
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
November 18, 2010

FastReport Server 2.3 released!

v2.3 ============== + added "scripts" folder for additional units ("uses" directive in report script) + added logs for scheduler (add info in scheduler.log) + added property "Reports" - "Scripts" in server configuration - set the path for "uses" directive in report script + added property "Http" - "MaxSession" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum session threads, set 0 for unlimit + added property "Reports" - "MaxReports" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum report threads, set 0 for unlimit + added property "Logs" - "SchedulerLog" in server configuration - set the scheduler log file name + added property "Scheduler" - "Active" in server configuration - enable of scheduler + added property "Scheduler" - "Debug" in server configuration - enable writing of debug info in scheduler log + added property "Scheduler" - "StudioPath" in server configuration - set the path to FastReport Studio, leave blank for default * used FastReport 4.10 core - fixed bug with MIME types in http header (content-type) - fixed bug with default configuration (with missed config.xml) - fixed bug with error pages - fixed bug with "Export Setup" button in editor of scheduled task in configuration utility
November 18, 2010

FastReport Server 2.3 released

v2.3==============+ added folder "scripts"for additional drives ("uses" directive in report script)+ added log to scheduler (add info in scheduler.log)+ added property "Reports" - "Scripts" in server configuration-set path to Directive "uses" directive in report script+ added "Http" property - "MaxSession" in server configuration-set maximum thread session limit, to set unlimited 0+ added property "Reports" - "MaxReports" in server configuration-set maximum report threads limit, set 0 to unlimited+ added property "logs" - "SchedulerLog" in server configuration-set scheduler log name+ added "Scheduler" - "active" property in scheduler server - enable configuration+ added "Scheduler" - "Debug" property in server configuration-allow writing debug information to scheduler log+ added property "Scheduler" - "StudioPath" in server configuration - set path to FastReport Studio, leave blank to default * In the core of FastReport 4.10- Fixed bug with MIME types in HTTP header (Content Type)- Fixed bug with default configuration (with absence of config.xml)- Fixed bug with error pages- Fixed bug with "Export Setup" in Scheduled Task editor in configuration utility
November 17, 2010

Fast Reports copyrights protection in the China

We are pleased to annouce the campaign of Authentic plan initiated by Huidu Technology, our China partner. It is aimed to increase the awareness of using authorized software and protect all users' interests. We strongly support this campaign and will continuously work with Huidu to achieve its success.
October 14, 2010

FastCube 1.8 released

FastCube 1.8---------------+ Added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE (Delphi XE/C++Builder XE)+ Added property RunScriptInDesigner in TfrcCube.+ Added search by first symbol (after pressing a key) in popup lists (list of fields and the lists of unique values)+ Added TeeChart 2010 support- Fixed error: AV when calculation measure is moved in field list- Fixed range drawing when XP themes are enabled.- Fixed error with UnicodeString measures- Fixed error: AV after compiling project without using runtime packages in BCB 6- Fixed error with ftMemo fields- Fixed error of TfcGrid printing
October 08, 2010

FastReport .NET 1.5 released!

What's new?Version 1.5---------------+ added import from RDL format (Report Definition Language)+ added XPS export+ added Word 2007 (docx) export+ added DataBand.ResetPageNumber property+ added properties PDFExport.JpegQuality and PDFExport.RichTextQuality (default value is 90 in both)+ added Slovak localization+ added support for custom functions in the matrix totals+ added calculation of percents in the Matrix object+ added TotalsFirst option for the matrix totals+ added property HTMLExport.Layers and a checkbox in the dialog of the HTML export (enable layers in HTML file)+ added Config.ReportSettings.ReportPrinted event+ added DataLoaded event to all dialog controls that support data filtering+ added inline printing from browser in WebReport+ added property WebReport.PrintInPdf (enable for PDF printing or disable for browser printing)+ added properties WebReport.PrintWindowWidth, WebReport.PrintWindowHeight+ added properties WebReport.ShowWord2007Export, WebReport.DocxMatrixBased* DbfExport properties FieldNamesFileName, LoadFieldNamesFromFile replaced with FieldNames property* improved TextObject.Duplicates- fixed text object's html tags + "underline" font style- fixed "keep with data" + multicolumn databand- fixed bug with paper size- fixed bug when rendering several side-by-side Table objects- fixed bug with report outline- fixed bug in RTF export with similar pictures- fixed bug with CheckedListBoxControl + cascaded filter- fixed bug with subreport and multi-column band- fixed bug with FirstTabOffset- fixed bug with static query parameters and master-detail report- fixed bug in the PowerPoint export- fixed bug with Matrix and EvenStyle 
September 21, 2010

FastReport VCL 4.10 released!

FastReport VCL 4.10-------------------------+ added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE (Delphi EX/C++Builder EX) + added support of TeeChart 2010 packages (new series type aren't support in this release) + added a property TruncateLongTexts to the XLS OLE export that allows to disable truncating texts longer than a specified limit + added option EmbedProt which allows to disable embedding fonts into an encrypted PDF file + added TfrxDateEditControl.WeekNumbers property - fixed bug in the XLS XML export about striked-out texts - fixed bug about exporting an empty page via the XLS OLE export - fixed bug in the PDF export about coloring the background of pages - fixed bug in embedded designer when using break point in script - fixed bug with lost of focus in font size combo-box in designer - fixed bug with truncate of font size combo-box in Windows Vista/7 in designer (lost of vertical scroll bar) - fixed bug when lost file name in inherited report - fixed bug in multi-page report with EndlessHeight/EndlessWidth - fixed bug wit TfrxHeader.ReprintOnNewpage and KeepTogether - fixed bug in multi-column report with child bands - improved split mechanism (added TfrxStretcheable.HasNextDataPart for complicated data like RTF tables) - improved crosstab speed when using repeat band with crosstab object
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