
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
July 19, 2023

Official launch of the FastReport Cloud service

We’re happy to announce the official launch of FastReport Cloud, a cloud service for creating, editing and storing documents! FastReport Cloud is a pre-configured reporting system from your data in the cloud. Among its advantages: work directly through the browser or via API collaboration with setting up roles and access levels universal solution for any programming language and framework a convenient pre-made end user interface create, edit and store documents in one place and with just one click work security: from authentication to personal data protection All of this is based on the powerful FastReport engine with the ability to export to all formats and set up scheduled reports. Try cloud reporting now! about product try demo
July 11, 2023

Summer offer: 10% off on FastReport VCL editions

From July 11 to July 25, get Lazarus support and source code with 10% off in FastReport VCL Professional and Enterprise editions, or full cross-platform with FastReport VCL Ultimate. Save from $39,9 when purchasing a Single license, $89,9 when purchasing a Team and $599,9 when purchasing a Site! Take advantage of getting much more functionality for less cost. You can see the differences between editions here. The offer is valid only for the license purchase and does not apply to an upgrade or renewal. You can use the hot offer by clicking on the link.
June 14, 2023

Online Designer and Blazor WASM support for free: FastReport .NET Enterprise at the price of Professional

  It’s a high time to take an advantage of our special offer for FastReport .NET report generator purchasing, so that you can focus on your summer vacation and not to worry about generating documents. You can purchase FastReport .NET Enterprise Single at the Professional price until June 30! That is, get the platform-independent report designer FastReport Online Designer for free and save $200 or more. FastReport Online Designer allows you to create, edit and view reports on any device without compatibility issues. This is a great opportunity to save money while getting much broader functionality. Compare editions and choose the most suitable one here. *Offer is valid for a full price purchase only and does not apply to a subscription renewal or an upgrade. To take advantage of the offer, click on the following link.
May 16, 2023

Single ecosystem for Delphi products in FastReport 2023.2 release

This major update combines our core products for Delphi and Lazarus into a single ecosystem. What does it mean? One installation system with online authorization—install and update all your products at once. Shared release system—major releases are a shared release of all products. Shared library for all products—fixes and new functions are available in several products. The Recompile utility has been removed. The functions of package rebuilding are now performed by the installer. ❗️To download the update, we recommend you uninstall all products through the old installer and then use the new one (installer). ❗️ Core library There are new Core, Core Graphics, and Core Localization packages combining products into one ecosystem. The product localization system has been changed. Now it does not require rebuilding packages: it is enough to install language packs during installation, add the TfrLocalizationController component, and select the desired language. FastReport VCL The system for editing and using styles in the report designer has been revised. The new mode allows you to: create, edit and assign styles during report design. The created styles copy the formatting of the object by default. Changing a style affects all objects that have been assigned this style. The new Style Table tool allows you to customize the appearance of a report using styles and switch between them on the fly. You can: Select style table mode; Create new custom styles and color schemes that would fit your report; Change already created styles of report objects to your taste; Switch almost instantly between ready-made solutions. Style tables are supported in a rendered report and allow you to change the report style without rebuilding. These styles are saved to the rendered report file to allow report distribution to other users. Each user can choose their style. Composite barcodes We have added a new container object for composite barcodes. The object has ready-made settings for composite barcodes: EAN 8+2, EAN 8+5, EAN 13+2, and EAN 13+5. The object editor offers functionality for quick compilation of your compound barcodes. An example of barcodes used when printing price tags. Powerful tools for your reports For the efficient work of multi-threaded applications, we have added the ability to print in multiple threads. Each thread can print to the printer without blocking others. This approach is efficient for applications running in print service mode. We have improved the digital signature object for PDF export. Now you can supplement the signature with the current signed date, name, and other additional information. The ability to override and replace the standard export dialog has been added to export filters without changes in the FastReport source codes. Example: uses frxExportPDFDialog; type TfrxCustomPDFExportDialog = class(TfrxPDFExportDialog) protected procedure InitControlsFromFilter(ExportFilter: TfrxBaseDialogExportFilter); override; end; procedure TfrxCustomPDFExportDialog.InitControlsFromFilter(ExportFilter: TfrxBaseDialogExportFilter); begin inherited; SignaturePage.TabVisible := False; end; procedure SetDialogClass; begin frxPDFExport1.CustomExportDialogClass := TfrxCustomPDFExportDialog; end; We have improved and fixed the bugs in export filters. PDF export has received support for handling translucent SVG images. Report compatibility between Lazarus and Delphi versions has been improved. The transfer of report variables between versions has been fixed. FastCube VCL and FastCube FMX For FastCube VCL and FastCube FMX products, we have added integration with FastScript, which we moved to a separate package. For FastScript support, it is enough to install one additional package and not rebuild all the others. We also paid attention to fixing errors in highlighting and editors. FastCube VCL gets HiDPI support for high-resolution monitors. It supports all available RAD Studio development environment modes. FastQueryBuilder gets package support for the latest RAD Studio versions. RAD Studio 11 compatibility bugs have been fixed in FastReport FMX. Product optimization and performance have been improved, and internal architectural changes have been made. The full changelog for the 2023.2 version Сore library--------------- + Added new core package with a shared code for all products+ Added a new graphics core package with a shared code for all products+ Added new localization packs* Changed product localization system Fast Report VCL---------------[Designer]- Fixed Int64 support in Object Inspector- Fixed filter behavior in the data selection dialog- Fixed TfrxRichView frame borders in the designer- Fixed a bug when the dropdown code completion did not copy styles from Syntax Memo [Engine]+ Added support for style tables and improved work with styles in the report designer+ Added the option of simultaneous multi-threaded printing- Fixed form scaling for additional display for Delphi 10.1 and later- Fixed bug with parent container component interactive events- Fixed error handling in CrossView events- Fixed printing of current page mode- Fixed Duplex printing for multiple copies of documents with collation enabled [Exports]+ Added new CustomExportDialogClass property for export filters, which allows you to override the export dialog for standard export filters* Improved translucent SVG export in PDF export via EMF- Fixed memory leak with embedded files in PDF export- Fixed progress dialog in HTML export when entering the wrong page number- Fixed export of TfrxLineView and TfrxShapeView in PPTX export [Lazarus]+ Added support for variable portability in templates (Delphi <--> Lazarus)- Fixed behavior of empty TfrxPictureView in Lazarus [Preview]- Fixed button order in the preview [Report object]+ Added composite barcodes (EAN 8+2, EAN 8+5, EAN 13+2, EAN 13+5)+ Added TfrxPictureView.LoadFromStream method+ Added handling of Hint property (similar to TagStr)- Fixed placement of SVG pictures in TfrxPictureView [Resources]* Updated Portuguese resources* Updated Polish resources FastReport FMX---------------- Fixed integer overflow error in gradient fill object- Fixed crosstab editor bug in RAD Studio 11 FastQueryBuilder---------------- Added packages for new Delphi versions (RAD Studio 10-11) FastCube---------------+ Added HiDPI support for high-resolution monitors+ Added integration package with FastScript (integration does not require rebuilding of the main packages)- Fixed bugs in highlighting rules- Fixed Access violation error when using the component in some editors
April 27, 2023

❗️Save on your license renewal before June 1

Starting June 1, 2023, the new subscription update rules will take effect. The renewal grace period will consist of 1 month, and the renewal price will be 50% of the license cost. Example: For example, on January 1, 2023, you purchased your FastReport .NET license, which will be active for 12 months up to and including January 1, 2024. During this time, you will be able to download the product's new version and receive basic technical support. Starting January 2, 2024, you will have 1 month to renew your license with the 50% discount. After February 2, 2024, the purchase will be possible only at the full price.  But you still have the ability to get your subscription at the old price: you can buy renewals for 1, 2, or 3 years at once and save your 70% discount before June 1, 2023. To take advantage of the offer, message our sales team at or hit us up in the website chat window.
April 17, 2023

New version FastReport Online Designer 2023.2

New objects Added the “MSChart” object The “MSChart” object allows to display charts using Microsoft Chart library. At the moment, “MSChart” can only be used to display charts when viewing reports. Below are some features of the library: more than 30 types of charts (bars, areas, lines, bubbles, circular, radar, financial, pyramidal, ranges); 3D support; supports several series of different types in one chart; full control over appearance and behavior of each chart element. Chart elements One chart may have one or several chart areas. One chart area may contain one or several series. Below you can see the chart which contains two chart areas (the first area contains two series and the second area contains one series): Some series (for example, pie series) require exclusive chart area. Chart editor The "Chart" object contains numerous settings which can be handled in the chart editor. To invoke the editor, double click the "Chart" object: Added the “RichText” object [beta] This object allows to display a formatted text in the RTF format.  Try to use the “Text” object to display a text. When you export the report to other document formats, the “Rich Text” object will be exported as a picture. You can also use the Microsoft Word to create a text. When you have created the text, save it in the RTF format. Next, open the “Rich Text” editor and load the RTF file into it by pressing the “Open” button. Please note that the “Rich Text” object does not support all of the Microsoft Word formatting features. We will keep working on this object and adding new features.   New features Configurable icons in FastReport Online Designer You can now build FastReport Online Designer with different icons. At the moment, you can choose between classic icons and Visual Studio 2019 icons. Classic icons: Visual Studio 2019 icons:  To change the icons, go to “Theme” when building the designer and select the set of icons you want to use. Configuring the API for building FastReport Online Designer FastReport Online Designer Builder now can build the designer using the API. This allows you to automate the process of building the designer. API Key A user is authenticated using an API key, which you can create in FastReport Online Designer Builder. To create a key, you need to: sign in with your account; go to the new “API Keys” menu item; click on the button in the lower right corner or the red inscription. After that, you will have a new API key generated. You can click on the key to copy it and use it for authentication in API. Read the article for more details. Customizing FastReport Online Designer Now you can customize main colors and favicons used in the designer. Designer with a different main color: Colors and favicons can be customized in the “Theme” menu item when building FastReport Online Designer. Those who own special OEM White Label FastReport Online Designer licenses can also change a product name and edit the boot screen text. Added the ability to change components sizes independently from the grid With pressed ALT, a component size can be changed independently from the grid, which allows you to adjust the size as precisely as possible. Added the “Layout” function for positioning components With this update, we added the Layout function for positioning components relative to each other and the grid. Added a modal window to configure bands You can now change order of bands, add or delete them using a special modal window. To open this window, click the button in the upper left corner of the workspace. Added a new button to change localization in the upper panel of the Online Designer You can now easily change localization no matter what panel is active at the moment. Added the ability to expand the report from left to right and from top to bottom You can expand the report from left to right and from top to bottom by clicking the buttons. Improved design In this version, we have changed most dialog windows to improve user experience when using the Online Designer.  Full list of changes + added the “MSChart” object;+ added the “RichText” object;+ added building the designer using the API;+ added customization of the designer interface;+ added configuration of icons;+ added the “Layout” function for positioning components in the workspace;+ added a modal window to configure bands;+ added a new button to change localization in the upper panel of the Online Designer;+ added the ability to expand the report from left to right and from top to bottom;+ added the “OutlineExpression” button to edit parameter expressions;+ added the SVG image editor;+ added changeable width and height of the report dialog window;+ added the ability to delete the table data source; - fixed the “SubReport” object;- fixed behavior of the “TextObject” when rotating text;- fixed a bug when the report is viewed in full screen mode;- fixed pages preview for long templates;- fixed standard behavior of “OK” and “Cancel” buttons in the report dialog window;- fixed behavior of groups of components—now popup panels close when focus is lost;- fixed the way the table tree is displayed when establishing a connection in Firefox;- fixed a bug when users see the preview tab even if the designer was built without it; * improved design of all modal windows;* improved the designer performance in Firefox; * improved the style of Zoom control;* updated localization of the product interface.
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