendered correctly in the dialog workspace - fixed scaling issues in the WelcomeForm and Wizard windows - fixed SberbankQR tab in barcode editor - fixed a bug with copying an object, when an object with the same name was created [Preview] - fixed a bug leading to System.ObjectDisposedException when re-preparing the report [Exports] + added support of ODF 1.2 in export to ODT/ODS - fixed saving report to Box - fixed saving report to OneDrive - fixed saving report to Google Drive - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF - fixed a bug with the creation of incorrect file when exporting to Excel 2007 with a big amount of pages and page breaks option - fixed a bug where export to image did not take into account the transparent background of the report - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to Excel 2007 - fixed validation errors in export to ODT/ODS - fixed a bug in ODT-export when the file did not open correctly in Word 2019 - fixed a bug with incorrect line position when exporting to Word 2007 [WebReport] - fixed "Save report" in Online Designer without changes - fixed an issue with wrong margins between objects on the preview [.Net Core] + added more references to .NET Standard libraries for the correct compilation of the report script - fixed sets EnableScriptSecurity property before initializing Report class - fixed checking WebMode for .NET Core [Mono] - fixed a problem with incorrect work designer menu [Extras] + fixed minor bugs in new demo * updated FastReport.RPTImportPlugin to use packages - fixed a bug with fetching empty collections - fixed a bug with connection to PostgreSQL 12 and newer. The connector can be found here \Extras\Core\FastReport.Data\FastReport.Data.Postgres
March 09, 2021

New version of FastReport Mono 2021.2 is released!

In the new version of FastReport Mono 2021.2, we added the aggregate function CountDistinct, which allows you to count unique values. The processing of RichText objects has been improved again. We have also added support for the ODF 1.2 standard when exporting to Open Office. A number of errors in the processing of reports and saving to different formats have been fixed. Version 2021.2 --------------- [Engine] + added CountDistinct aggregate function (report totals and Matrix object totals) + added support of TLS 1.2 + added new 2 types of UncheckedSymbol for CheckBox + added the ability to disable loading of XML and CSV data locally + added ability to load XML data source by URL + added possibility to change the font for east-Asian languages in Word2007-export + added functions of converting numbers to words for the Polish language + added universal package for Windows, targeting .NET Framework 4.x, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 * optimized copying streams in some cases - fixed a bug with incomplete copying of the matrix when copying the report page - fixed bugs when importing DevExpress reports - fixed bugs when importing RDL reports - fixed a bug when a band with the FillUnusedSpace property enabled was not displayed again, although there is enough free space - fixed bugs when importing List and Labels reports - fixed a bug where the AutoSize property for SvgObject did not work correctly - fixed a bug with TextObject.AutoShirnk=FontSize when TextObject's size is very small - fixed a bug with incorrect TotalPages variable value when it used in VisibleExpression - fixed a bug with converting RichText when RichObject.Text is null [Exports] + added support of ODF 1.2 in export to ODT/ODS - fixed saving report to Box - fixed saving report to OneDrive - fixed saving report to Google Drive - fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF - fixed a bug with the creation of incorrect file when exporting to Excel 2007 with the big amount of pages and page breaks option - fixed a bug where export to image did not take into account the transparent background of the report - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to Excel 2007 - fixed validation errors in export to ODT/ODS - fixed a bug in ODT-export when the file did not open correctly in Word 2019 - fixed a bug with incorrect line position when exporting to Word 2007 [WebReport] - fixed "Save report" in Online Designer without changes - fixed an issue with wrong margins between objects on a preview [Designer] - fixed a problem with incorrect work designer menu
February 11, 2021

New version of FastReport Mono 2021.1

In the new version of FastReport Mono 2021.1 added a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode. The algorithm of converting RTF to report objects has been significantly improved. And also added new functions for converting numbers.   Version 2021.1--------------- [Engine]+ added a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode+ added a new barcode - SberBank QR+ added functions of converting numbers to letters+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Indian language+ added rupee symbol for Indian currency+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Persian language+ added functions of converting numbers to words for Ukranian language+ added the Report.Prepare (int pagesLimit) method, which allows to prepare a limited number of pages* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands* improved algorithm of converting RTF to report objects- fixed a bug with web response stream reader when connecting to remote JSON- fixed a bug while compiling the report with some expressions in the properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression- fixed a bug with font.list file leading to exception "System.IO.FileNotFoundException".- fixed a bug with incorrect checksum calculation in Deutsche Post Identcode barcode- fixed ReCompile (adding assemblies after Compile with error)- fixed bug with printing under Linux operating system [Designer]- fixed a bug with empty database name after reloading the report- fixed a bug when double click to arrow buttons on report tab creates a new report page [Exports]- fixed a bug with exporting strings containing only spaces in DXF export- fixed a bug in PDF export, leading to disappearance of spaces when there are tabs in the report- fixed a bug with exporting page footers when export to Excel 2007 in seamless table mode- fixed a bug with exporting "\" character in Excel 2007 export [WebReport]+ added correct view of script errors in ScriptSecurity mode- fixed a bug with PDF export in online designer- fixed a bug with ParagraphOffset [Resources]* updated French resources
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