
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
October 08, 2009

FastCube 1.6 released!

FastCube 1.6---------------+ Added function TfcAxis.GetVisibleIndexFromAbs(ALevel: Integer; AAbsIndex: Integer; var AIndex: integer; var AVisible: Boolean): Boolean;+ Added procedure TfcGrid.SelectCell(ACol, ARow: integer; AMakeVisible: boolean);+ Added support for Embarcadero Rad Studio 2010 (Delphi/C++Builder)+ Added option mdsoSaveFiltersByValue ў TfcSlice (save in Schema filters by value)+ Added new aggregate function "Last value". It is possible to use it with any type of the data!+ Added property UseParentFont into TfcGridStyles.+ Font, color and alignment of TfcGrid are used when print with TfrcGrid.+ Added property Font into TfcGridStyle.+ Added script property Measure[].TotalValueForDims['dim1, dim2, ...'] to get measure total value for dimensions dim1, dim2, ...+ Added Greek resources (thanks Dimitris Karagikas)+ Added an ability to use one field for the measures and dimension simultaneously+ Added script events OnGetSeriesClass, OnSeriesCreated and OnChartFilled in TfrcChartView.+ Updated chart support in unit frcCrossRTTI.+ Added property StackType (MultiBar) in TfcChart.+ Added support THorizBarSeries in TfcChart.+ Added new events OnSaveTemplate and OnLoadTemplate in TfcChart.+ Added new property DefaultTemplatePath in TfcChart.+ Added new properties DefaultSchemePath, DefaultCubePath and DefaultExportPath in TfcGrid.+ Added option in Grid: mdgoChangeOrderByClick - Switching order of sorting by one mouse button clicking.+ Added properties Dimensions.IsTotalByCol and Dimensions.IsTotalByRow. You can use this properties in Script.+ Added new format type fkCustom (You can to create and registrate custom formates. Use fcCustomFormats.AddFormat. See examples fcExamples).+ Added Swedish resources from Niklas Larsson+ Added  FastReport integration package for BCB6+ Added: You simultaneously can change width of all columns in the X axis. Keep key Ctrl at change of width of the column.* Only the UTF8 encoding is now used for scheme files.* Event TfrcGrid.onGetStyles is changed- Fixed export of Null data into various XML formats- Fixed error of reading from stream property StackType (MultiBar) in TfcChart.- Fixed error with property DefaultExportPath in TfcGrid and property DefaultTemplatePath in TfcChart.- Fixed width TfcChartToolBar.- Fixed error of reading Chart Template from version before 1.5.5.- Fixed error: Calculation of sizes of memos is wrong in FastReport if are used different fonts.- Fixed error: AV in Chart if no data in grid- Fixed error: Caption of measures are wrong when dimension is collapsed
September 21, 2009

FastReport 4.8 released!

! + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio 2010 (Delphi/C++Builder)! + added TfrxMailExport.OnSendMail event ! + [enterprise] added Windows Authentification mode! + adedd checksum calculating for  2 5 interleaved barcode! * [enterprise] improved CGI for IIS/Apache server! * changed PDF export: added full unicode support, improved performance, decreased memory requirements  old PDF export engine saved in file frxExportPDF_old.pas+ added TfrxDBDataset.BCDToCurrency property+ added TfrxReportOptions.HiddenPassword property to set password silently from code+ added TfrxADOConnection.OnAfterDisconnect event + added TfrxDesigner.MemoParentFont property+ added new TfrxDesignerRestriction: drDontEditReportScript and drDontEditInternalDatasets+ added TfrxGroupHeader.ShowChildIfDrillDown property  + added confirmation reading for TfrxMailExport+ added TimeOut field to TfrxMailExport form + added ability to use keeping(KeepTogether/KeepChild/KeepHeader) in multi-column report+ added ability to split big bands(biggest than page height) by default - changed inheritance mechanism, correct inherits of linked objects (fixups)- fixed bug with Mirror Mrgins in RTF, HTML, XLS, XML, OpenOffice exports- fixed bug when cross tab cut the text in corner, when corner height greater than column height- improved WatchForm TListBox changet to TCheckListBox- improved AddFrom method - copy outline- Improved functional of vertical bands, shows memos placed on H-band which doesn't across VBand, also calculate expression inside it and call events (like in FR2)- Improved unsorted mode in crosstab(join same columns correctly)- Improved converter from Report Builder- Improved TfrxDesigner.OnInsertObject, should call when drag&drop field from data tree- improved DrillDownd mechanism, should work correct with master-detail-subtetail nesting - fixed bug with DownThenAcross in Cross Tab- fixed several bugs under CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 - fixed bug with emf in ODT export- fixed bug with outline when build several composite reports in double pass mode- fixed bug when group doesn't fit on the whole page- fixed "Page" and "Line" variables inside vertical bands- fixed bug with using KeepHeader in some cases- fixed bug with displacement of subreport when use PrintOnParent property in some cases- fixed small memory leak in subreports- fixed problem with PageFooter and ReportSymmary when use PrintOnPreviousPage property- fixed bug when designer shows commented functions in object inspector- fixed bug when designer place function in commented text block- fixed bug when Engine try to split non-stretcheable view and gone to endless loop- fixed bug with HTML tags in memo when use shot text and WordWrap- [enterprise] fixed bug with variables lost on refresh/export- fixed bug whih PDF,ODT export in Delphi4 and CBuilder4- fixed bug with some codepage which use two bytes for special symbols (Japanese ans Chinese codepages)- fixed bug when engine delete first space from text in split Memo- fixed bug in multi-column page when band overlap stretched PageHeader- fixed bug with using ReprintOnNewPage
September 07, 2009

CodeRage 2009 - from 8 to 11 September

Dear friends! We invite you vizit CodeRage 2009 - from 8 to 11 September. Fast Reports will take part as a speaker and exhibitor Back to the news list
September 07, 2009

Basta! in Mainz from 21 to 25 September 2009

Dear friends! We invite you vizit developer conference Basta! Basta! in Mainz from 21 to 25 September 2009 Fast Reports will take part in Basta! as an exhibitor:
September 03, 2009

FastReport .NET 1.2 released!

What is new in version 1.2?+ added Functions in the "Data" window+ added new report objects - CellularTextObject, ZipCodeObject+ added report's Email settings (see Report|Options... menu, "Email" tab)+ added multi-frame TIFF export+ added RC4 128-bit encryption in PDF export+ added "Visible" flag in the highlight editor. Now the highlight condition may hide the object+ added TextObject's AutoShrink, AutoShrinkMinSize properties+ added DataBand's RowCount property+ added ReportPage.ManualBuild event+ added PictureObject.Angle property+ added AfterData event to all report objects+ added CommandTimeout property to all connections+ added export of watermarks in HTML format+ added export of underlined TextObject (Underlines = true) in PDF format+ added Swedish, Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Turkish, Spanish localizations+ added new demo reports in the "Report Objects" category+ added new demo projects in the Demos folder* POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE! changes in the business objects engine. See details here:* improved performance (loading and running reports with lot of objects)* you can use Anchor property of report objects when printing hierarchical bands* changed default extension of resulting file in Excel(XML) export from *.xls to *.xml* changes in Excel(XML) export - added export of numeric values* changes in Matrix object* improvements in hierarchical reports (header/footers, totals)- fixed bug in VB.Net report language- fixed bug in Viewer.exe (exception if window is too small)- fixed bug with selecting Report in the ReportTree in VS design-mode- fixed bug when using WebReport with MasterPage- fixed bug with RTL in HTML export and WebReport- fixed bug with RTL in RichText(rtf) export- fixed bug in MS Chart (border width is not scaled properly when printing)- fixed bug with preview window's "Search" dialog- fixed bug with Nullable column type- fixed bug in PDF export when exporting complex fills- fixed bug with export different frame styles in XML and RichText formats- fixed bug when editing prepared report- fixed printing of CellularTextObject- fixed bug with dialogue form- fixed bug with Entity Framework in ASP.NET mode- fixed bug in PageSetup dialog in preview- fixed bug with rendering side-by-side Matrix objects- fixed bug in Label wizard- fixed bug with send email via MAPI
May 26, 2009

FastReport .NET 1.1 released!

New version of lead product of Fast Reports for .NET-platform FastReport .NET 1.1 released!What is new?Version 1.1---------------+ added new UI styles - Office2007Blue, Office2007Silver, Office2007Black, VistaGlass. You can choose the designer and the preview form appearance using the EnvironmentSettings component (its UIStyle property)+ added CSV export+ added Text/Dot-matrix export+ added Designer.exe and Viewer.exe end-user applications+ added DesignerControl control+ added the "Format Painter" command to the standard toolbar+ added two new system variables - "TotalPage#" and "Page#"+ added design-time support for BindingSource+ added the property "RTFExport.ImageFormat"+ added HideIfNoData, NoDataText properties to BarcodeObject+ added new demo project - MdiDesigner+ added "Table/Fit Dynamic Table To Page" report+ added "Dialogs/Cascaded Data Filtering" report+ added "Interactive Reports/Interactive Matrix With Chart" report+ added "Dialogs/Labels With Dialog" report+ added Chinese (simplified) localization+ added Arabic localization+ added export of transparent colors and pictures (alpha blending) in PDF format+ added export of lines, arrows, rectangle shapes, shadows in PDF format+ added export of page watermarks in PDF format+ added export of dash-dot patterns in PDF format+ added export of horizontal and vertical lines, rectangle shapes, shadows in Excel(xml), RichText, OpenOffice and HTML formats* enhanced support of Unicode in PDF export* MSChart object moved to main FastReport.dll, no need to plug-in it anymore* FastReport.Dock library now replaced with FastReport.Bars- fixed bug with designer in Vista 64-bit- fixed bug with subreport & breaked band- fixed Matrix object bug (break spanned cell)- fixed bug with creating an event handler for multiple selected objects- fixed bug in PDF export with right border of table object- fixed focus lost when closing the preview window- fixed error with text justification- fixed error in data window (when you pass bad DataRelation object)- fixed bug in VS IDE (designer silently closes after you close the preview)- fixed bug with clipboard keys in TextObject in-place edit mode- fixed bug with MS SQL guid-type parameter- fix in business objects processing- fixed bug with subreport's PrintOnParent- fixed issue with printing static & dynamic TableObjects on the same band- fixed bug with report parameters- fixed bug with SQL parameters- fixed duplicate table names issue- fixed TableRow, TableColumn "Visible" property- fixed Matrix "Count" function- fixed bug with TableObject break- fixed bug with relations and empty data columns- fixed rotation of text in Excel(xml), RichText, OpenOffice, HTML and PDF export- fixed bug with subreport and "RepeatOnEveryPage" flag- fixed bug with inserting items of "generic" data type from "Data" window to a script- fixed bug with incorrect escaping of "Script" node content in the .frx file- fixed bug with delays in the designer when selecting a lot of objects- fixed bug with PictureObject.Tile- fixed bug with page breaks and margins in XML export- fixed bug with export of different border lines in Excel(xml), RichText, OpenOffice, HTML and PDF export- fixed bug with underlined and strikeout text in PDF export- fixed bug with borders of TableObject in PDF export- fixed bug with document title in PDF exportFastReport.NET is a full-featured reporting solution for Windows Forms and ASP.NET. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. It is compatible with .NET Framework 2.0 and higher. Main features:- own report visual advanced report designer. It does not depend on development environment and can be integrated to end-users' application;- optimized for corporate heavy load, big data mining processing and preparing really big reports.
Fast Reports
  • 800-985-8986 (English, US)
  • +4930568373928 (German)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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