
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
December 05, 2022

New objects in FastReport Online Designer 2023.1

  Added "Map" object The "Map" component (MapObject) displays two-dimensional graphic maps in the ESRI shapefile format. You can read more about this format here. You will need .shp (geometry) and .dbf (description) files for work. The "Map" object has the following elements:   The Map object can contain one or more layers. The list of layers is displayed in the upper left corner of the editor:   To add a new layer, click the "Add..." button. You will see the following window:   Load the .dbf and .shp files to add a new layer to the object. Maps of high volume (more than 30Mb) or with a large number of polygons (more than 20000) can seriously slow down the report. It is possible to change the map background, color, and location of the color scale. You can connect a layer to a data source, highlight the data with a color, adjust the color scale, adjust the displayed values, and change the data presentation.   New features Added "Select All" button in the data source wizard The ☑ button has been added to select or deselect tables in the data source.   Selecting multiple objects in the report tree and table cells The option of selecting multiple items in the report tree using the shift or ctrl key has been added.   It also works with table cells.   Now it is possible to change property values for multiple selected objects Now you can change property values for several objects:   FastReport Online Designer Builder settings Previously, FastReport Online Designer Builder did not remember the selected options, and you had to reset them with a new configuration. Now it remembers them.   Autosave Now you can enable autosave in FastReport Online Designer. This can be done in two ways: Enable autosave in the already-built FastReport Online Designer; Set the appropriate option in FastReport Online Designer Builder. Let's learn more about these two methods. Autosave in already built FastReport Online Designer To enable autosave, set the autosave option to true in the build.json file, which is located in the directory with the built designer.   Autosave option in FastReport Online Designer Builder You can also enable autosave in the designer builder. This option is in the "Configuration" tab.   Improvements Updated webpack to version 5 The designer works faster after the update of the builder version. The size of the built product has also decreased. Improvement of the "Confirm before exit" option When this option is enabled, the confirmation request appears only when the report template has been changed. Deleting cells in the Advanced Matrix Object Now you can delete cells, as well as undo changes using the Ctrl+Z key combination. New barcodes New types of barcodes have been added: GS1 DataBar OD Stacked; GS1 DataBar Stacked; GS1 DataBar Limited; GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional; Japan Post 4 State Code; ITF-14; Deutsche Leitcode; Deutsche Identdcode.   Full list of changes ------------------- + Added "Select All" button in the data source wizard;+ Added "Map" object;+ Added the selection of multiple objects in the report tree and table cells;+ Added the ability to change property values for multiple selected objects;+ FastReport Online Designer Builder settings are now saved and you do not need to reset the values with a new configuration;+ Added autosave feature;+ Added new barcodes: GS1 DataBar OD Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, Japan Post 4 State Code, ITF-14, Deutsche Leitcode, Deutsche Identdcode; - Fixed "Postal code" object; * Updated icons in the designer interface;* Updated webpack to version 5;* Improved "Confirm before exit" option;* Implemented the option to delete cells of the "Advanced Matrix" object;* Various optimizations that affected the designer performance.
December 01, 2022

Integration with Cloud in FastReport Mono 2023.1

In the New Year's release of FastReport Mono 2023.1, we added: partial integration with My Reports Cloud, template converter from JasperReports, connection to stored procedures in MsSQL, improved the MSChartObject object and much more.   Integration with FastReport Cloud FastReport .NET, FastReport Core, and FastReport Mono now support some interaction experience with FastReport Cloud.   Downloading and uploading reports Now you can download the report from Cloud and work on it in the designer, or vice versa — upload your files to Cloud.   Web Preview A web preview function has also appeared in addition to the standard preview. The report can only be viewed this way if it was opened from Cloud.   Connecting to FastReport Cloud data sources FastReport Cloud can store connections to data sources. From now on, you have the option to add these data sources to your report.    It also became possible to add the connection to Cloud. Read this article to learn more about the new features.   Report validator improvements Increased work speed Now the report validator runs in a single thread. The speed of its work is significantly optimized. You can notice the changes in processing reports with a large number of errors. While the validator is checking the report, the check window shows a respective message.   In this case, you can edit the report. A table with errors will appear upon completion of the validator.   Validator table setup For convenience, we have added a new column with error numbers. Its display can be enabled or disabled via the table context menu. In the same way, you can customize the display of the error type column.   JasperReports Template Converter We have added the option to convert report templates from JasperReports to FastReport .NET templates. JasperReports reports may contain objects that are not supported by the FastReport designer. These objects will not be converted or will be replaced to make the generated report as similar as possible to the one created in JasperReports. Read more in the article. MSChartObject improvements and fixes The MSChartObject object has many properties and settings. The most frequently used ones are moved to the object editor. Properties that are not available in the editor can be modified using the Object Inspector. However, there was a problem with these properties — when they were changed, the report was not seen as modified. As a result, saving was not available. To save the report, it was necessary to change its other property or object. In addition, the values of the specified properties were reset to their default values when preparing a report and after closing the preview window. This bug has been fixed in the new version.   Connection to Stored Procedures in MsSQL We have added the option to connect to procedures stored in MsSQL. This was previously available via a database query. Now you can connect to procedures much more conveniently using the interface of database table connection. They will be displayed in the selection window along with the tables. Once you select a procedure, a window with parameter settings, if any, will appear. Read more in the article.   Export Improvements "Print optimized" option in RTF export We have added a new PrintOptimized property and a corresponding option in the export window. Enabling this option will greatly increase the quality of the exported image. However, the size of the output file will be bigger.   UseFileStream property in Excel 2007 export We have added a new option, UseFileStream, for exporting to Excel 2007. It can only be used when exporting from code to a file. This option is useful when exporting reports with a large number of pages (several tens of thousands) in multiple threads. This will help you avoid memory shortage errors. In other cases, it does not make much sense to use it and it is not recommended to do it. Example: Report report = new Report(); Excel2007Export export = new Excel2007Export(); export.UseFileStream = true; report.Export(export, "report.xlsx");   Accounting format when exporting to Excel 2007 You can now export the currency data format as an accounting format. To do this, a corresponding option has been added in the export window and the CurrencyToAccounting property.   Full list of changes 2023.1 [Engine]+ added property Report.IsPrepared;+ added TextRenderType.Inline;+ implemented converter of JasperReports templates;+ implemented connection to stored procedures in MsSQL;* increased minimum version of .NET Framework from 4.0 to 4.6.2;* receiving JSON in the data source is exposed to the interface part;- fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when TextObject.FontWidthRatio property equal zero;- fixed highlight of text in RTF parser;- fixed multiple requests to get image when using URL in ImageLocation;- fixed IsNull function;- fixed a bug with drawing RichObject with aligned pictures;- fixed an issue where the calculation of vertical distances was incorrect when converting RichObject to text;- fixed AdvMatrix object bug with report refresh;- fixed a bug with getting JSON row of JsonTableDataSource;- fixed a bug leading to infinite loop when building table if there is not enough space on page for one row; [Designer]+ added ability to create calculated column for IEnumerable data sources;+ added window with message about loading a report when opening a file;+ added column with error numbers in table of report validation;+ added the ability to hide and show columns with the number and type of error in the report validation table;+ added notification form when trying to resave report that has already been modified;+ added ability to show web preview of report that was opened from FastReport Cloud;+ added ability to interact with data source from Cloud - downloading, uploading, updating;* increased the speed of the report validator;* the delete band button is now disabled in situations where the band cannot be deleted;* changed root folder name on FastReport Cloud form, it depends now on localization;* now there is not possible to create a table in the query wizard if another table with the same name already exists;- fixed data tree view with IEnumerable data source, which column was not adding, if it consists of value type;- fixed a bug with localization of the "Remove" button in the report properties on the "Script" tab;- fixed a bug with selection object after click on row in "Validation" window;- fixed a bug due to which selected object did not change when changing the height of the band with mouse;- fixed a problem with System.OverflowException when editing text object without editor;- fixed a bug causing System.StackOverflowException when copying formatting;- fixed selection of object located on inactive page when clicking on row in "Validation" window;- fixed showing progress of updating list of errors in "Validation" window when changing report;- fixed an error with an invalid value when changing the line color in the MSChartObject editor;- fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in connection forms;- fixed a bug where the border properties of the chart axes were not saved when they were changed in the editor;- fixed incorrect values when changing the interval in the stripes on the axes in MSChartObject;- fixed an error that occurred when deleting a band through the band configurator if the classic mode for displaying bands is selected;- fixed an error that occurs when clicking the "Delete" button on the configure bands form if there are no bands in the report;- fixed an error that occurs when removing bands from the workspace with holding left mouse button;- fixed restoring state of GridControl when closing column editor form;- fixed an error that occurs when clicking on the "Cancel" button in the Grid object column editor;- fixed displaying label about report change when changing MSChartObject;- fixed moving columns of GridControl in column editor form;- fixed bugs when dragging objects from the report tree to pages and the "Code" tab;- fixed errors in the query constructor window when adding a table to the workspace and when creating relationships between tables;- fixed a bug that caused a System.NullReferenceException when disabling the "FRX" tab if it is selected in the designer [Preview]+ added tooltip for the "Copy" field in the "Send by E-mail" form;+ added zoom controls- fixed display of the print form when increasing the display scaling;- fixed a bug when new exports did not appear in the menu;- fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in export forms;- fixed left indent of RichObject; [Exports]+ added option "Print optimized" in RTF export;+ added the ability to export currency data format as accounting in Excel 2007 export;+ added UseFileStream option for Excel 2007 export;* increased export forms for correct display of inscriptions in different localizations;- fixed a bug with exporting lines drawn from right to left or from bottom to top when exporting to layered HTML;- fixed a bug with exporting Tahoma italic font to PDF;- fixed a bug that resulted in a System.ArgumentException when exporting to a stream with the ImageExport.SeparateFiles property enabled;- fixed a bug in SVG export where some shapes were drawn twice;- fixed a bug with the export of the accounting format in Excel 2007, which did not take into account the number of decimal places;- fixed memory leaks in tabular-type exports;- fixed a bug with temporary file deletion in case of emergency program shutdown during export to PDF;- fixed a bug with exporting italic and bold fonts to PDF;- fixed a bug due to which the background of objects with a Solid fill was not printed from the browser;- fixed a bug with set method of HtmlTemplates.IndexTemplate property;- fixed export of 4-byte symbols to PDF;- fixed row height multiplier in export to RTF;- fixed row height multiplier in table export to Word 2007;- fixed position of first object on page with non-zero value in export to Word 2007;- fixed a bug of access to temporary file when exporting to Excel 2007 using the UseFileStream and SplitPages properties;- fixed a bug with localization of CurrencyToAccounting property in Excel 2007 export;- fixed navigation buttons and page numbering display in HTML export;- fixed ascent and descent of font in PDF-export; [WebReport]* reworked WebReport.ReportPrepared property, now this property is bound to the same report's property;* updated WebReport design for FastReport.Core.Web and FastReport.Web.Blazor;- fixed a rare crash when trying to add an empty data source to WebReport;- fixed a bug due to which Outline did not work in WebReport.LoadPrepared();- removed refresh button when loading prepared report (.fpx);- fixed an issue due to which tabs of RichObject were incorrectly calculated in WebReport;- removed page selection in export settings for single-page reports; [Demos]* updated design of demo reports;- fixed a bug with scaling child windows in new demo application; [Extras]+ plugin FastReportBGObjects was updated, added support for Bubble chart;* connection to ElasticSearch moved to a separate plugin.
November 30, 2022

Support for .NET 7 in new FastReport .NET 2023.1

The autumn update for the report generator is now available! The functionality of our solutions is expanding every day and we are pleased to present you a partial integration with FastReport Cloud, .NET 7 support, JasperReports template converter, connection to stored procedures in MsSQL, and much more.   Integration with FastReport Cloud FastReport .NET, FastReport Core, and FastReport Mono now support some interaction experience with FastReport Cloud.   Downloading and uploading reports Now you can download the report from Cloud and work on it in the designer, or vice versa — upload your files to Cloud.   Web Preview A web preview function has also appeared in addition to the standard preview. The report can only be viewed this way if it was opened from Cloud.   Connecting to FastReport Cloud data sources FastReport Cloud can store connections to data sources. From now on, you have the option to add these data sources to your report.    It also became possible to add the connection to Cloud. Read this article to learn more about the new features.    .NET 7 support We have added .NET 7 support for FastReport.Core and FastReport.CoreWin. This platform improves application performance and adds many new features to your projects.   Report validator improvements Increased work speed Now the report validator runs in a single thread. The speed of its work is significantly optimized. You can notice the changes in processing reports with a large number of errors. While the validator is checking the report, the check window shows a respective message.   In this case, you can edit the report. A table with errors will appear upon completion of the validator.   Validator table setup For convenience, we have added a new column with error numbers. Its display can be enabled or disabled via the table context menu. In the same way, you can customize the display of the error type column.   JasperReports Template Converter We have added the option to convert report templates from JasperReports to FastReport .NET templates. JasperReports reports may contain objects that are not supported by the FastReport designer. These objects will not be converted or will be replaced to make the generated report as similar as possible to the one created in JasperReports. Read more in the article. MSChartObject improvements and fixes The MSChartObject object has many properties and settings. The most frequently used ones are moved to the object editor. Properties that are not available in the editor can be modified using the Object Inspector. However, there was a problem with these properties — when they were changed, the report was not seen as modified. As a result, saving was not available. To save the report, it was necessary to change its other property or object. In addition, the values of the specified properties were reset to their default values when preparing a report and after closing the preview window. This bug has been fixed in the new version.   Connection to Stored Procedures in MsSQL We have added the option to connect to procedures stored in MsSQL. This was previously available via a database query. Now you can connect to procedures much more conveniently using the interface of database table connection. They will be displayed in the selection window along with the tables. Once you select a procedure, a window with parameter settings, if any, will appear. Read more in the article.   Export Improvements "Print optimized" option in RTF export We have added a new PrintOptimized property and a corresponding option in the export window. Enabling this option will greatly increase the quality of the exported image. However, the size of the output file will be bigger.   UseFileStream property in Excel 2007 export We have added a new option, UseFileStream, for exporting to Excel 2007. It can only be used when exporting from code to a file. This option is useful when exporting reports with a large number of pages (several tens of thousands) in multiple threads. This will help you avoid memory shortage errors. In other cases, it does not make much sense to use it and it is not recommended to do it. Example: Report report = new Report(); Excel2007Export export = new Excel2007Export(); export.UseFileStream = true; report.Export(export, "report.xlsx");   Accounting format when exporting to Excel 2007 You can now export the currency data format as an accounting format. To do this, a corresponding option has been added in the export window and the CurrencyToAccounting property.   Upgrading the minimum .NET Framework version from 4.0 to 4.6.2 We are upgrading the minimum supported version of FastReport .NET to .NET Framework 4.6.2 due to the following: support for .NET Framework 4.0 has long been ended; there are problems with building the FastReport source code in the latest versions of Microsoft Visual Studio; the need to implement new APIs. The full list of changes is available at the following link.
November 24, 2022

Black Friday! 50% discount for your team

November 24-29 any edition of FastReport or FastCube for Teams of developers can be purchased at half price. 50% discount applies for all Fast Reports products of Team and Site editions: FastReport .NET FastReport VCL FastReport Mono FastReport FMX FastReport Business Graphics .NET FastCube .NET FastCube VCL FastCube FMX The Team license is suitable for 2-4 developers and includes Build server license. The Site license is suitable for a large development team of 4 people or more within one location and includes Build server license. The offer is valid for a new purchase only. Discount doesn’t apply to subscription renewals and upgrades. You can ask questions in the chat on our website or by emailing Buy Now
November 07, 2022

Jasper can now be converted to FastReport .NET

With the FastReport .NET 2022.3.12 update, document and report conversion from JasperReports to FastReport .NET is now available. Users can now quickly import a template from JasperReports with maximum accuracy into .frx format for FastReport .NET, FastReport Mono and FastReport CoreWin. The resulted report may have some differences, also most likely this report will need to be refined - changing the properties of objects and adding connections. You can see the advantages of FastReport products in comparison with JasperReports in the table. Read more about how to import your data from JasperReports in our article.
October 26, 2022

Welcome Halloween with FastReport Business Graphics.NET

What’s worse than working with unreadable data? Probably the annoying part is the uninformative report. To make sure you don’t run into that kind of data, we’ve prepared a holiday version of FastReport Business Graphics .NET for you! Theme colors and a new design will give your data a new look in our colorful Halloween version. Hurry up and try out our Halloween demo app!   Check out examples of data with a festive atmosphere:   Get the Halloween version of FastReport Business Graphics .NET here. If you have any questions, you can ask our managers.
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