
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
March 16, 2022

New version of FastReport .NET 2022.2

Fast Reports NuGet-server We recently launched our own NuGet-server - a repository of licensed Fast Reports products for users. Now you can conveniently download the latest versions of our components on any operating system. More details in article. Added support for interactivity of the "Advanced Matrix" object in WebReport: All WebReports (.NET Framework, .NET Core, Blazor Server) now have interactivity support for the new Advanced Matrix. The collapse and sort buttons now work correctly in the browser. Ability to save the report with random data The file menu in the report designer has a new item "Save with random data...". When you save the report in this way, all data sources will be saved in the report and the data in them will be replaced with random values. Backlight of intersecting objects in the designer Now, when you place objects on the report page, the color will highlight the intersecting objects and objects outside of bands and page. In a correct report, there should not be such objects. Ignoring to comply with this recommendation, can lead to a number of problems in the preparation and exporting of reports. By default, this option is disabled. You can enable it in the designer settings (menu File->Options). Backlight demo below. Ruler with guides in the RichObject editor The new tool allows you to conveniently adjust indentation and tab positions when editing RichObject. Read more in article. A console RTF conversion utility has been added With it, you can conveniently convert RTF files into report templates. Ability to use XLSX files as data sources You can now retrieve data from Excel 2007 files as from a database and use it in a report. Read more in article.   Exports Improvements "Pinned cells" option when exporting to Excel 2007 This feature, allows you to define an area of the sheet that will always be visible when you scroll. You can lock: the first row, the first column, a certain number of rows and columns. The settings look like this: And the way this option works is: ZPL II support when exporting to ZPL. "High quality SVG" option in HTML export. With this setting enabled, the quality of SVG images will be significantly higher when exporting. Note, however, that the amount of memory occupied will also be higher. Added export of bookmarks and internal links into Word. Implemented export tab character width in PDF, Word, HTML and RTF. New PrefixStyle property in SVG export. This property allows you to set a prefix for all styles when exporting to SVG. Added export of number and date formats in Excel 97. Export of tab character width in PDF, Word, HTML and RTF. Complete list of changes [Engine] + added ability to save report with random data; * the ExportBand method now uses the BandBase argument instead of Base; - fixed bugs with double calling events AfterData, BeforePrint and AfterPrint of ContainerObject; - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when running reports with dialog forms; - fixed a bug with not working VisibleExpression property of subreports and pages; - fixed a bug with vertical shift of non-intersecting objects when converting RTF; - fixed a bug with right anchor on pages with unlimited width and landscape orientation; - fixed translation of lists when converting RTF; - fixed a bug with not working RichObject.AllowExpressions property; - fixed a bug leading to System.OverflowException when drawing unlimited page without preparing; [Designer] + added Backlight of intersecting objects; + added ruler with guides in RichObject editor; + replaced password symbols on dots in object inspector; + added warning about possible stack overflow when putting Matrix or AdvMatrix on repeated bands; - removed error message when text of barcode consist expression; - fixed a bug with disable hot keys option; - fixed dropdown menu when click on LineStyle and LineWidth button; - fixed a bug with viewing data in designer; - fixed bugs leading to System.NullReferenceException when dragging objects into AdvMatrix; - fixed a bug with incorrect showing settings of shadow in border editor; [Preview] - fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when clicking on editable TextObject; - fixed a bug with not working hyperlinks in report with multi-column databands; - fixed a bug when exporting a report resulted to saving the prepared report; - fixed a bug with setting lists of available exports and exports to clouds in PreviewControl; [Exports] + added export to ZPL II; + added option "High Quality SVG" in export to HTML; + added option "Pinned cells" in export to Excel 2007; + added ability to scale print in export to Excel 2007; + added export of bookmarks and inner hyperlinks to Word; + added export of numbers and dates format to Excel 97; + added encryption of personal data in Email-export; + added indent of RichObject in export to RTF; + added line break of RichObject in export to RTF; + added indent of TextObject when exporting to Word; + added export of tab width in PDF, Word, HTML and RTF exports; + added property PrefixStyle to SVG-export, which allows to set a prefix for all styles; * improved export of RichObject to Excel 2007; * removed FastReport Cloud and XMPP exports; - fixed incorrect rotation of landscape orientation of pages when printing HTML if they used styles from previous pages; - fixed a bug with font scale when export to PDF; - fixed a memory lose when export SVG objects to HTML with option "High Quality SVG"; - fixed a bug with embedding fonts for which packing is prohibited in PDF-export; - fixed a bug with exporting tab symbols to Word; - fixed fill background picture and property of line-height in export to HTML; - fixed a bug with exporting custom dash line of SVGObject to PDF; - fixed a bug with exporting borders of spanned cells to SVG; [WebReport] + added interactivity for advanced matrix in WebReport; - fixed closing canceling processing in OnFormClosing in Core web dialogs; [.NET Core] - fixed a bug with not working "open after export" option; [WebReport Core] - now the DatePicker icon looks the same in all browsers; [Demos] + added a new demo for Blazor with a demonstration of working with two reports; - fixed a bug due to which the cursor did not change when hovering over links in the new demo; - fixed a bug with AdvMatrix in new demo; [Plugins] + added connection to Excel; - fixed SQLite connector for FastReport.Core, FastReport.CoreWin and FastReport.OpenSource; - fixed a bug with ConnectionString to Firebird; [Extras] + added tool for conversion of RTF documents to report templates (\Extras\Misc\rtf2frx).
February 25, 2022

Fast Reports was ranked in the Top-50 among the best software vendors 2022

We’re proud of being selected in the Top-50 software vendors according to Component Source! 
February 17, 2022

Launch of a new product from Fast Reports

We want to present a program for converting files from fp3 format to any data format FastReport VCL - FastConverter .FP3. There is the conversion of one or more files, command-line, interactive support, mass conversion of FastReport VCL documents to popular formats. All this is waiting for you in FastConverter.FP3! More about the product: it for free:
February 15, 2022

Fast Reports releases NuGet-server

We are happy to announce the release of our NuGet-server. It is an important part of our framework that will make the delivery of our products to users more convenient and faster. Now you can automate the assembly of your products using Fast Reports licence packages, without the need to download manually and install them from the official website via installer. In addition, thanks to the appearance of NuGet-server, it is much easier to use Fast Reports cross-platform products in operating systems of Linux and MacOS families. To have an access you just need Fast Reports account. On this server NuGet-packages of various .NET products are available: FastReport .NET (including Core, CoreWin), FastCube .NET, FastReport Business Graphics .NET, etc. We’ve shared more detail on the work of NuGet-server in our article.
February 10, 2022

Release the new version of FastReport FMX 2022.1

Starting from version 2022.1, all releases of FastReport are subscription-based. This will ensure that you have access to all the features of the latest versions while your subscription is active. We have added the support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 and the new macOS ARM 64-bit for Apple M1. In this release, we have also expanded the set of FastReport FMX export filters. Export filters to the OpenOffice ODT and ODS format are now available for use. Additionally, we have improved the work with FmxLinux in Linux and Metal API support in macOS. 2022.1 Version --------------- + Support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 was added; + Support of macOS ARM 64-bit compiler for Apple M1 was added; + ODT and ODS export filters were added; * New printing module for GTK-based FmxLinux; * The option of reading cmap table with macOS platform in TTF font was added; * Local function copyFrom for GZip packer that removes exceptions during debugging was added; - The bug with canvas.beginscene when AutoWidth = true was fixed; - Bugs in PDF export with full debugging mode were fixed; - Navigator in HTML export was fixed; - The behavior of TfrxPreview.Workspace.DoubleBuffered property on macOS using Metal was fixed; - We have fixed incorrect metrics table size, which could cause the regeneration of other font tables in PDF export; - The bug with the serialization of the edited page in previewpages was fixed; - Minor memory leaks were fixed; - The bug with the drop-down list of fields was fixed; - Print and export in Delphi 11 was fixed; - The bug with Metal canvas in the report designer was fixed; - The height of barcode lines was fixed; - Dot and dash styles in PDF export were fixed; - The list of fonts in Linux was fixed; - The structure of ODT/ODS exports and output of images in RTF under libreoffice was fixed; - We have fixed the error for "No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page" when loading text from a stream; - We have fixed HTML tags.
December 20, 2021

Fast Reports' speaker at Basta!

We are proud to present our speaker at one of the biggest .NET conferences in Europe - Basta!  Our team lead of cloud development Vitaliy will talk about Load balancing with Rabbit MQ. Here's the synopsis of his talk:  One of the most popular solutions for load balancing is message queues. How to distribute the load evenly among users so that no one is left out? In this session you will learn about developing a distribution system on .NET 6 using Rabbit MQ queues, dynamically adding new users, and comparing it with prioritized queues. Vitaly is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics & Computer Science of Southern Federal University. Developed bots for computer games in .NET and Java. Was working with migration modeling problems. Among his hobbies are mathematics, fishing, guitar, and Minecraft modding. If you're at Basta in Frankfurt or online - make sure to visit his talk and ask questions during the Q&A session. 
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